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Everything posted by briansun1

  1. I take out my servo skull and show everyone these http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=259908&p=17103371#p17103371
  2. banned for being in the ISE/elevator thread/#20% cooler thread
  3. false the user below me is woundering when the next BSC is
  4. I use adblock and adblock+.... and I'll just leave this here
  5. banned because were on here too much ...muct be new here
  6. granted... but now one but THE fandom gets it I wish for the same thing as last time
  7. true (taiwan how did you know) the user below me thinks that the eragon movie along with the percy jackson movie's are stupid
  8. true the user below me has read eragon
  9. granted you become 4chan I wish for the same thing...
  10. granted... but it's this one I wish for r85 pics...of ksp
  11. 7/10 she is apparently based on the writers sister.
  12. ...granted.... but it is some how corrupted... I wish for r85 pics...of ksp
  13. 8/10 “Mmm....she's doomed! You're doomed!! They're all doomed! Notice I didn't specify what kind of doom, so no matter what happens, I predicted it. How very WISE of me.†Angela the witch...(a good one ) from Eldest
  14. false and true (I want you to just accept that you like it... but it is your own choose... so :shrug:) the user below me want's more r34.2/ r34p/r85
  15. some time befor .20/.21... so .19?.18? anyway the user below me wants mrrpamplemousse to stop denying his fate/destiny
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