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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. It's something I noticed all across the forums. Even big and lengthy explanations (by modders themselves even) rarely find their way (as links) into the OP. I guess at some point it becomes to much work to update everything.
  2. @Tivec Couple of these mods have been updated recently. DMagic had a similar issue with his XRay part from Orbital Science pack, just putting it out here, maybe it helps.
  3. Are Kibbals produced somehow or must they be supplied from Kerbin?
  4. What do you mean by duplicate? I see that SVE defines names for OBJECT in EVE_CLOUDS , while e.g. Astronomer's does not use name = for CLOUD_LAYER in CLOUD_LAYER_PACK -- what would be a duplicate? EVE_CLOUDS { OBJECT { name = Kerbin-Auroras body = Kerbin altitude = 8000 speed = 0,100,0 detailSpeed = 0,1000,0 CLOUDS_SETTINGS { GUI_KEYCODE = N } CLOUD_LAYER_PACK { CLOUD_LAYER { SAVED { body = Kerbin altitude = 21500 volume = False
  5. @Galileo Where should I be especially careful while grabbing configs from other mod(packs) for clouds? Can I delete all paragraphs from a mod's config for a certain planet and keep configs in a different mod folder for it to use the textures that come with it there? Can I in general use different mod packs at once that take care of different planets? (e.g. I miss the dense foggy haze on the surface of Minmus (that I have yet to find again))
  6. After several tries that did nothing - I corrected the typo in Koperniucs ... was that a test?!
  7. Of course it does, but it requires to let go of the keyboard and reach for the mouse - not always a good idea/possible and mainly a bother when it should just work easier (and did in the past if I remember correctly).
  8. @Sigma88 Yeah, I feared as much ... Maybe I will try changing the curve a bit before or after SigDim stretches the values or use a curve similar to Earth's ... I am never gonna finish this career game before the next big update hits if I keep meddling in modding affairs this much. Will try the debug, thank you! Edit: Debug worked! Much easier than my approach ... I guess I will settle for Atmosphere 1.05 and toplayer 1.428571428571 - keeps the atmosphere rather stocky and finishes with a very thin part up to 105km - not exactly what I was aiming for, but it has to do, I want to start playing again!
  9. Is there an option to shove tourists around when the rocket is overbooked? Or when the tour shuttle arrives at the Munar hotel?
  10. @Sigma88 I am looking for a combination of Atmosphere and atmoTopLayer values that extend Kerbin's atmosphere to 105km, do not change (especially not severely thicken) the lower layers up to around 15-20km to much and thin it out nicely up to the top. While only using atmoTopLayer keeps the lower layers close to stock, it really thins out the upper atmosphere to the point that the extra 35km are virtually non-existant. Adding any amount of Atmosphere value seems to always thicken the lower atmosphere, so keeping this value quite small might be the way to go. Of course I can tell that the readings from Graphotron only shows numbers to the fourth decimal, so maybe I am closer to my goal than I think. How did you check what your code does? Is there another way to see the modified pressure curve than launching a rocket in the game and taking actual readings? I cannot read/understand the source code ... or I might have tried to cobble together another calc sheet to punch in numbers until I get tired. Side question: What does atmoVisualEffect affect? EVE clouds? Reentry effects? Thank you for putting up with my inquisitive nature!
  11. Like others I too wish to have read this earlier. Or at least before I launched a new segment to my space station, painfully maneuvered it into place - and have it not docking ... But because I didn't, I assembled my existing station in the VAB - sans docking ports - and launched it with the ever reliant F12-CW ... coughcough ... into orbit. I then employed the services of Ship Manifest Inc. to transfer the crew over ... With the latest rebuilt the hab time for the fully crewed station is finally several months to a year! (Only the tourists that came up with the unwilling new segment of the space station had to be brought down to Kerbin the traditional way.) For many careers I finally got around to use the Ant-engine again to land a very simple probe on Minmus for a contract. Next up is a double flag planting mission to Mun and Minmus, in the same go the team will have its first go at Surface Experiments on either of the two bodies. That should give us enough science to unlock longrange antennas worthy of their name, so that launching two comm-sats in highly excentric polar orbits will be worth the effort - might still need to upgrade the network for missions to Eeloo though. After that all necessary infrastructure for a probe mission to Duna should be in place.
  12. Can they be edited to do so? I know there is a way to make all sizes of stock docking ports be compatible to each other at least.
  13. That's weird indeed. My first thought after reading was "Maybe the lower tier buildings are just superimposed, since the upgradable buildings were added at a later point in development, and maybe the game has to deal with all buildings tiers being present somehow" - but since you only report problems with runway and launchpad, this seems not to be the case. So the only other idea I can come up with would that the lower tiers are missing some performance passes. Although, I have to add, I never noticed this problem myself - but I play a heavily modded game and wouldn't be able to say what is bringing my fps down.
  14. @Ship Save Splicer Is the exported ship identical in every way, e.g. stored Data and processed experiments for a MobileLab? Presumably an imported ship will pop in on the same orbit as during export - what about copying a space station into a game with enlarged planets? And what about landed ships/bases? @modlet request Could you make a modlet that deals with the brakes issue of not toggling by any means in the stock game? Either double tapping or alt+B? I looked around but could only find quite old mods that did this ...
  15. Checking the wiki shows me I underestimated the effect even half a degree inclination will have on an orbit ... OK, lets not talk about planets, moons then: The all to often occuring eclipses bother me to a marginal degree - with how much inclination for the Mun could I get away with without creating to much trouble like you described above? Less inclination needed the higher the orbit is, yes?
  16. I still aim for a 105km atmosphere for Kerbin that stretches reasonably. With the Graphotron mod I took one reading per quarter second during ascend in the original (org) Kerbin atmosphere, as well as with different Atmosphere and atmoTopLayer settings. (The last three columns are weird tries to change the pressure curve key by hand ...) I then picked the pressure value for altitudes in 2500m increments from the readout list. While only setting a value for atmoTopLayer keeps the lower atmosphere close the stock pressure, it also thins out the upper atmosphere very quickly, so that it does not really add to the thickness of the atmosphere, while still raising the border to space. Only setting a value for Atmosphere gives an upper atmosphere thinning close to stock, but also thickens the lower layers by quite a bit. With the two values I picked the the lower thickening was less, but again the upper atmosphere got close to non-existing a bit early. Does anyone have an idea on how to set both variables to get a smoother curve closer to the stock one? Or is the thicker lower atmosphere inevitable? My brain is about to quit ... Same table as google doc - if I did everything correctly ... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1paRRrVTuG-0Q_8PQ8EJEzKNDHSTwVmjKkrqQo7akKto/pubhtml?gid=1707297504&single=true
  17. Only hit I get is from RSS. His first file would work if his patches are read before SIGMA's? Yup, ModuleManager changes values that are then used in the end - no multiplication simply by changing it twice.
  18. Can you explain without to much big words where the difference between the two mods is?
  19. Disabling angle snap lets you move parts in the editor smoothly - lower your mouse sensitivity if you can.
  20. Someone mentioned the "unintuitive" UI - I actually like the options it is offering and would be happy to be able to use it in the VAB/SPH as well.
  21. With a bit of looking @sebi.zzr and @Shadowmage over their shoulders to find the final clue that made it work as I wanted it to.
  22. REDACTED I should keep better look out for updates then ... Nothing to see, move along!
  23. Do the hydroponics need/profit from any crew skills? (LS only, no MKS)
  24. How would a Kopernicus config look like that would tilt the stock system, so that Kerbin had seasons? (The look of the system itself would not change then? Apart from tilted relative to everything?)
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