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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Asking in the forum is another version of "search" Thanks guys.
  2. Anybody have a link or upload of one of those nifty DV maps of the stock Kerbol Solar System I've seen floating around from time to time. I can't figure out the proper search query to find it myself, and all my old links are dead. And I'm not sure if a DV map from vers .25 would still be applicable. -- DV map: A map of the system that shows the rough DV usage estimates for each stage of insertion, orbit, landing, takeoff, etc for each body in the system. -- Thanks guys!
  3. As mentioned, for those who don't use the steam version, or have multiple installs, it would needlessly complicate the whole thing. We have enough fracturing of the mod hosting community as it is, we don't need another.
  4. Came up short trying to land at the KSC. Was returning from a rescue mission. When I realized I was going to land horribly in the mountains, I did a quick save, thinking I could reload and power through to land on the plains if the first try went south. Well, I didn't quicksave with enough altitude, so I ended making many attempts to save this one, mainy because Jeb, Val, and Bill were running this one. Eventually I made a "landing" near one of the summits, and the chutes kept me gently sliding down the face. For ever. Eventually the chutes went away, and I was afraid of a another steep hill ahead, so I eva'd as quick as I could.
  5. Within five minutes of walking into the plant, I had two guys say they loved it. Upon talking to them about it, they both knew what it actually meant.
  6. It's just that... if you're going to do a satirical presentation on something, doing some actual research on the variety of things with the same name would bring so much more humor to it.
  7. A) i missed it. Usually / 's like /rant, /s, etc are done on a separate line, to make them clear. B), I didn't know that /s meant that, my bad. Sarcasm is best achieved when people aren't quite sure if you are being sarcastic or not, so well played sir, well played.
  8. You can kiss the vast majority of mods goodbye then. You cannot cheat in this game. There are practically no rules. The only rules I play by are self imposed ones, and they're more like "guidelines".
  9. There is a silver lining in one way. This is an awesome view on the scientific method. At the core of it, KSP is a science based game. Yes, sometimes physics decides it doesn't want to get out of bed today, but most of the time the kerbal laws of physics stay the same. We are encouraged to design, experiment, gather data, review the data, and then refine our design. This is wonderful that one person's claim has been peer reviewed and been found lacking. It's a testament to the mindset of question everything and try it yourself, don't accept canon just because it's canon.
  10. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-39642992
  11. 1/10, not confusing at all, just annoying. Absolutism, in any form, is always wrong. @cubinator, the (infinite) sum being -1/12 is not confusing at all when you see a proper explanation of it. Zero divided by anything but zero is zero. Anything divided by zero is not infinity, it is undefined. Hence 0/0 is undefined. Look at a graph of 1/x. At x=0, y is both infinity and negative infinity, and since it can't be both, it is undefined. I think I'll play this game by de-confusing the confused posters.
  12. I recently installed a life support mod, and that gave me a new challenge in ship design. But my biggest thrill I've had is installing the Final Frontier Mod, which assigns individual Kerbals ribbons for mission accomplishments.
  13. How can you not get it? I mean I understand if you work in a special needs home, but those are pretty simple to understand shirts. You might want to look at the back catalog of shirt.woot.com. I think you'll find some you 'll like there.
  14. Not having to design my ship so it won't clip the launch tower on the way up. Having the KSC look like it might actually be a real space center, not just a disfigured chess piece with it's tongue hanging out. Not having to use an outside program to bring in sub assemblies to add the premade lifting stages of my ship. Water now seems softer to land on than land.
  15. My proudest moment in KSP is when I learned there is a search function in the forums so I didn't have to start a new thread just because I wanted my name as the OP.
  16. Human Birth is Human birth, regardless of where you live. We've been doing pretty much ok for how many thousands of years as humans, and how long without help before that. It's only been the last 50 years or so, and primarily in the "modern world", that the excessive amount medical interference has occurred with child birth. A lot of the OB's I know are switching back to a more relaxed, almost hands off style, and only intervene when it's not going perfectly. Yes, my nephew is 2 weeks old right now. He still looks like a potato turd. That's a turd from a potato. Babies may be one of the ugliest things on the planet, until about 6 months, then they get cute. I told my brother this and he laughed. His wife started to get mad, then decided she heard me wrong. It's a good thing she's deaf (literally).
  17. With my past career being a medic, I've asssited in the OR on quite a few of them. Luckily I never had one in my truck or bird, always got to the hospital in time. TV actually does a pretty good job in depicting what happens. Best thing to do would be to write what you think happens, and then have it edited by people who have actually experienced it. Consult more than one, as experiences between people differ. Case in point. Some labors takes many hours, days even, and some are VERY fast. Usually the more children a mother has, the faster it goes. I've seen labors last for as short as a couple hours, and I've heard/read about some less than an hour. But as I said, do some research, and then write what you think, and then get help editing it.
  18. I'm assuming you're joking. Especially since you know its Cthulu....
  19. It itself isn't a fuel air bomb, you are correct, but the basic concept is very similar. But if you look at the name of the type, thermobaric, the baric part is the clue that it is a pressure wave based system, which falls closer to a FAB than anything else. I have seen it referred to as such elsewhere, so you are correct I believe.
  20. See... it don't count . It doesn't bother me either way, I'm not planning on changing to another name, and I would like it capitalized please. So go ahead.
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