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Everything posted by inigma

  1. Yes. I had to build my Evod planes with the aim of being to dodge them at low speed like the Raptors do, and set the speed setting to high so they recover their energy quickly. I'm looking forward to the next posted match to see if the Evod 2, aka the Children of the Battle of Doves will reclaim their father's throne.
  2. OP updated with latest win. Wow. That VulcaRaptor... tied with SuiciadalInsanity for most ASC wins at 6. Who will stop the VulcaRaptors from reaching the coveted 10 win crown (and thus trigger a rules change for modern dogfighting matches, and a roll over to ASC-III)? I can't wait to see how my Evods match up. One more competitor to go!
  3. Awesome job man! I love the modern parachutes. Would be nice if they were able to be triggered by Backspace by default, with Shift+Backspace triggering it for all EVA Kerbals in physics range. Thoughts?
  4. Looks like @SpannerMonkey(smce) is on it too. Check out the mod request thread:
  5. Can you pm me a copy of your biplane so I can test it with GAP 1.2.4 barnstorming contracts?
  6. @Probus can I have a copy of your most recent ETT dev version?
  7. You are not required to unlock any part contracts to get GAP missions. The part contracts only appear when you have not yet researched the parts that they sell you. Bear in mind that if you accept any of the part contracts that you pay for them using funds. They are not free. GAP contracts only appear when you research or acquire certain parts. If you don't want any of the economy contracts simply delete the Economy folder. Only the Milestones folder is required for GAP to function.
  8. I have a solution to the raptor problem. I present the evolution of the Dove... the Evod 2: https://kerbalx.com/inigma/Evod-2 tested in combat. to beautiful results.
  9. Out of curiosity, has anyone been able to beat the raptors player vs AI? Players who can beat the AI 2v2 (you can have an AI co-pilot) and prove it with a video, will earn a place in a separate leader bracket on the OP called ASC PvK Masters.
  10. @Hayoo could I have your permission to immortalize one of your logos in a contract pack mod? This pack takes a player through launching sounding rockets until they reach space. After which the Kerbal Sounding Project becomes the Kerbal Space Program. Let me know! I was also wondering if you could make a Kerbal Space Center logo that I can use to flag contracts specifically for the Kerbal Space Center.
  11. Cool. Ya I'm looking for something less involved. I just crafted a 6 contract Sounding Rockets pack that only challenges a player to reach a higher and higher altitude until reaching space, using Sounding Rockets parts. It's simple enough to at least guide a player through trial and error. I'll be releasing it soon.
  12. Ok, so I got to thinking: if I wanted to play Career Mode today, what would I want? Simple: 1. A repeatable steady bare bones slow money.science/rep making fall back contract for a KSC bus tour - done! (Contract Pack: GAP 1.2.5) 2. Early aircraft contract milestones that take into account command seat only aircraft, and can be expanded to modern lucrative repeatable flights, missions, and more - done! (GAP 1.2.5) 3. A means to build Wright-flyer type craft in the early game without a custom tech tree - done via SSI prototype market! (thank you Module Manager and KAX kuey tail rotor and Tweakscale!) (Contract Pack: GAP 1.3 coming soon!) 4. Sounding rockets contracts to launch sounding rockets 2500, 5000, 10k,20k, 40k, and 70k. - DONE!!!! (Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets coming soon!) NOW i feel like I can play career mode... You could land on your helmet. But there is only one parachute contract, so don't sweat it. You can ignore the contract for now until there is an EVA parachute mod out there.
  13. I'm looking for someone to develop a cool looking Kerbal Space Center logo for my Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose. Any takers? mods: feel free to move this, as I'm not sure where to post this.
  14. @RoverDude So what do you think? Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets. Looks promising?
  15. I'm working on developing a new Contract Pack: Sounding Rockets. Looking forward to a new version to play with. But is there any way I could convince you to put in a non-white alternating color to the sounding rockets parachute? Currently the chutes are all white. Or am I missing something? I found this image previously in the thread. Not sure if there was a change to make it all white now. I would love to see this: If the orange and white cone could produce something like that (and the red and white cone having a red and white parachute too), that would be awesome.
  16. Currently the author of EVA Parachutes is not around to work on that mod. Would any mod author be willing to cobble together an alternative? Would be nice if they were able to be triggered by Backspace by default, with Shift+Backspace triggering it for all EVA Kerbals in physics range.
  17. Yup. After much thought I've decided to require MM for GAP 1.3 onwards. Already got some MM patches and we'll see about cranking out 1.3 before the end of this month.
  18. This needs a willing volunteer to manage. I hope someone can step up! I can't manage it. I have too much on my plate at the moment.
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