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Everything posted by Hellbrand

  1. is there any way you could integrate the stock toolbar? since it seems like it would require one less mod dependency to actually get the airships to work?
  2. >_> Totally Dlling this once the RO-RO is released. Would make transporting aircraft Service Vehicles and Hab modules to diffrent airfields a breeze!
  3. hey what about powerd craft like the airbus project where the engine flies back to a nearby airstrip?
  4. B9 should make some chopper parts :V
  5. Do antennas serve any purpose in BD armory? or are they not needed on craft?
  6. \o/ all this makes me happy! because soon I can start making decently futuristic looking craft again also: you sould make a tiny little tailgear or maybe some kickass chunky rover wheels.!
  7. Are there any other Contract packs other then 5dim? If not. I may be up for writing some.
  8. I know it's kind of a bit of a .... move to ask.. but can we have a Cargo bay that is similar in profile to the old Mk.iv cargo bay of touhou torpedo's design perhaps a bit more B9 styled? since transporting rovers via HL/Mk.3 fuselage parts seem to limit the size signifigantly.
  9. Is there a possibility we can get a set of bipedal legs like the ones from that fancy looking mech there to work similarly to the critter crawler
  10. Well It may be nice to have a fresh art pass and also a .dds conversion also maybe a seperate landing section like on many modern carriers today and maybe a fresh IVA for the island.
  11. anybody know of any alternative downloads to his parts?
  12. cannot seem to find them period any chance you could post eh?
  13. Hey Rover Dude! any word on those awesome cargo containers you posted on reddit?
  14. you shoudl totally make a mk.3 expansion that adds wider fuselages for cargo transportation! and all sorts of other stuff!
  15. hey you guys wouldn't happen to have the old Airliner parts he did up would you? with the c130 style cockpit?
  16. is the rear cargo ramp supposed to actually lower? and is it also supposed to be comepletely closed off on the K fuselage kind of haveing issues with making a decent cargo plane since TT's Cargo fuselages went the way of the dodo and the Mkiv spaceplane system is basicallyt abandoned
  17. it's very likley that the Stack bottom node needs to be changed at the end from 1.0 to jsut -1.0 if there are node attach issues since it seems that's a thing ksp looks for nowadays.
  18. well it's a simple fix really. On the last 1.0 of the stack node bottom or w/e on all the parts. change that 1.0 to a -1.0 and BOOM everything works. (I'd also get rid of the lifting body stuff on the arado cockpit
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