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Everything posted by boolybooly

  1. Congratulations to... version 1.0.5 Caligari Kosmokerbal Commendation with Hayha SSTO. version 1.1 eloquentJane Utilitarial Commendation with S1 Shooting Star. HebaruSan Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Femtolander 1.1. mesilliac Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Little Oneleg (minimalist record holder 1.43t). ... for completing the K-Prize mission with flying colours. Thankyou for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize role of honour aka guest list for the K-Prize party, yaaaay! Bad luck to micr0wave and JebsDead for being spotted in the act of gatecrashing due to the misfortune of doing a rolypoly on landing and losing wings and exploding unidentified parts on reentry respectively. Thanks for your reports which I have linked with mild mannered quips on the gatecrashers list. Hope you had fun.
  2. Congratulations to... GGKSPMC did it! (unsubstantiated claim) Spacebrick3 with Colonial Viper. Fellow314 with MIN SSTO a NMJ. HebaruSan Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Thiokol Orbiter 1.1. ... on completing the K-Prize mission successfully. Thanks for your mission reports... mostly... and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list. GGKSPMC we are on the honour system here so "I did it" is kind of OK in principle but not ideal, since it doesnt really constitue a mission report and doesnt indicate which achievements were achieved or verify completion of mission parameters also there have been occasions where people broke the rules without even realising it. It would be nice to see a screeny of the ship and maybe get its name if you have a moment and in the meantime rather than disallow it I have allowed it on principle but added the truth in brackets, which can be removed in the case that you want to make a more specific report, which doesnt have to be images, can simply be text! Hope that is OK.
  3. I discovered that you could fly past the sun. In early versions of KSP the only planet was Kerbin, no moons and Kerbol was just a light in the sky which noone had ever visited because there was no time warp either and the distance to it was ... well ... astronomical! So when time warp was invented, a bit like Spike Milligans "Silly Old Baboon", I decided to fly to the sun. The most amusing thing about it being that I made it and flew right past it which was at the time unheard of, until it wasn't! So I made a challenge thread for it (see link below) and invited all KSP capsuleers to share the experience, which some did.
  4. Oops sorry Hodari, you were between the two Cubinator posts so I accidentally skipped over you. What was the ship's name, same as the payload? Congratulations to ... Hodari Utilitarial Commendation (36t), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with KSS Mk3. n.b.z Astrokerbal Distinction (Minmus), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with MMC-30P. ...for completing the K-Prize mission with honours, thanks for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list. manni01 very sorry to report that your fine video is linked as a gatecrasher due to the unfortunate refuelling episode... see proviso C. Hope you dont mind. You can earn the option to have the gatecrasher link removed if you complete the K-Prize successfully but you also have the option to leave it if you are happy with the quip!
  5. Yes. And also tqvm for your appreciation, please rest assured that all are welcome and any craft which completes the mission is good enough for this thread. Also congratulations to... PointySideUp Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Orbit Adapter4. Cubinator with Spaceplane 0. ... on completing the K-Prize mission. Thanks for your reports and welcome to the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list. Cubinator well done on finding a way to complete the mission. As you discovered the reentry angle (speed v altitude) does seem to make a difference, I sometimes find a judiciously placed radiator panel or two can help quite a bit as well, though that uses electric power and can add some drag.
  6. Congratulations to ... Gravaar Astrokerbal Distinction (Minmus) with Mun-n-bak. drewscriver Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Grace Mk1b. BloodStayn Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Butterfly SSTO. Alooohaaa Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SSTO. Amianoob Advanced Pilot Precision Award with medium lift SSTO. - Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SSTO2. Maximus97 Pilot Proficiency Medal with KaX-97 Mk IV. IncongruousGoat with The Ugly Duckling. Draradech Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with my entry. ... for completing the K-Prize challenge mission successfully. Thankyou all for your mission reports, hope you enjoyed yourselves and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour. Gojira1000, your notoriety is secured with a gatecrasher entry for Duna Express.
  7. !? Sorry but that doesn't make any sense and I think you may be quoting rules which are not part of the K-Prize, possibly another challenge? A satellite delivered to orbit is payload, no problem. Parts which detach but are not delivered into orbit (includes but not limited to adding parts to a station) or a planet surface and return with the craft are part of the craft but the K-Prize awards only apply to the accomplishments of the whole craft, not to separated parts like landers. You can send your fuel tank to Minmus and the award is at the point of separation. Anything the fuel tank does after that is its own business! Does that help?
  8. Exploratory because they are low g planetoids outside Kerbin SOI plus whatever else is involved.
  9. Congratulations to ... RizzoTheRat Utilitarial Commendation (x3 sats), Pilot Proficiency Medal with SSTO3a. TrainEngie Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Spearhead-Port SSTO. Edax Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Furiosa IX. PacThePhoenix Astrokerbal Distinction (Minmus), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Project Omega [K-Prize]. Charwhick Utilitarial Commendation Advanced Pilot Precision Award with RCSC SSTO Shuttle. Gojira1000 - Astrokerbal Distinction (Minmus) with Scooter. ... for completing the K-Prize mission successfully. Thanks all for your mission reports and welcome to the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list. Thanks also to SpaceplaneAddict for dobbing in Gojira1000 and Gojira1000 if you want that mission linked as a gate crasher say so, it can be arranged but you are exempt from automatic gatecrasher listing due to having completed another mission (or two) successfully in this version.
  10. And once again it is my great privilege to announce the winners of the prestigious and highly sought after K-Prize. Congratulations to ... manni01 - Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction (Duna), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SSTO Sunder. stewis - Utilitarial Commendation (110t), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SSTO2. macceemiller with Kerbitious V.2. MagicFireCaster Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with FRC-P01 Flying Mole. ForScience6686 Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Stingray. ... on winning the K-Prize and assorted honours for successfully completing the mission and returning home to Kerbin safely. Thanks all for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour.
  11. FYI found a very early access indy game on steam called Celestial Command, which is a space game which uses Newtonian orbital mechanics and the Unity engine, reminds me of early KSP quite a bit, though it is not the same kind of play, being top down 2D/3D. It is a resourcing / crafting / trading / pew 'em up game and looks like it is being built with multiplayer in mind though I have only tried single player so far. Gameplay is, like KSP, engaging for mechanical types. You mine asteroids/moons/planetismals in orbit to trade the ores, make fuel and also build your ship out of the same ores. The structure of the ship and thruster placement etc all matter for the flight physics as does mass distribution including cargo. Its very early days, so is cheap, thought some might enjoy. http://celestialcommand.com/ It occurred to me this game owes a lot to KSP and probably wouldnt even exist if KSP had not made it possible for gamers to engage with orbits and, in that sense, Squad would probably be justified in considering it a sincere form of flattery! Gameplay screeny to give some flavour. http://imgur.com/XldxJrZ
  12. Congratulations to... ECarinae Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SP-M. Randazzo Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Kestrel III. Doctor Mandarb Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SSTO-MKIII. EvermoreAlpaca - Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Snack Delivery SSTO (minimalist record holder 2.140t). stewis Utilitarial Commendation (45t), Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with SSTO 1. ... for completing the K-Prize successfully. Thanks all for your mission reports and welcome (back) to the K-Prize party guest list aka roll of honour. ihtoit, thanks for your mission report. Just so you know, in case you didnt, refuelling is a gatecrasher event, see rules on first page first post, also a complete mission usually involves a landing / attempt! So since the mission wasnt complete I thought you were sharing R&D, say if you want that linked as a gatecrasher. If you intend to complete the mission then I will link that as and when.
  13. Mechjeb is fine because it doesnt break the rules by changing flight characteristics. See the first post of the thread. The challenge is about comparing spaceplane designs, so they need to be on a level playing field. You can use any mods which dont alter flight physics from stock eg robotics, skins, mechjeb. Using mods for engine parts, wings, tanks or physics tweaks like FAR will be given a gatecrasher listing! The choice is yours... Any mission report which demonstrates the K-Prize mission was completed including images or videos or just the written word is fine, we are on the honour system here. To qualify a report needs to be of a mission that was actually flown from start to finish, not just a theoretical mission or stringing together several partial missions. You have to actually do it! The report needs to state or show the objectives completed, info also in the first post.
  14. Congratulations to... Bill Zarr Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Peregrine. Gojira1000 Utilitarial Commendation (42t), Pilot Proficiency Medal with Mule-1. madster Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Dumb 2. sieve Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Hubble Service Vessel. Temstar Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Starlifter. manni01 Astrokerbal Distinction (Mün), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Mun SSTO. Evermore Alpaca - Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Bill Kermans' SSTO (minimalist record holder 4.792t). ... for completing the K-Prize mission successfully and each with your own style and kudos. Thankyou for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize Party Guest list aka the roll of honour. FYI V7 Aerospace, using the stock craft or other player creations is perfectly OK, the aim being to fly the mission successfully and provide a report of some kind. I would simply comment that it is appropriate to make full disclosure and credit other peoples creations where they are used.
  15. Congratulations to... iospace Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Fire Rat. - Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Fire Rat after refuel at KSC. Der Anfang Pilot Proficiency Medal, Kosmokerbal Commendation with Proto Nuclear SSTO I. ABalazs Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Guppy. ...on completing the K-Prize mission successfully. thankyou for your mission reports and welcome (back) to the guest list for the K-Prize party aka the roll of honour. ABalazs you might want to know that payloads only count for Utilitarial kudos if delivered i.e. dropped off somewhere, otherwise they are indistinguishable from being part of the craft.
  16. As you know Tex_NL the same thing happened to me and it also mysteriously completed some 10 mins after achieving green ticks for all but the line of sight condition which was provably met and yet was not recognised.
  17. Can someone please explain to me why this (stock) mission is failing to complete ? If you look at the screen you can see all conditions met except line of sight, when the LOS location is almost directly beneath the satellite. Did someone make a typo or something programming this because as far as I can see the location is within line of sight? http://imgur.com/aNQeRdY <img src="http://imgur.com/aNQeRdY.png"> http://imgur.com/aNQeRdY.png PS 10 mins later, while I was making this post it completed without changing anything, something is bugged, if there is a time condition on the LOS thing it needs to be stated. PPS why doesnt Imgur button work on this BB? I tried with both full link and just code, published and unpublished, is broken. Even BB IMG tags fail.... ! Really!?
  18. Congratulations on completing the K-Prize mission once again EvermoreAlpaca with a very different craft ... looks like that completes the set by taking the minimalist record. - Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Le Petit Alpaca V1 (minimalist record holder 5.881t). If you docked during the first mission with Huacaya 225 then you earned the highly regarded Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class ! Good luck with finals.
  19. Sorry EvermoreAlpaca, I was discombobulated by the forum shenanigins. Congratulations ... etc you know the drill and Huacaya 225 now holds the maximalist record. You mentioned docking but I wasnt sure whether that was a complete mission so I went with the image record you provided. Evermore Alpaca Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Huacaya 225.(maximalist record holder 511.5t)
  20. OK no fix apparent so I patched it up as best I could and painted over the duct tape. (Thanks Kuzzter for the sympathy and moral support btw.) Thanks all for your mission reports. Congratulations to ... Bev7787 with ssto1. Kuzzter with Laythe X5.1. parameciumkid Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Cargo Spaceplane. .. for successfully completing the K-Prize mission and welcome to the all new K-Prize party guest list (I may have exaggerated the all new thing). Please rest assured that the Dog and Booster remains charmingly old school and is dedicated to your beverage and snack requirements. Gatecrashers Temstar and Kokanee; your reports have been linked and quipped, better luck next time.
  21. The problem for me is it has undone 3 years work in carefully constructing the K-Prize challenge honour rolls, which allowed readers to look up mission reports anywhere in the thread, from v0.16.0 to the present, from the roll lists in the OP, using hyperlinks. All the links are now broken. So I don't see it as an improvement. I don't understand why it was not possible to find a way to do it without breaking the links, there must be ways to avoid doing that, not just for the sake of one challenge thread but for the entire KSP player community and the diaspora of threads representing their accomplishments and enthusiasm to other communities drawing new players to KSP. Any links to the forums in these are also all broken. I understand the modding community has also been upset by the demolition of resource links. Even though some of this may be rebuilt, it can't be good for Squad. I am saying this because dont think it was the right call and unless we say what we really feel noone will know and if this mistake is not recognised something similar could happen again, when it would be best avoided.
  22. If there is a way to fix the internal links in this thread I would like to hear about it.
  23. Is there anything that can be done to save the K-Prize challenge? The numerous honour roll links to mission reports made in the thread stretch back 3 years and do not work any more. The numbers on the IPS post URLs do not match the numbers in the BB code links.
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