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Everything posted by inigma

  1. Want to have your creation added to a contract pack? I am looking for cargo based subassemblies that are creative that can be transported in Mk2 or Mk3 cargo bays. Something like this: If you have a cargo subassembly you'd like to share feel free to post a link and pic and if it looks good, I'll include it in the Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose mod. Any volunteers? Players will be responsible for either loading them into their airplanes either via subassembly, or picking them from the Space Plane Hangar loading area via KAS by any other means of attaching material to a plane for transport.
  2. I think I'm leaning towards breaking the no-mod required goal of GAP and setting up GAP to require Module Manager. With Module Manager I can add patches to parts to make them testable as part of a contract, such as cargo bays, which in the stock game are not testable. If so, then I will also make the crew cabins testable as part of their contracts too. Since most players use parts with GAP that often include Module Manager, it only makes sense to include it as part of a GAP requirement and so enter the wonderful world of ModuleManager patches. Thoughts?
  3. Can I beg for FF integration with Contract Configurator in a newer release?
  4. Have you tested this craft against the current King of the Hill in a 2v2 or 3v3 matchup on your own machine? If not, do that first, and if it survives, let us know.
  5. KAX's Kuey Tail Rotor should be one of the first propellers available - in that when tweakscaled, they make perfect Wright-Flyer type propellers. The KAX Kuey Rotor itself though should remain in helicopters. Aside from that, I think the flight branch works fine. Gameplay will determine tweaked placement in the future.
  6. Can you consider craft tagging? Then allow one to categorize tags all they wish for easy reference. Thoughts? That way I can have a shuttle craft, tag it shuttle, and then tag it fuel ship since it carries a lot of fuel. I can sort my two tags any way I wish in a list, with its own heirarchy if I so choose, and then selecting either tag pulls up my shuttle craft which has a lot of fuel. Untagged craft would be available to be selected so I can organize them too. No need for folders.
  7. What you're looking for is this idea I posted, and magico13 developed:
  8. Just wondering if it's feasible to play career mode exclusively using only crafts created by others found on KerbalX.com. Perhaps maybe with Scott Manley playing it? The ultimate in playthrough community participation! Respond if you like the idea. Maybe Scott will see this thread and consider it? The challenge is not so much as trying to play the game (which Manley has proven so good at doing) than it is at learning how quickly one can fly other people's designs. No part changes permitted. Thoughts?
  9. I'm good for now. Have a good trip!
  10. Requires Contract Configurator 1.11.5 or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases Total Career Contracts Available: 56 5/8/16 GAP 1.2.5 now fully compatible with KSP 1.1.2. removed redundant requirements for KAX and SXT parts for Wright-FirstFlight, CoastGuard-Certification, and IslandTours-Shoreline which were breaking GAP on partial KAX or SXT installs. re-added craft definition to TourBus contract now that CC bug #462 was fixed several CC releases ago. added recognition of Ferram Aerospace Research controllable surfaces for purpose of unlocking Glider and First Flight contracts. clarified KSP IslandPrep instructions to leave engineers at waypoints. added cfg for Strategia Pilot Focus which if enabled will give bonus rewards for completing GAP contracts. Check out Strategia today! set AVC to make GAP compatible for all KSP versions going forward, since this is anticipated and dependent on Contract Configurator compatibility with KSP. requires Contract Configurator 1.11.5 or higher
  11. contractType = Giving Aircraft a Purpose 1.2.5 does not work, because I don't think it's recognizing spaces in the Contract_Group name element. contractType = GAP does work if I rename the Contract_Group name element to GAP. Do I need to have spaceless group names? edit: my bad. it does work. what does not work is recognizing child groups alone, correct?
  12. Thanks. I'm just tryin' to figure out how to get GAP to work with Strategia's Pilot Focus. Once done, I'll release. I tested this and can not duplicate.
  13. Any chance you could make Kerbalism compatible with Universal Storage? See this comment here on what you might need to do:
  14. I've removed SXT and KAX part checks since they already covered in the ModuleResourceIntake check. This should fix it for GAP 1.2.5 (which I hope to release just as soon as Take Command can get their seat counting stuff fixed) edit: Heh, looks like its working. GAP update coming soon.
  15. Just making sure I understand: Trying to incorporate GAP into your PilotFocus Is this how? @STRATEGY_LEVEL_EXPAND[PilotFocus]:NEEDS[Strategia] { @EFFECT[CurrencyOperationByContract] { contractType = GAP } } edit: I think I get it now. contracType = name of the contract in the cfg such as Wright-FirstFlight. Would the following work? contractGroup = Giving Aircraft a Purpose 1.2.5 ? or what if I just wanted all contracts in the GAP\Milestones (GAP Core) folder to count for Pilot Focus I, and then GAP\Charters and Airlines and GAP\Stunts for Pilot Focus II, and GAP\Coast Guard and GAP\Space Shuttle Missions for Pilot Focus III?
  16. That would be why. The contract thinks SXT is installed, and looking for propellers as a result. It's not necessary though, as it shouldn't prevent the contract from loading once you have an air breathing engine.
  17. Do you have SXT partially installed? If so, do you also have the propellers installed? If you have the propellers, does the 550.cfg appear in your SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines folder? @nightingale is it possible to code a requirement looking for a specific folder in a mod, since the mod is sometimes partially installed by players: Requirement:NEEDS[SXT\Parts\Aviation\Engine\propEngines] or is this a module manager question?
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