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Everything posted by Railgunner2160

  1. I must say, The new boosters for the Super 25 make excellent strapons for FASA's Saturn V. Makes for some nice recreations of these: http://i.space.com/images/i/14601/i02/interstellar-space-travel-concepts-adrian-mann-1.jpg
  2. Would it be possible to get a (What you consider) to be a canon configuration of the Nova using the parts in the beta?? Trying to build a really, REALLY powerful booster system to lift a rather cumbersome craft of mine.....
  3. Very Nice! The Super 25 is coming along, quick question though. Will the Super 25 come with a stack mount like the KSO does??? I'm currently testing a build where the KSO is the final re-entry stage, just wondering if a similar setup is doable on the S25....
  4. That's why my family never buys a prebuilt PC, we homebuild ours. Saves us money for equivalent specs or for the same price better specs, Plus we can figure out issues without going through 50 different hoops involving manufacturers. If a motherboard fries we just send it back if it's in warranty and if it's not we replace the part. very easy to to homebuilts....
  5. If it means a re-imagining of the Tri-Hex strut mod then I'm all for it!!!!!
  6. Ahh, what could've been. The Russian moon program may have been a disaster, but alot of the various parts like the engines were rock solid designs in they're own right, they didn't just throw everything away like we pretty much did. Had they just focused on making the various parts cheaper and had we maintained a major interest in space, the Apollo hardware could've taken us far..... I mean let's face it, we basically went back to Apollo approach to lifters with the constellation and the SLS, capsules and heat-shields instead of glorified gliders...
  7. Maybe for future reference we should refer to the berthing modules as I-CBM's, When I read your post there I thought for a moment you were going all Space Cowboys for a second there.......
  8. That is great news!!! I've liked your work so far and am really going to enjoy seeing these become part of B9 Aerospace, officially!!!!
  9. Just a small request, next time you make an update could you please go through your tanks and double check that the names are right, there are many, many errors. Nosecone tanks labeled as middle tanks, tanks with the wrong sizes listed. Along with various other misnamings it can sometime make putting together a EFT a bit annoying, besides the actual size difference in the parts if your just looking at the little pic in the tooltip or the names you can often find that the part you thought was the correct size is actually the next size up or down......
  10. Ugh, hope you don't have as bad a time as i did, First time they tried they used Versed and I literally went berserk, took the dentist and 4 others to hold me down and I broke the chair, ofcourse I don't actually remember a thing. Had to go to the hospital and have them removed under complete sedation... Decent food as far as the lunch I got there went, here's hoping it doesn't go as bad as all that..... You may wish to do a little research prior to your visit, my case was one of those who suffered from the paradoxical effects, meant to knock me out instead caused me to completely flip-out..... (In my case due to a combination of certain aspects of my asperger's syndrome and the Versed.... I think....)
  11. Have you even actually looked at the expanding containers??? They're setup so that as resources fill they animate outwards to represent their capacity being filled, OFCOURSE they have no surface attachment!!!!!
  12. Considering the Russians have been using some of their launch systems from the saturn V era today, if we had continued development of the Saturn-V it'd probably be the baddest ass launch system of the bunch. And really from what I recall it seems the SLS seems to be going back to the saturn-v's tech and improving on it.... (Also that picture seems to point to the fact that even 40 odd years later we've still got the same basic idea, need more power? Strap more rockets on!!)
  13. Given that Bac9 has shown activity on the forum recently a update for B9 in the future is not that unlikely......
  14. Just my 2 cents but because some of us have experienced bugs with the Tarus's LES (possibly due to ExtrapanetaryLaunchpads) I use the no LES config for the pod, So an LES would be nice!!
  15. This belongs in the Development section until you have a actual release ready.....
  16. You're forgetting the Orion Nuclear propulsion system that while not built was scale tested using High-Explosives and was quite capable theoretically at propelling even skyscrapers into earth orbit.... The basic idea is you use a nuclear bomb under a push plate to lift even huge masses into earth, of course you need multiple explosions so it's a pulsed system... Nyrath made an excellent re-creation for KSP http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28428-Orion-aka-Ol-Boom-boom
  17. I built a mobile pad on the moon using these treads(Old version) and an Extraplanetary pad....
  18. If you'd read the thread you'd know this is well documented already....
  19. You'll need a metal container, they changed it a few version back to recycle into metal instead of rocketparts....
  20. That a D or an E?? I tried wrangling a D, 500+ tons of rock, spent a entire day moving it into a 100KM orbit in 0 degree inclination. Getting it to stay in kerbin orbit was the easy bit.... Edit: Oh, all of that at 25% throttle......
  21. Have you checked that firespitter is working properly????
  22. Well I just made my first asteroid catch using Mechjeb alone(Also my first catch period), A class D(Really should've tried something smaller than that 500t+ rock), So it works quite well in my opinion!!!!
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