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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Posting in the BDA thread or in the addon discussion forum would help speed up accurate replies.
  2. We had a pretty extensive thread on this down in the off topic section a few weeks ago. Try looking there.
  3. Just because you think it's wrong, doesn't make it so in kerbal reality.
  4. Feature Request: Download Scheduler. I have a metered internet connection, and am limited to so many GB at certain times of day, and other amounts at other times. I would like to see an option where downloads would only occur during scheduled time ranges, unless manually started. Thanks!
  5. meh.... most of my mods are DLL's... so I'll just have to wait.
  6. Given, to my untrained eye, the 1.3 update didn't seem to change a lot of functionality on the game play side of KSP, will most mods that work in 1.2.2 work in 1.3? Obviously this is on a per mod basis, and modders will get around to updating their work when they can (thanks all you guys for your work!), but I'm asking in the general case. But given the load times I encounter (10 minutes or so), It's not practical for me to enable each mod one at a time. So I'm hoping it will be safe to enable my 'core' mods in one go, and work out errors from there, and then add the extra mods later.
  7. I love this little mod, so thank you! I would love to see an option where a small tweak would not reset the numbering scheme. Similar to the bloc function, but without adding the 'bloc' to the ship name. So any craft that flies under a particular name would just have the flight number appended to it.
  8. Dang it son, you edited the title, so now my comments look weird. Used to say "Cockpis Flying". The visuals are...... intriguing may be the wrong word.
  9. That craft is too small for whackjob. I do not believe you built that. --- The division by zero question is easily answered by just plotting a 1/x graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/5jffkbhxlw As you can see, when you are approaching from the positive side, y becomes +infinity, and from the negative side, it becomes -infinity. And since at x=0, y cannot be both positive infinity and negative infinity at the same time, it's undefined, not infinity.
  10. Man, that thread title is such click bait. So disappointed.
  11. But past endeavors may be still on going, just sitting there accruing interest or waiting for a patent on their own. But since I work off shifts, I usually eat dinner for breakfast, I count my meals by the order in which they are eaten. So if I'm leaving work, and having already had Lunch, it's not unheard of for someone to say "Have a nice breakfast" If I'm going out to eat dinner. So :P.
  12. Maybe it's because I'm tired from working all night, but why do people, especially in this case, only wish other success in current and future endeavors? Why not past ones? I mean, especially cause one of their past endeavors was Squad, why not wish them success there too? /returns to cave
  13. All's good. I was quite proud of that one actually. And it came from your comment about rock into rocket....
  14. I think you missed the satire and humor of my post.......
  15. ISRU is not magic. It takes a small amount of Tellerium seed material (stored in the ISRU converter) and using electrical energy, and some of the ore, creates more Tellerium. It then is able to reverse the stable Tellerium molecule, and add it to the ore, where it also adds in a mix of Iron and Lutetium (also extracted from the ore). From this it is able to create a stable two part mix which it can easily separate with help of a catalyst (electricity) Hence: Rock + eT + Fe + Lu = Rocket Fuel. Monoprop is created with a similar method using Nitrogen, Oxygen, Molybdenum, and Praseodymium.
  16. Presumed Acronym Word Paw is the foot of a dog or cat and lot of other mammals.
  17. It's been so long, I don't quite remember. Think it was something like seeing a "hey check out this new game in the works! It's like Orbiter, but stupider and way more fun!" post on a forum somewhere.
  18. Thank you sir. I'll get that mod and I'll just keep plugging along trying for better contracts.
  19. I've found similar issues over the years with MJ. Rebuilding your ship from scratch usually alleviates the issue, meaning there is something weird in your ship design that is making MJ act wonky. I dunno what, cause all the ships looked fine to me. If you are 500m above the surface, with 0 horizontal velocity, and upright, you should be able to turn off the autopilot and land it safely on your own at this point. Another option would be to turn off the target landing system, and turn on "land anywhere". You're close enough to your target you really don't care, you just want it down safely.
  20. That's never happened to me. Not saying it doesn't happen, but in the 4+ years of using MJ, docking has been one of the more reliable modes. Have it display the bounding box, and see if there are any parts that aren't included in the boxes. If you are inside the bounding box, and tell it to dock to a port on the other side, it will take the shortest path to exit the bounding box, which might be through the station. That may be where you're problem is. It doesn't see individual parts, it just looks for the most extremetious piece on each side of an object, and stays out side that range. I've never had a docking maneuver fail like that if I'm already outside the box, even if I'm directly opposite the target. If you are inside the box and want to dock somewhere else, manually exit the box before enabling the autopilot.
  21. Playing career for the first time ever, after 5 years of owning this game. Always been a sandbox junky. So I'm still getting the hang of this. Did some searching, can't find an answer. I had a few tourist contracts, go to the Mun contract, and a couple kerbin atmo/surface exploration contracts. I wasn't going to get to the exploration ones, so I F12'd them away. After completing the mun orbit contract, all I have now are tourist contracts. I completed a few of them, and still more pop up. I f12'd them all away, and still more pop up. Nothing else. I don't even have a "milestone" contract to perform, like land on the Mun. Any suggestions to get some variety back in the game?
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