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Everything posted by inigma

  1. Known issue with @nightingale Contract Configurator's spawn vessel function from which Vessel Mover is derived. Ok I'll permit for now. Just want to make sure it doesn't have a heat resistance advantage vs other wing parts. Can you repost your entry for me?
  2. The idea is to add Economy to the game. Without any sort of economy, KSP simply remains a science grind. With Career mode, I envision it as a means to balance one's time, funds, and activities to achieve building a solar-faring civilization.
  3. now thats weird. can you reproduce it? ill be looking over the K2 mission before releasing 1.2.6. i may adjust their location. ill also be looking at decreasing the instance of the bus tour contract. a rebalancing of the contract weights may be necessary to ensure new contracts are showing up. don't be afraid to cancel contracts to generate new ones.
  4. My two cents, and I hope most agree: 1. Tech tree nodes should be automatically unlocked, based on game time, with the rate of accrual modified by strategies, reputation, and relevant contract completion. Funds can be used to rush tech acquisition. Relevant KSC building upgrades should be required to open additional nodes to research. Nodes should be able to be pre-selected by the player for research in a research queue. 2. Science gathering should fulfill contract goals, and earn reputation and/or funds, modified by strategies. No more science points. 3. Contracts should not be the only means to make funds. There should be a market on Kerbin for ore and other resources a player makes or discovers in the game. 4. Starting technologies should be offered to players as one of three selectable starts: planes first, unmanned rockets first, manned rockets first. These four changes would totally revolutionize career mode, and make it enjoyable for anyone.
  5. No, there's another mod out there that allows you to put flags on other parts. @pandoras kitten should know.
  6. I present to you the first entry in the Air Superiority Challenge Series III, the Pretender to the Throne: The Guppy Mk. 2 Don't underestimate its cuteness. https://kerbalx.com/inigma/Guppy-Mk-2 Air Superiority Challenge III is now open for submissions! Please re-read the OP rules for Entry Requirements before posting. Only new submissions beyond this point will be accepted for ASC III. Happy hunting!
  7. Don't use vessel mover to spawn anything. Also I added TextureReplacer to the required mod list. Time to take off those EVA helmets. Suit mods are optional, but I prefer Cetera's.
  8. Heh ya, I forgot to update this thread. it's been a crazy couple of days.
  9. OP updated with final King of the Hill. Congrats @g00bd0g on a most excellent domination of ASC II! Up next... ASC-III. Archiving ASC II: SERIES II Air Superiority Challenge - King of the Hill 3v3 AI Duels How Long Will You Claim Air Superiority? Inigma's YouTube Channel Test your design against the current King of the Hill, then Submit your entry to the ASC KerbalX.com Hangar and post a link in this thread to enter! ASC Match Hosts: @inigma | @jrodriguez | @g00bd0g | @Hobbes Novakoff | @Draconiator Check out these other ASC Divisions: ASC-III (KAX WWI Style) Coming June! | ASC-IV (No Restrictions) Coming July! | ASC-A (PvE Arena Ladder) Coming Soon! King of the Hill: goobdog - VulcaRaptor 2 Number of Wins: 1 Registered belligerents: Bananders - Crown 22 Flapjack - DEFEATED! It began with a challenge... inigma claimed King of the the Hill on April 3, 2016 with a pair of Fighter Papa-1s over KSC and KSC Islands. Not soon after, his son challenged him with a pair of dp class fighters of his own. The Air Superiority Challenge was born! ASC Series Playlist: The Air Superiority Challenge is a rotating challenge series from a catalog of currently adopted rule sets: No Restrictions, Modern Style, WWI Style, and other ideas we come up with by consensus. Only one series is active at at time, but each series will be posted in rotation. Most Series last a month. Some longer or shorter depending on interest, time, and new software releases. What never changes is the general format: two AI teams dueling for control of a piece of territory, most commonly KSC Island, using stock and BDArmory parts only (with a little Kerbal Aircraft Expansion thrown in here or there for spite). How long your team will claim the ASC KOTH title depends on how many times your designs survive challenges to your reign. Match Rules: All matches are hosted in KSP 1.1.2 with the latest BDArmory and KAX mod versions. To ease the load of the match hosts, and to increase confidence in your submission, you may only submit an entry that you've tested against the current King of the Hill. Your post must state you've done so. Challenges to the King of the Hill will be processed on a first-come first-served basis by whichever match host volunteer happens to be available to do so (you can join the ASC Host team, PM inigma to do so). Challenges are 3 rounds of 2v2 take off from KSC Island in opposite directions, BDArmory Standard Tournament Mode (8km re-engagement over KSC Island). To win a round or claim title to King of the Hill, one of your surviving craft must: have a Kerbal in your craft have at least one engine remaining (out of fuel ok) have at least one weapon attached (empty ok) still appear on the VS list in the BDA GUI (your weapons module hasn't been shot off) if there are no survivors with all the above, the round will be considered a draw, and a new round required. In case of a draw or bugged round, a round will be added to the match. 3 draws in a row will result in the match going to the current King of the Hill. Any craft that has disengaged is considered lost. All seats on a craft will be filled. Two seater? Two Kerbals. Yes, Kerbals weigh a few. All matches will be made available on the official YouTube playlist embedded above. Entry Rules: 3 aircraft (must look like a plane) required per team (can be same or different crafts), at least one of which must be manned with one or more Kerbals. All craft must be built in KSP 1.1.2 100 strict maximum per craft part limit. Any stock part permitted. No mod parts permitted except the following: BDArmory (required) and @BahamutoD: F22 Cockpits. Turrets MUST be locked to 0 gimbal if used. Lasers are not permitted. A maximum of 20 BDA parts in total are permitted, this includes F22 2-man Cockpit (single man is not counted as it does not have radar), AI pilot, and Weapons Manager modules, missile rails, missiles, guns, ammo, etc. All missiles must be mounted to a rail. A maximum of 3 AIM 9s are permitted per standard missile rail. A maximum of 2 AIM 120s are permitted per standard missile rail. You may mix and match missiles on rails up to their limits above. Since BDA imposes a hard limit of 1 missile per rail on a rotary, we have decided to simply count the rotary as 2 parts for the BDA part count. Therefore to keep Rotary Bomb Rails on par with standard rails, rotary bomb rails are limited to a maximum of 6 rails. No restrictions on AI, Weapons Manager, or Missile Manager settings. Craft file editing is permissible, but only to fine tune options within current in-game editor limits. Such as setting missiles to fire every 2 seconds, rather than 1 or 3, but not 0.1 (which is outside the in-game editor range). Entries must contain download link for the craft file(s) to the ASC KerbalX.com Hangar and posted to this thread (static links prevent me having to update the OP with your new versions). KerbalX has the ability to count your BDA parts for us, so we don't have to! Hence why this series requires all submissions to be on KerbalX. No exceptions this time. Only AI and Weapons Manager changes are permitted to the ASC champion between matches to fine-tune their AI response to upcoming challengers. No other part changes are permitted to the ASC champion. All challengers are permitted to make any changes they wish to their craft up to and just before their match vs the current ASC champion. If you are next in line, please notify the match host so your changes are committed to the match. If the match host missed your note, it's not their fault. Just re-submit your craft. Only one active entry per person at a time (to prevent dueling yourself). Match hosts will only engage staging once to turn on your engines at 0 throttle up to 3 minutes before match start, so be sure to tie in any components (such as ECM) you want activated to the SAS action group (competition start engages SAS automatically), and be sure to include enough electricity to keep them active while stationary and throttled to 0. You may not trigger the Weapons Manager, or AI, or any of their settings, via the staging or SAS action groups. This prematurely enables fighting, and crafts that do will be disqualified. Hosting Details: Rounds will be processed depending on our time and general availability (hopefully semi-daily). With that in mind, let's see how far we can take this! You are welcome to host your own matches and publish the results in this thread if any of the ASC match hosts fail to respond within 7 days to the next belligerent challenge. If you decide to host an ASC match, you must have a dedicated KSP 1.1.2 64 bit install that only has the following mods installed: BahamutoD's BDArmory BahamutoD's BDAVesselSwitcher BahamutoD's Vessel Mover BahamutoD's DestructionEffects BDynamics Mk22 Cockpits HyperEdit iPeer's InFlightFlagSwitcher Malah's QuickBrake When released for 1.1.2, then add these: BahamutoD's Adjustable Landing Gear BahamutoD's CameraTools Kerbal Aircraft Expansion Take Command Visual mods are permitted as long as they don't seriously degrade your match processing. Match hosts must post all rounds to YouTube channel with KSP: ASC II KOTH belligerent vs king (Round # of # or Full Match) BDArmory AI Dogfight Battle and update this thread with a link. Shall we get started? Who will be the first to challenge the ASC King of the Hill? Air Superiority Challenge Series II - Line of Succession inigma - Battle Dove - 1 win g00bd0g - VulcaRaptor - 10 wins Draconiator - Battlewing Duo - 2 wins NotAnAimBot - F2X SP - 2 wins Bananders - Crown 22 Flapjack - 2 wins goobdog - VulcaRaptor 2 - 1 win Air Superiority Challenge Series II - PvK Masters Players who can beat the current King of the Hill 2v2 (themselves plus an AI wingman), proven with a video. your name here Previous ASC Series Top Reigning Kings: ASC-I - SuicidalInsanity - Solarius III - 6 wins ASC-II - g00bd0g - VulcaRaptor - 10 wins - ASC Grand Champion
  10. I have an idea to fix. not tonight though. later this week.
  11. In my testing, I didn't see it do that. I'll check it again.
  12. permitted, yes. I was thinking that propeller based aircraft don't need an 8000m startpoint. Was thinking to make battles faster, to have them start at 5000m out. Anyone have objections?
  13. After careful consideration, I must agree that SAS modules and reaction wheels should NOT be permitted for ASC III. This will up the technical difficulty a bit, and hopefully keep aircraft to conventional craft that act and fly like WWI planes. I'm sorry for the inconvenience they may cause. NEW DRAFT: Air Superiority Challenge III Entry Rules: 4 aircraft (must look like a plane) required per team (can be same or different crafts), all must be manned with at least one Kerbal, all Kerbals in command seats, no closed cockpits. All craft must be built in KSP 1.1.2 50 part limit maximum per craft. 2 fixed guns maximum, no turrets All stock parts permitted except the following prohibited stock parts: all stock engines all Mk3 sized parts Big S wing Big S elevon SAS modules reaction wheel modules No mod parts permitted except the following: BDArmory (required for AI Flight Computer, and AI Weapons Manager. The .50 caliber Browning machine gun is the only weapon from this mod permitted in this series.) Aviator Arsenal (any fixed non-turreted weapon from this mod is permitted) Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (required for liquid fueled propeller engines only, no other parts permitted) No restrictions on AI, or Weapons Manager settings. Entries must contain download link for the craft file(s) to the ASC KerbalX.com Hangar and posted to this thread (static links prevent me having to update the OP with your new versions). Only AI and Weapons Manager changes are permitted to the ASC champion between matches to fine-tune their AI response to upcoming challengers. No other part changes are permitted to the ASC champion. All challengers are permitted to make any changes they wish to their craft up to and just before their match vs the current ASC champion. If you are next in line, please notify the match host so your changes are committed to the match. If the match host missed your note, it's not their fault. Just re-submit your craft. Only one active entry per person at a time (to prevent dueling yourself). Match hosts will only engage staging once to turn on your engines at 0 throttle up to 3 minutes before match start, so be sure to tie in any components you want activated to the staging action group (competition start engages staging automatically), and be sure to include enough electricity to keep them active while stationary and throttled to 0. You may not trigger the Weapons Manager, or AI, or any of their settings, via the staging or SAS action groups. This prematurely enables fighting, and crafts that do will be disqualified.
  14. Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.0.1 inigmatus released this 2 days ago Requires Contract Configurator 1.12.1 or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases Requires USI Sounding Rockets: https://github.com/BobPalmer/SoundingRockets/releases Total Career Contracts Available: 6 5/29/16 Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.0 fixed AVC
  15. Which body parts from KAX? Cockpits? Heavy booms? Those are either too big or to modern. The idea I have is to make competing in ASC-III very simple: take a stock airplane, add a KAX engine, add a pair of BDArmory .50 cals (or AA weapons). Just trying to keep it simple this time around. Also, the matches will be much longer. Do we want to go best 2 or 3, or first to 3 wins? I've already run a test match myself. I believe we won't be able to use Vessel Mover as hosts this time around due to command seated kerbals and the Contract Configurator spawn code that Vessel Mover uses (I ran into the same issues developing the Island Attack contract in GAP). But I love the fights! Can't wait to start pitting some ideas against the rest of you guys. If this series proves very popular, we might run it two months instead of the normal one. 50 parts or less. correct. yes Unlike WWI, reaction wheels are permitted in ASC III. Should be interesting.
  16. Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.0 Requires Contract Configurator 1.12.1 or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases Requires USI Sounding Rockets: https://github.com/BobPalmer/SoundingRockets/releases Total Career Contracts Available: 6 5/29/16 Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.0 initial release. 6 altitude contracts requiring Umbra Space Industries (USI) Sounding Rocket parts by RoverDude.
  17. I'm happy to announce the release of Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets Enjoy!
  18. Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.4 beta for KSP 1.4.x or Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets 1.2 for KSP 1.3.x A simple contract pack developed by @inigma for USI Sounding Rockets by @RoverDude "Sometimes it's just the simple mods that fill a niche that are treasured the most..." - a KSP mod fan SpaceDock Download Description: A simple set of 6 altitude contracts requiring the use of USI Sounding Rockets. Perfect for any fledgling beginner space program. This Contract Pack is CCF Certified - guaranteed to work with any Community Career Framework based career games!
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