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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Hah, knew it! Hm, bummer - was most practical for catching eventual intercepts of e.g. probes whose orbits crossed that of moons or orbited on the same orbit as planets. But I guess it also bit deep into processing power at some point?
  2. Wasn't there an option to create alarms on background SOI changes?
  3. @Sigma88 Where exactly does atmoTopLayer start thinning it out to the top? Kerbin's pressure curve ends in zero, should Atmosphere not "stretch" the curve anyway? I tried to make sense of the configs and source code, but what did I expect to understand as a non-programmer ... so I could not identify/read the underlying math. Sidenote: Problem with your example graphs that I have is that you change the scale of the x axis, and they do not end in zero as the original curves seems to "predict", also there is no "mixed" graph showing the combined effect of both parameters.
  4. I am still curious, what does atmoTopLayer do differently than just using Atmosphere by itself? Simple example, setting Atmosphere to 1.5 is about the same as setting both parameters to 1.25 - but what does change lets say for an atmosphere of 100km with a pressure curve of (alt in km : pressure) 0 : 1.0 25 : 0.8 50 : 0.4 75 : 0.2 100 : 0.0 when using only the one or both parameters? Edit: Hold! Will check this one out first, only just stumbled across it!
  5. I actually did update Kopernicus today then; the latest version was a few days old though and tired me did not notice at first that the "old" zip in my mod reservoir was not the version I used the last weeks. So, stubborn me - since it worked before - now took the shortcut and reverted to Kopernicus 1.3.0 v2 (from v4). Although I could live with a Jool without rings, because I use SIgma Dimensions I cannot give up on Kopernicus ... (would v3 work?) All (apart from the start menu clouds, meh) is well again, thank you and sorry for the actually needless alarm!
  6. I did just now. Changed nothing. Uploaded two new logs to the same link above. Removing the entire lot of SVE, Scatterer, Kopernicus and Planetshine helped though ...
  7. I updated SVE and reinstalled Kopernicus and Planetshine for no other reason that I thought I was not using the latest versions, but I was already. Also picked up a new skybox for texture replacer and installed the high res versions of SVE textures. While the start menu now reliably shows white clouds above Kerbin, the game itself will not load properly. I get a black screen, the loading orbits in the lower right stay on screen, all mods like KAC, RT - all that open up in the KSC view in existing or new games basically open their settings windows, but that's it. I have two fresh logs from two starts of the game and a savegame (heavily modded ... but it worked for many days until I did what I did above.) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qxcvyn3racnhdym/AAD6p6aB7Jne9xzSAv-ihQpIa?dl=0 One by one removing the new skybox, switching back to med res SVE textures, reverting to SVE 1.2.3, removing the new mods BetterBurnTime and Trajectories agin - I cannot get it working again. So I start my journey with you and ask for help.
  8. I had a similar problem lately. A lander that was perfectly fine at first sat there on Mun and had 0 dV by quite a bit of fuel in its tanks. After take off the "dVs" showed up again. Variables: 1. used a (then) faulty part of KAS to connect three ships that bugged out but all in all worked 2. all three ships were next to each other and using USI LS at least shared their supply and EC resources (closer than 150m) 3. had trouble with seemingly enough dV to reach the lowest orbit possible, possible problem: girders used as landing legs Though: Another of these three vessels showed its dV correctly (supposedly).
  9. I found this youtube channel, and some songs make me think of the periodically mentioned Kerbal band singing their space songs.
  10. The background simcalculation can also assume a perfect suicide burn, so the remaining fuel can be translated into a last second breaking burn under parachutes or simply at terminal velocity.
  11. @Snark @Padishar @cybutek Reading your ideas for the future makes me think that you might want to join forces with the KER team, as many things are already present there, just at different locations on the screen (e.g. time to atmosphere) and lots of things might complement quite nicely (e.g. your better burn times) - KER also has an impact timer, and since it can show the slope of the terrain, I think it might also account for terrain regarding impacting mountains while flying horizontally, but I am unsure atm.
  12. No. You have been brainwashed by Hollywood, where they put romance into every story, regardless of the situation in the source material.
  13. One of these shows that managed to completely escape my notice ...
  14. Now that I finally got to see it - more like 1:20 It is very sparse with outside shots - more like none, only views out of the small windows now and then. Kerbal fans will notice one or the other "problem" for sure.
  15. Or one of the descendants of the dinosaurs that left Atlantis and stayed behind to guide us, making sure we do not get eliminated by another asteroid like most of their brethren eons ago.
  16. Exclamation: There it is! Sidenote: Regarding the time to impact on bodies with an atmosphere - why not display the time to impact as usual and indicate that it is an estimation disregarding atmospheric drag?
  17. This is difficult to explain and I do not have anything to make a good bug report - if it even is a bug - , but has anyone else had the problem that the RT computer, instead of steadily burning towards a set man-node, somehow started rotating the ship, swirling around chasing the node and burning all its fuel? Can this happen when the time to the node only allows for the actual burn order to automatically be logged in but not the "point to node" one it usually logs in first?
  18. This was different, KER showed a perfectly fine dV number, and another vessel with similar dV got into orbit easily, but with this one I struggled to even get into the 9x9km orbit in the end, and only by welding off the struts via KAS. Might be that the inclination was at fault? I launched at about 50deg latitude into a 53deg inclined orbit to align with rescue attempt number three. (Number one was simply getting close with enough supplies, buying to research enough parts for attempt three, attempt two was only to get a contracted Kerbal back home.)
  19. Continued my mishap-ridden Mun expedition - I have a vague idea of what might have gone so utterly wrong, but no way to confirm or check really, somehow girders as landing gears mess with my dV/thrust?. Will make an album when I finally get those kerbonauts and that much needed science back home.
  20. @Sigma88 @OhioBob As I was not looking for a proportionately scaled atmosphere for my 2x Kerbin just a higher one that thins slower, I went with @Resize = 2 @Atmosphere = 1.153846153846 @atmoTopLayer = 1.300000000000 @dayLengthMultiplier = 4 for the atmosphere, reentry seems to work better for now, more testing for g during reentry required. And I only picked @Kopernicus:FOR[RealisticAtmospheres] { @Body[Kerbin] { @Atmosphere { temperatureLatitudeBiasCurve { key = 0 13 0 -0.2 key = 15 10 -0.2 -0.2 key = 38 0 -0.8 -0.8 key = 60 -13 -0.7 -0.7 key = 75 -25 -0.65 -0.65 key = 90 -32 -0.4 0 } temperatureLatitudeSunMultCurve { key = 0 12 0 0 key = 22.5 14.5 0 0 key = 45 11 -0.18 -0.18 key = 90 4 -0.12 0 } temperatureAxialSunBiasCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 } temperatureAxialSunMultCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 } temperatureEccentricityBiasCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 } } } } from RA to see if I get a bit more frost bite at the poles.
  21. No wonder, closing the window stops the mod from working until you open it again.
  22. I meant, what is being simulated? A launch straight up? With atmosphere?
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