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Everything posted by Railgunner2160

  1. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod, makes rockets behave more like real world rockets, AKA: build'em tall and proud like the Saturn V, without the wobbly rocket syndrome!
  2. The second one isn't a glitch, It's by design!!! The only thing keeping the payload attached ARE the side fairings! The Interstage decoupler was designed so you could do a TRUE Saturn V replica, the only thing that held up the CSM above the LM were the fairings......
  3. The engine appears to be one of ZZZ's models that he did for KSPI, I also see the capacitors from the Near Future mod, looks like some B9 parts, the RTGs from AIES aerospace and the SDHI service module & dockingport....
  4. If you check I haven't been among those asking for a release when the primary modder has already explained that it's not happening until he's happy with it, I'm just a little tired of seeing people say hurtful things that only serve to drive away talented modders. I've seen far to many good-great mods just fall off to the wayside and be abandoned because of those type of comments. I don't want to see that happen to a great mod I'm looking forward to playing with once Helldiver is happy with it and releases V1.0......
  5. Damn!! I can't speak for attosecond, but that would make the most badass Orbital Construction mod EVER!!!! Your work on the KSC & the B9 Aerospace pack is top notch, if you were the one to make models for this it would be epic!!!!
  6. Ungrateful backseat modder, why am I not surprised at that?? Helldiver is working on the mod, but IIRC the work that ZRM was doing is being held up because of his own circumstances. Helldiver has said he has no plans whatsoever to release it in a state that he feels is not ready to be released, If you can't understand and respect that you should think about taking a crack at modelling and putting stuff in KSP yourself!!!!! Try seeing how much work even the basic stuff is before you start saying for him to release a beta for a HIGHLY(!) complex mod that he feels isn't ready!!! And just so you know I took both an Engineering class, and a Gaming Introduction class in high school, So I've had some experience working with both modelling programs and working on trying to make even basic game aspects work.......
  7. IIRC Majir made an exception for the MM Configs, He doesn't want us posting Entire configs..... Here's the link to the post in question!!! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-8-Art-pass-terrain-conforming-grid-and-miscellaneous-improvements?p=723403&viewfull=1#post723403
  8. Cool engines InfiniteDice!!!! I'd really like to see Snjo incorporate them as an official option!!!
  9. Hmm, If Lack's still around you might ask him about your Big-G docking problem. He's made a extensible docking port himself, He might know what the problem/solution is.....
  10. Seems somehow you flipped it over when you were putting it together, try flipping it over and see if it fixes it!!
  11. @The Destroyer, Just ran a test, the KW decoupler is most DEFIANTLY upside down in your case!!!!!
  12. Sounds like the reactor did a SCRAM shutdown to avoid being damaged by Wasteheat, Fractal_UK implemented that feature in the new update. Make sure you've got enough radiators to dissipate the heat, then send out a kerbal to affect the reapirs on the reactor to restart it.... The shutdown feature was implemented IIRC to make sure your ship doesn't suffer a malfunction because nuclear reactors MUST run at a minimum of 30% power constantly. So not enough heat dissipation capacity means you may need a 4th section with more radiators in order to avoid a Reactor Meltdown.....
  13. I'm guessing that the whole point of this chapter is to pave the way to "Reboot" it using 0.22?? Awesome work BTW, Looking forward to next chapter......
  14. KW rocketry has it's own 3m fairings under the Heavy Aerodynamics node....
  15. True, not all things are easier to tweak than redo. But I'll hold out judgement on whether the new leg modules are completely useless, or workable, till the experienced modders take a crack at it.......
  16. Try the Vanguard mod. Nice parachute mod for kerbals, even has an ejection part for Ejection seats, Trust me it works!!!!
  17. All too true, Also MS' attitude towards what was their core market for their software is insulting!!! They're essentially saying we PC users should all use that crappy OS (AKA Win8) that was designed for tablets and smartphones. Win8 is NOT a PC gamers OS!!!!!
  18. If squad added the feature the various modders can always tweak the hell out of it! Much easier to work with something already there than create something new. Looking forward to what people can do with the new things added in .22.....
  19. Manual adjustments of a nuclear reactor are not recommended.... We here in the US learned that the hard way, see the SL-1 Incident.....
  20. Just a warning to those using the new version, Everytime I've stuck a KSPX part on my rocket the game freaks out. Rockets just roll over for no reason on launch. The VAB freaks out and designs get really screwed up, oh and let's not forget if I revert a launch the rocket goes really freaky, it appears on it's side(Just a few pieces of it anyway) and then phantom parts also appear!! Traced it to KSPX parts only, so not sure what happened between the last version and the new one.......
  21. Not to mention his warp drive model, anti-matter reactors, generators, nozzles, & other various bits
  22. Been meaning to ask, does mechjeb deploy parachutes when using the landing module??
  23. Better back up your install quick then, .22 is coming 10.16.2013.... Edit: Too late, It's live.....
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