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Everything posted by boolybooly

  1. IMHO its a balance / fuel feed issue, the fixed fins only have 0.02 drag and 0.37 lift, dont know if the nose parachute acts as a nose cone but its not enough to counter the pod and tanks with 0.2 drag even with fixed fins. So when the fuel all drains from the top of the craft, the center of mass goes rearward and the aerodynamics model flips the craft because the center of drag of all combined components is in front of the mass, and to get into space you need to micro manage the tanks so the front half of the craft is used last. I am surprised 3 fixed fins cannot stabilise an orbital rocket but they cannot.
  2. np Commisioner Tadpole Congratulations to FlipNascar on completing multiple successful K-Prize missions hauling a research station into orbit bit by bit. Nicely done and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list. btw I didnt list the Kestrel because it wasnt shown landing, however if it has landed successfully then say so as the mission would deserve the highly regarded Advanced Pilot precision 1st Class. Thanks all and good luck with release 1.0.0. Looks like it will be a lot of fun and change the spaceplane game considerably, so the K-Prize guest list will need a new section. Many thanks to Squad.
  3. Commissioner Tadpole, of course, I will explain. The K-Prize is predicated on equality and respect since if anyone takes the trouble to make a proper mission report to the thread they get a mention on the front page and a link to their report as a thankyou for contributing, even if they fail to complete the challenge. The gatecrasher section lists all those who broke the rules or did not complete the challenge and the lack of awards plus measured quip matches the disregard for the challenge rules and helps make the distinction between successfully completing the challenge and not, without the harshness of exclusion at the hands of a tyrannical martinet (me) based on completely made up rules (K-Prize), which is no fun and is unnecessary in a game like this with such a well mannered and thoughtful community. By avoiding that disincentive I hope it encourages people to have a go in the knowledge that their contribution will be appreciated. In addition, by completing the K-Prize mission successfully in the same version, gatecrashers can if they wish wipe the slate clean and have their gatecrasher entry removed and a link on the guest list as a successful K-Prize winner. So their fate lies in their own hands. FYI The gatecrasher list is named as a party themed joke but since that is the kind of life experience which is frequently gained at college I guess not everyone is in a position to appreciate that just yet. The time may come however ... ... and when it does I hope the experience of the K-Prize will help to convey the values that success is not the same as failure but that even failure can be forgiven and reversed if you are willing to have a go and do it right. Best to get it right first time though if you don't like quips !
  4. Congratulations to Torquimedes and Roflcopterkklol on completing the K-Prize successfully. Thanks for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour.
  5. Polystyrene bead bag type Jeb would be nice and light, though might want to let the pressure off gradually or it could expand and blow the seams. I have often wondered how close you could get to orbit with a rocket tied to a balloon and then fired off at 30° when in the stratosphere. With low drag acceleration would probably be pretty good.
  6. It was close to succeeding. Vertical landing has been the hardest thing I have had to learn to do in KSP. IMHO there was too much correction needed at too late a stage for that landing. I also have to wonder at the stability of a floating platform, since its is going to magnify any imbalance in the craft rather than resist it like solid floor would. Did he not try the old flying the craft on its side, up a hill, full burn and flip upright with the aid of landing gear ploy Rocket Farmer? Works... sometimes. Wouldn't recommend it for SpaceX or NASA though!
  7. Thanks everyone for your mission reports, GoSlash27 agree its a nice looking spaceplane but I have not added a link yet because I need to know whether you completed the K-Prize mission or not and what you achieved. Your photobucket listing is out of order fyi and doesn't show a landing and you didnt say. Congratulations to ghostbuzzer7 and Maelstrom Vortex for completing the K-Prize mission successfully, your achievements are listed and linked on page 1. Welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour. Malstrom Vortex fyi, the utilitarial awards apply when the payload remains behind, if they land with the craft then they are indistinguishable from the craft. Where a payload conducts an independant mission the award applies at the point of separation.
  8. Thanks Cupcake for another beautifully crafted video complete with rockadelic music and slapstick comedy montage, thanks also to TrainEngie and Randazzo for your well documented mission reports. Congratulations on successfully completing the K-Prize challenge and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list where your respective awards are listed and reports linked on the first page of this thread. Randazzo thanks for your questions, switching control is not an issue, I accept the monoprop used when docking was simply used for stabilisation of the station and sufficiently small that it did not contribute to the flight of the mission craft, was not transferred to the mission craft and so did not break the stated rules. However for future reference this does not set a precedent meaning its OK to dock with and use a booster, that would definitely be gatecrashing! Thanks for your interim report Maelstrom Vortex, good luck with turning high altitude air speed into an orbit and returning safely to complete the K-Prize challenge. I expect you have noticed the first page is full of links to example craft as well as the challenge rules fyi.
  9. Thanks hazard-ish for the video report of Bob's mission to Tekto. Congratulations on completing the K-Prize challenge with Dart 2.5.2, completely within the rules. I am guessing Tekto is below Laythe gravity, so is a planetoid hence the well earned Exploratory Astrokerbal Distinction, which also includes the Kosmokerbal Commendation for passing by Eve on one of the fuel saving slingshot maneuvers which comprised an interestingly intricate flight plan. Well played and welcome to the guest list for the K-Prize party aka the roll of honour.
  10. Absolutely Columbia. If you take a look at a few of the successful designs which are linked in the first post you will see that is exactly what they do and the rules are there also FYI.
  11. Congratulations to ... sumrex Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Jabby. Redhaze Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Iolani 1A. - Utilitarial Commendation, Pilot Proficiency Medal with Iolani 1A/B. Fenya Expeditionary Utilitarial Distinction (Duna), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Cargo Plane 17B (M2). Ceq Lysander Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with The Lead Balloon Project. Prillmeister Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Seagull (video). Invisifly2 with Speedy Space Skipper MkIII. ... for successfully completing the K-Prize mission and thankyou all for your mission and build reports. Prillmeisters robotic arm cargo delivery was an interesting innovation and completely within the rules as far as I can tell. Thanks for your suggestion Redhaze, you are right about the Altitunalist goal being from a previous version and I have updated it so that it applies to anyone able to take a craft beyond Eeloos orbit... and bring it back successfully! Sorry about your landing Gravaar. It was an ambitious mission and deserves a link among the gatecrashers, hope you like the quip better luck next time. g00bd0g I have added your missions below and improvised a name for your ship, let me know if you have a better one. Congratulations on completing the K-Prize and welcome to the party guest list roll of honour.
  12. RevanCorana, thanks for your screenshots, I like your version of Skylon, did the satellite launch mission land and complete the K-Prize successfully? The interesting rotating gif looks like the launch rather than a landing and you didn't otherwise state the mission was completed. If not you can have a gatecrasher link in the OP. Coga19000 when you say you are going for "1st Class Pilot Precision and Utilitarial Commendation with the Chariot" did you actually get where you were going? the Imgur screenies only show Utilitarial and no landing and no statement visible that you had accomplished the mission. Please clarify if you did or whether you would like a gatecrasher link. Ar180shooter, thanks for your gatecrasher, hope you like the quip! Brandano, thanks for the screenies of your interesting designs, if you complete the mission or tried and failed say so and you can have a link on the OP. Aerolfos, transporting modded payloads is permissable as long as the rules are followed. Congratulations to... mdkendall Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Golf II Orbiter. WolfHealr Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Kultralight. JackDraak Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Firebird. rose4100 with Blackbird. ...for completing the K-Prize mission. Thanks for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka roll of honour. JackDraak, Mechjeb is fine and I made up a name for the craft as I didn't see one, let me know if you would prefer another.
  13. I am just writing this because I tried to build a crab shaped craft with two grabbers and lots of chutes which would attach two grabbers for extra strength to large debris I want to land and reclaim. I thought two would work because you can use two docking ports between the same craft. I tried connecting one grabber, freeing the pivot and swinging the other one into place but the second grabber would not take hold. It did seem to be connected as it would not show the disarm button but did not take hold as the chute craft could still swing on the pivot of the first grabber. Then I released the first grabber and the chut ship moved away from the debris easily, but the debris appeared to vanished and I could not go to space center or switch via minimap and had to Alt F4 to get out, so clearly a bug there FYI. I was going to make a bug report but though it my not have been designed for this kind of play so I thought I would put it in a suggestion. Comments welcome.
  14. I am chiming in on the strength of the thread title. Today I have had 3 CTDs due to mousing over missions & resources buttons in quick succession in space flight after docking a ship to debris via claw, and one spontaneous ship explosion due to timewarp in hard career mode. It really is too buggy to play for me today. Saying that, its not usually this bad and I hope there are some bug fixes in the next update and also Unity may have something to answer for but I just wanted to report my woes to encourage prioritising bug fixing. I have been playing long enough to know that patience is rewarded.
  15. I have noticed it chugs with the latest version on my QX 9650 with 8Gb DDR3. While it could be unity I have also been having problems with Windows. In the thread you linked the Mac user was fine but their Windows machine was not. Microsoft are not infallible and I have had issues with some updates lately which were well replicated by others which were entirely due to MS's oversight. Anyway the latest problem I have been having is with services starting up causing various games to drop to the taskbar in Win7 x64 Home Premium Sp1. This never used to happen but started recently and I am sure MS have screwed something up because it was even caused by their user experience programme which I have had to disable. I have not got the faintest idea whether they are responsible for the chug. Just saying it is not impossible that its not all Unity's fault.
  16. Thanks Camaron. I am assuming you completed the mission with a safe landing sumrex. panzer1b your album is not linking, cant see what you have done. SumGuy, what a great plane and video, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately in the video Constellation lost a wing tip on landing because of problems with drifting to the side (because the plane wasn't level fyi) so I have linked it as a gatecrasher so people can see the video, but to win the K-Prize you have to land without breaking anything ! Sorry Also I need tonnage for the maximalist record check and if you have done it successfully without losing any parts (but not on video) then say so and I can give you a K-Prize link as well as or instead of the gatecrasher and you can decide if you want the gatecrasher link removed. Columbia, the mission is running and anyone who contributes something for others to view gets a link one way or another. This last update took a while because my ISP decided to "fix" my internet connections signla to noise ratio which for some reason took 4 days during which I had no internets. Imagine my suffering if you dare (actually it was quite nice and peaceful). Congratulations to ... sumrex with Jabby. Deutherius Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1stClass, Kosmokerbal Commendation (Minmus) and Utilitarial Commendation x2 (Minmus, KTO) with Garrad Mk1-C. Pamynx Advanced pilot precision award 1stClass with Icarus. Thrain Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with X-Wing. Speeding Mullet Astrokerbal Distinction (Minmus & Mun), Utilitarial Commendation (Minmus), Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Dinklestein. Joshwoo69 with Woot. for completing the K-Prize successfully. Thankyou all for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list, aka the roll of honour. btw I took certain liberties with the names for Speeding Mullet's and Joshwoo69's crafts, hope that is OK, please provide alternatives if you prefer. Also Speeding Mullet FYI the Ex~ prefixes only apply outside Kerbins SOI, hope you're not too disappointed! Though the Minmus Mün double is definitely a noteworthy achievement, hence the summary in brackets, hope that is OK.
  17. Congratulations to Camaron for completing the K-Prize successfully and in style with Terranova V. Thanks for your mission report. You now have the choice between keeping or erasing your previous gatecrasher entry. Up to you, some regard it as a badge of honour! Here are three of my hard career mode working spaceplanes in v0.9.0. These all completed their missions in accord with K-Prize rules... many did not o7 however no kerbals have been lost this time and through a combination of dumb luck, fleeting moments of cunning and dogged persistence I am still in business.
  18. Congratulations to ... Samniss Arandeen Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class with Mockingjay. ExplorerKlatt Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Hyperion. ... for completing the K-Prize challenge successfully with the above awards. Welcome to the guest list aka roll of honour. fenya I thought since you linked the unsuccessful missions that I would give you a gatecrashers listing if that is OK.
  19. Great, whats the name of the craft ExplorerKlatt? And do you want your gatecrasher removed? Samniss Arandeen, when you say non stock, do you use FAR? Fenya, sorry to hear you are having problems, there is a bug with bogus collisions near the KSC Terrain at the moment and also the occasional exploding craft as well for no good reason. I hope it will be fixed in the big bug hunt. You can report bugs on the Squad bugtracker.
  20. ah so I did bodge something, you are right GeorgeG, my apologies, I have fixed it and added your latest mission, thanks. If I understand correctly you get a 1st Class APPA for orbital docking as well as landing on the runway in both cases. Well played! Thanks for confirming completion of your two K-Prize missions Reistlyn, congratulations and welcome to the K-Prize guest list aka roll of honour. I also forgot to mention ExplorerKlatt who did a fine mission but appears to have lost a wingtip on landing which therefore qualified as a gatecrasher. Please correct me if I am wrong, I am just going by the screenshot with the missing wingtip. If you decide to complete the K-Prize with a successful landing (replaying from a save is recommended if possible) then the mission will qualify for the K-Prize and you have the right to choose whether to have the gatecrasher listing removed or kept. There is also a special badge for gatecrashers by wafflestoo, yours to display if you wish.
  21. Fenya, of course, if you want to check rules see page 1 first post. Reistlyn, did Pernach return safely without refuelling etc ? GeorgeG great rocketplane entry and enjoyed the secret cargo but unfortunately the K-Prize judges got hung up on a technicality, namely that cargo lift surfaces are not currently occluded. This means they contribute to lift sorry, which they shouldn't in the next version hence your gatecrasher entry continues the time machine theme! I linked your craft file downloads on the front page though and thanks for your contribution to the K-Prize party. Congratulations to ... RAINCRAFTER with Ty Fighter. panzer1b Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction (Laythe), with Tri-Fighter III (special honorific - best starbuck lookalike v0.9). Kelderek Utilitarial Commendation, Advanced Pilot Precision Award with Mk2Dromedary. manni01 Expeditionary Utilitarial Distinction (Laythe 15t) with LC Cruiser III 'Eagle'. Styles2304 Advanced Pilot Precision Award with modified SR-71. ... for completing the K-Prize mission successfully, thanks for your entries and welcome to the K-Prize party aka roll of honour. Let me know if I bodged anything. Also RAINCRAFTER typically Wednesdays but I make no promises
  22. Even on hard no I have not used the tower because you cant practically use it without the action groups which are late game.
  23. Congratulations to Astrobond, PercyPrune, GeorgeG for successfully completing the K-Prize challenge mission. Thanks for your reports, logged and linked in the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour. raygundan thanks for your appreciation I am hoping that something like the K-Prize finds its way into the mission system at some point. percyPrune, thanks for your successful v0.24.2 mission report with comical dialogue, which has been added to the other version 0.24 links, see spoiler in the second honours post lower down page 1 (as linked in the OP).
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