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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Did I already post KSS Alpha with phase one complete? Meh, who cares! Phase one included basic habitation, energy and food production, and all the science modules I had. Phase two will be ressource production and orbital shipyard. Also flew to some oh so important location in some far away highlands area for some oh so importants scientist to take three readings. Flying east it got dark quickly. At some point I drove over a bump and lost the engine - luckily I could still roll downhill towards the coordinates specified in the contract. Next up: A return to Minmus for a number of contracts. Will need to pick up an old probe and bring it home, equip a satellite with new tech, adjust its orbit afterwards and land in three to four locations - hopefully I packed enough fuel?!
  2. Huh, dunno ... I think there are mods that add rover parts, but do they add a new external seat?
  3. I had no chance to test an open rover outside of Kerbin yet, but sounds like a good idea.
  4. Do not pin me down when it comes to kerbing colors, son! Just saying that I rarely have any valleys in my MemGraph window, it is mostly one fully colored window.
  5. Should I be worried that my memgraph window is almost completely yellow ... ?
  6. And this different way is what I was asking about. Tarsier has a description in the OP, this one seems to have a tutorial - but I cannot see it, not even by quoting the OP or looking at the source of the page.
  7. I am the guy that hogs a pizza delivery menu for ages, so I gotta ask ... What is the difference to ?
  8. "Easing" works 98% of the time - once in a while my payload gets slammed into the stack and topples in glorious explosions! The "autostrut" feature though stopped my space station from killing itself after it got a bit longisher and started swaying. Is it generally a good idea to have a very heavy/the heaviest part roughly in the (mass) center and strut other heavier parts around it to the heaviest part? Or will strutting work equally well either way?
  9. Yesterday was the first time - while taking screenshots during the landing of a probe coming back to Kerbin - that I saw one of my objects in orbit from the surface; KSS Alpha swooping over us, lit by the impending dawn.
  10. Finished phase one of my station construction - phase two will involve resources and ship building facilities. Other than that, more probe ballet around the moons of Kerbin and bringing satellites into new places for scanning and observation. Still saving money for a new R&D building - development of new tech is basically halted for now ... Building a space station without getting corresponding contracts makes for an expensive "hobby"; but also to many overly expensive because needlessly strong launch vehicles are possibly to blame - the engineering department will have to come up with some more efficient designs for some of the smaller missions. Try the Ship Splicer to make your 1.1.3 inflight vessels into craft files, update them as needed and magic them back into orbit. Or: Just loading the old craft files in the VAB should work, and the ingame cheat menu can get them back into place again. (Hack gravity for space stations to survive long enough to press the set-orbit button. )
  11. I did not pay much attention to the rapidly changing text, but at times it looks like as if one very fast transmission is done and after/during that one slower one - but it changes to fast to tell which experiments when and such. Maybe I should get started on recording my gaming sessions. (On many occasions in many games I would have liked a "save those last 60 seconds of gameplay video"-button.)
  12. My Spectrometron is fillings its PAW with the five science results that I have on my station. Screenshot and logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q4b3n56zpjf7c8z/AADnfMuQKOGpAziPR24V-8Hca?dl=0
  13. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases You might try one of the older releases, best the last released for your version I guess.
  14. @AzraelDR You said you are using MKS? I think to remember that it adds new/alters professions? Maybe this is the conflict.
  15. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5yj1va3wzmsa88w/AACdDChlmPN6ZW1j4j2xPxtaa?dl=0 While we are at it ... While sitting on a rover there is always a "IVA Suit" message in the center of the screen.
  16. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5yj1va3wzmsa88w/AACdDChlmPN6ZW1j4j2xPxtaa?dl=0 @DMagic This is not the exact situation, but I uploaded an Atmospheric analysis to KSS Alpha station - the transmission seemingly went through, but the experiment was not "cleared", it was still sitting in the science part on the rover. Sometimes strange things just happen - but that is KSP for you. And: I found saw the Transmit All Data check button in the transmit popup ...
  17. @DMagic@Kerbal101 Was there ever a way to temporarily deactivate docking ports (apart from using the covered stock one)?
  18. When the error happens again quit the game, take the KSP.log from your main KSP folder and the output.log from KSP_x64_Data or KSP_Data subfolder depending on which version (32 or 64 bit) you are using, upload them on e.g. dropbox or a similar service and post the link here so DMagic can take a look when he has the time.
  19. Just a quick question: What is the bare minimum I would need for the airbags to work? I am already swimming in parts ...
  20. Just install the mod and start a new game, pick a stock rocket with crew and let it sit on the pad for a minute.
  21. I guess it was so unnoticable that noone noticed or bothered with it. It was difficult enough to find a couple of heads for the new Valentina-model - the older ones I had look quite weird with giving them eyeliner on their cheekbones - so I did not expect to find female suits really. Cool stuff. I totally expect to loose another evening figuring out which textures to use when people start making new ones. Regarding the TR_scenario, I am notorious for trying multiple things at the same time, so usually cannot tell what did the trick ... The long load times of my stupidly modded game are to blame I guess. But where do I have to put my personal config file anyway?
  22. Yes, happened to me too at times. Another "issue" I am having is, that I cannot transfer a bunch of experiments in one go (batteries be damned!) but have to right-click-review for each one to get the result window up again.
  23. @HaArLiNsH A bit confused here, but I think: TRR supports both ways of identifying male/female heads, pilot/engi/sci suits, config lines and folder structure? Where do I put my own config file anyway, does it still have to go in to the TRR folder? Edit: OK, got it - but had to remove the old TRscenario from my save file. But, is there actually a difference between male and female suits? I somehow never saw any textures to replace the female suit? In other news: I ... honestly cannot believe how long it took me ... how often I scrolled past this section of the config ... // Huey Kerman = M head1 Suit1 // Dewey Kerman = M head2 DEFAULT // Louie Kerman = M head3 // Donald Kerman = M DEFAULT DEFAULT // Daisy Kerman = F DEFAULT // Scrooge Kerman = M GENERIC Suit2
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