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Everything posted by m4ti140

  1. How did you get it working? For me it's doing nothing. EDIT: Nvm, it seems that it's doing something, I think it was another mod
  2. This is some pretty disgusting misinformation... That's not what happened, these mods were in works and were being showcased long before the official remakes were even announced. This. Things like scatterer/EVE/parallax, kopernicus and planet packs. There are lots of places where the axe could fall.
  3. "BoulderCo" is your EVE config folder, without it it shouldn't work unless you have another one from a visual pack.
  4. Too bad this is the last update, cause the same steering functionality would be EXTREMELY helpful for actual aircraft control surfaces. All aircraft capable of supersonic flight suffer from exact same issue, as you accelerate the control range becomes to large. It's so bad that beyond a certain speed SAS tuning is so off it causes catastrophic oscillations and needs to be turned off.
  5. I'm just going to recursively yeet all MiniAVC.dll with PS, didn't realize people were still including those, thanks for warning. Sorry if I sounded rude, it's just that from my perspective it looked like a visit at a clerk office, where I ask the clerk for help, they tell me to do something and then refuse the original request because somehow doing what they told me made me illegible for it.
  6. Read the whole post. We were talking about 4.3.2 the entire time, which is why I gave you link to the zip you were asking about, as well as logs with that version installed, then explicitly said that the same happened with the update (i.e. 4.3.3). Also I managed to fix it already, the problem disappeared after installing Click through blocker and Toolbar controller, neither of which was listed as a dependency.
  7. From your github, literally this file: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RATPack/releases/download/ Issue still occurs with update. Directory structure: Volume in drive X is Seagate Backup Plus Drive Volume Serial Number is 2870-DD25 Directory of X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData 06/03/2021 20:56 <DIR> . 06/03/2021 20:56 <DIR> .. 02/25/2021 00:58 <DIR> 000_AT_Utils 02/19/2021 00:59 <DIR> 000_TexturesUnlimited 02/18/2021 21:31 14,336 666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll 02/18/2021 21:31 5,120 999_Scale_Redist.dll 02/18/2021 21:37 <DIR> AnimatedDecouplers 05/30/2021 18:39 <DIR> B9PartSwitch 05/28/2021 08:34 <DIR> B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings 02/18/2021 21:27 <DIR> Bluedog_DB 02/11/2021 01:00 <DIR> BoulderCo 02/18/2021 21:37 <DIR> CommunityCategoryKit 05/30/2021 18:39 <DIR> CommunityResourcePack 02/24/2021 10:40 <DIR> CraftManager 02/11/2021 02:05 <DIR> DistantObject 02/24/2021 10:28 <DIR> DKSalvage 02/18/2021 21:27 <DIR> DMagicScienceAnimate 02/11/2021 01:00 <DIR> EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 06/03/2021 20:56 0 GameDatadir.txt 02/18/2021 21:36 <DIR> KAS 02/19/2021 00:59 <DIR> KerbalFoundries 02/19/2021 00:59 <DIR> KSPWheel 02/24/2021 10:28 <DIR> KXAPI 05/30/2021 18:38 <DIR> Mk2Expansion 02/18/2021 21:37 <DIR> ModularLaunchPads 05/30/2021 18:39 141,312 ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll 06/03/2021 20:30 18,100,232 ModuleManager.ConfigCache 06/03/2021 20:30 842,539 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA 06/03/2021 20:30 9,164 ModuleManager.Physics 06/03/2021 20:30 31,262 ModuleManager.TechTree 02/18/2021 21:31 <DIR> ModuleManagerWatchDog 02/11/2021 02:03 <DIR> PlanetShine 05/30/2021 18:54 <DIR> RATPack 05/28/2021 13:35 <DIR> RealPlume 05/28/2021 13:35 <DIR> RealPlume-Stock 02/10/2021 23:47 <DIR> ReStock 02/10/2021 23:47 <DIR> ReStockPlus 05/27/2021 22:11 <DIR> scatterer 02/18/2021 21:27 <DIR> SimpleAdjustableFairings 05/28/2021 13:35 <DIR> SmokeScreen 01/01/2021 16:44 <DIR> Squad 01/01/2021 16:44 <DIR> SquadExpansion 05/28/2021 03:02 <DIR> StockWaterfallEffects 02/21/2021 21:33 <DIR> Tantares 02/21/2021 21:31 <DIR> TantaresLV 02/21/2021 21:30 <DIR> TantaresSP 02/19/2021 20:56 <DIR> TarsierSpaceTech 05/29/2021 16:06 <DIR> ThrottleControlledAvionics 02/18/2021 21:31 <DIR> TweakScale 02/09/2021 21:09 <DIR> VesselMover 05/28/2021 14:10 <DIR> Waterfall 05/28/2021 14:10 <DIR> WaterfallRestock 02/18/2021 21:31 <DIR> __LOCAL 8 File(s) 19,143,965 bytes 45 Dir(s) 20,990,181,376 bytes free Volume in drive X is Seagate Backup Plus Drive Volume Serial Number is 2870-DD25 Directory of X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\RATPack 06/03/2021 20:56 <DIR> . 06/03/2021 20:56 <DIR> .. 05/30/2021 18:47 14,812 LICENSE.md 05/30/2021 18:47 44,032 MiniAVC.dll 05/30/2021 18:54 241 MiniAVC.xml 05/30/2021 19:42 <DIR> Parts 05/30/2021 18:47 <DIR> Plugins 05/30/2021 18:47 217 RATPack.restockwhitelist 05/30/2021 18:47 379 RATPack.version 06/03/2021 20:56 0 RATPackdir.txt 05/30/2021 18:47 9,041 README.md 05/30/2021 18:47 <DIR> Sounds 05/30/2021 18:47 <DIR> Textures 7 File(s) 68,722 bytes 6 Dir(s) 20,990,177,280 bytes free log https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArMDWm49dN3Cgs4DL230o7oJTeWjWA?e=pEQfxr Screenshots:
  8. for me there was no way to activate them, neither through UI nor through action groups
  9. Is there any way to use the nozzle position in J-404 as a controller? Would be really useful for afterburners.
  10. Not sure if any of those have been reported up to now, but gonna drop these just in case: 1: With AA off the refraction goes stupid to the point of hilarity, displaying what seems to be the contents of the kerbal camera in the bottom right. 2: Not sure if it's on Scatterer or ER side of things: volumetric clouds visible from couple hundred meters underwater. Had it happen in older versions but I don't remember if I reported it. Using DX11, 1.11.1, scatterer+Eve redux with default Eve configs + waterfall (though nothing in the scene uses it), DOE, Planetshine and restock. Disabling the latter 2 didn't fix it, haven't tried completely uninstalling them yet.
  11. Danny is going to have his way with this one... I expect ships with mass effect cores.
  12. Ah, ok then, I thought it was gonna be spread between nodes. It makes sense then.
  13. Imo the ring one should be the cheaper, earlier one, as it's much less wieldy than the coils and is closer to our physical understanding of how one would work, while the coils are pure far future sci fi design and leave much more design freedom. Also I like how reminiscent the Mk2 ring is of the Jedi starfighter hyperdrive ring.
  14. Maybe the Singularity mod could be used to generate warp bubble distortion effects?
  15. Oh, ok. The way I understood it is that the dry masses were changed manually, rather than automatically based on seats inside, and the automatic part is the addition of Kerbal mass on top of it. If that is not the case it will only break pods that are lighter than the sum of Kerbals aboard, as their dry mass will go negative. Which should not be a problem as long as they're reasonable.
  16. I think you should default the automatic IVA Kerbal mass to off, not on, otherwise it's going to break literally all parts mods with command pods without adjustments. And not all of them are continuously maintained.
  17. The Surface SAS doesn't seem to work. LAlt + T only turns on regular SAS
  18. No, that one appeared with Kopernicus installed, without it the only issues are with the 2D layers being lit in faint orange at midnight, the volumetric clouds popping in rapidly at certain distance and also being greyish white at night, and with "disable ambient light" option not working and doing nothing. I am using cloud textures and configs from AVP though, I'll try the default textures/configs set from legacy EVE. Also I had a lot of mods installed at the time, so maybe Kopernicus wasn't the trigger but I can't think of what else might have been. @dok_377 exactly what I encountered, are you using Kopernicus by any chance?
  19. Clouds are like this for the entire night, as if sun was shining through the ground. Happens even with just EVE+configs+scatterer installed. Volumetric clouds are bright and render on top of the aircraft. Haven't seen it happen at day, which is weird, it's only visible at night and it's hard to see on a screenshot, when it's not moving. Also the ambient light option in scatterer settings doesn't do anything. This one is weird, it looks like the mun is rendering on top of clouds but behind the aircraft, producing a hole in the volumetric clouds where mun should be even if it's behind the aircraft. This and the above is what I meant, I don't know jack **** about rendering so I don't know what the correct terminology should be Couldn't find any nullrefs.
  20. This is a really amazing mod, thank you for this
  21. The mod does not seem to be compatible with axis action groups, and therefore is of limited use for Breaking Ground DLC. Fields assigned to axes controlled by AFBW are not altered when moving the controls, even though the control indicator and throttle indicator do show deflection.
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