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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. This has already been addressed and until Bahamoto fixes it in BDA there is nothing that can be done
  2. Ive never seen Large Boat Parts fly…I've seen them jump and rip apart but not fly.
  3. Sadly there are some bugs that prevent boats from being used. For example if you place a boat, go back to space center then go back to the boat it will explode
  4. Is it possible that your parts are what are buggy because of a tweak scale factor? I remember before i made this mod i had a boat using stock parts and when I placed it, went away and came back it didn't explode.
  5. things like boats can still be loaded in at the BDA physics range. So say you have an airplane and you are flying towards a boat and a ground based SAM site. You also have the physics range set to say 20 and the targets are 15km away. Sense the boat is in water the boat will physics load up before before the SAM
  6. For subs just clip a the small ship hulls into the sub hull and add connector lines
  7. IDK if this has been said before but it seems that when you use self-command and fly-to-position the craft's ai no longer wants it to fly level. It seems to pull down until it reaches its min attitude Of course this is the version that came before the 1.1 pre-release as i don't have steam
  8. I don't have pre-realese 1.1 Did the bug in which vehicles that a loaded on the water would explode when they come get loaded back up (like you launch a craft, put it in water, go to space center, go back to boat, and it explodes) ever get fixed?
  9. Its broken because he has no plans to fix it for the for-seeable future. It has been broken for many updates and only keeps it around to keep peoples crafts from breaking due to missing parts.
  10. Can we have a button in the weapon manager that lets us prioritize air or ground targets? That way things like AA guns don't act as rapid firing tanks or so that attacker type aircraft won't go for enemy fighters first.
  11. Can I make a request? Lord Promethus has a tomahawk gps guided cruise missile in his PEW mod. However its too inaccurate. On the flip side though its perfect for MalFunc Weaponry's VLS parts. I would like to see a nuke version Basically it needs to be near the same dimensions as LPs Tomahawk in height, length, and width.
  12. LP your version of the tomahawk works well with malfunction ware's VLS parts. However because your version of the tomahawk isn't the most accurate would you consider making a nuke version? I tested it by changing the code a bit to match up with North Kerbin's 160kt nuke and it works perfectly. However in some situations like RP games or such it would be cheating as it is a modified cfg file. So I'm hoping for an official nuke version
  13. Any chance in the future ground vehicles will get an AI function to just move around on their own?
  14. I know you mostly do WWII era naval weapons but here is an idea. Radar guided torpedos (yes i know in real life its sonar but for BDA its radar) Basically just take your long lance torpedo design and add a radar guiding system to it.
  15. hey Baha….why not consider incorporating vessel switcher into BDA sense VS pretty much needs BDA to operate?
  16. My grandfather passed away tonight. This was my way doing a small memorial for him
  17. i was just curious if you knew where in the code it was to take it out or if you knew if he had said anything about it coming out. Thanks though
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