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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. They could have made Kerbin "a special place" to train kerbonauts (EVA on land, EVA in water, fly, suborbital, orbit, EVA in orbit, do science, give report etc.), but I think this would have felt even grindier. I find the "Hold Retrograde" pretty useful for landings. The craft still accepts my input for killing horizontal velocity/moving horizontally and automatically returns to retrograde. I just have to watch the TWR to hold/control my altitude. It is not called "study points", but "experience points" - the time spent on a ship, getting used to live and work in space, operate machinery on a daily basis for months etc. The veteran might have been on several trips flying for a few days with CAPCOM always available, but the newbie you cruely shot into the far reaches of the Kerbol system was travelling for months, with no readily available backup or support. Kinda. Yes.
  2. Strange. It should only add, not take something away. You did not delete the original cfg that came with EVE?
  3. In Astronomer's Pack is a file named "something Auroras.cfg" - just pull it out of the zip file and put it into your Clouds folder of BoulderCo.
  4. Ah, OK ... hm ... could there be a problem with KAC's autosave feature? Is anyone using FF and NOT getting this bug?
  5. I read in a review that the audiobook was also very good - I normally like to read for myself, but if the whole book is made up like a log?
  6. A "flight recorder" option for KSP might help. A mod or built-in protocol function listing everything that happens, loading of new polygons included. Has anyone been able to repeat the incident? Meaning having a quicksave shorts before it happened, quickloading and have it happen again (and again)?
  7. It is a known bug/design flaw. Launch Stability Enhancers provide power (to keep a probe core alive while warping on the launchpad) and therefore open up these contracts.
  8. By accepting the loss of some kind of error correction the ISP can activate FastPath to reduce latency. How critical is the possible packet loss etc. without interleaving? What might happen?
  9. Are the ribbons saved in the savefile or in an extra file in the same save folder? (I read the OP as same folder ...)
  10. Is KSP able to eat through the full physical memory (say 8GB) of a computer or only up to the 32bit RAM limit in total, meaning RAM used to run the game and leaked memory in total?
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Martian_%28Weir_novel%29 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3659388/ Anyone read the novel?
  12. Sorted my modding problems out! So, now I will be able to continue with my first Kerbol probe in .90 and sent a crew to Minmus for extensive EVA training.
  13. I think the problem comes from playing another save - but I am not sure. That is the only "unusual" thing I have been doing lately. And whenever I return to my actual save, the ribbons are gone. But it also happened while I was playing in a new save to test something else. After the second trip to the launchpad right after recovering the first craft, the first crew had lost their ribbons and noone had a mission accounted for. Sorry, no logs this time, was restarting the game over and over to fix another problem.
  14. I have been trying to get clouds for a long time - it worked finally when I realized that the Astronomer packs etc. are incompatible with the WIP version of EVE ... Another question though, I once had a config that added dense clouds and fog to Minmus - any idea where I might have had it from?
  15. Sorry to bother you then, but I usually read changelogs, FAQs etc. - and there it was not mentioned. But good to know that I will have no trouble in my current actual save, thanks!
  16. Excellent! You say it has been fixed? Did I miss an update?! I have been using RC for the last two weeks and the error only appeard four days ago ... does the bug always occur with any part in the faulty version? Will check back home and do a complete reinstall of RC. Edit: No, I am using the version available for download in the OP. Can the bug still happen with previously saved ships - like the stock KerbalX?
  17. Reminds of turn based multiplayer games like Civilization , Master of Orion or Birth of the Federation, sure. But I think with the integration of some kind of KerbalAlarmClock, it might work out. All players could be able to set their game to "willing to warp" whenever they were done with a task and as soon as all players are "wtw", the game would fast-forward until the first alarm by any player was reached. If a player - while waiting for the others - was able to go into build-mode, waiting would be less boring. HOCgaming, EnterElysium and (forgot his name!) played a multiplayer mod that allowed players to time warp independently and players "in the past" to sync up/forwards to any player "in the future" - seemed to work out, apart from bugs now and then.
  18. Its a (almost) wrap! Career in 23.5 ended with the Jool expedition picking up the out-of-fuel Duna expedition, sending the robotic miner to refuel from Ike, taking the lander for one more trip to vist Ike and spent a while in Duna's orbit to wait for a window. Eager to deliver the science data as soon as possible, Jeb stuffed everything into a Mk1 pod and separated from the Explorer III with a Kerbin PE of 20km, while Bob steered the ship into a orbit parallel to the station in orbit. The Explorer III - while not 100% perfect - performed admirably! (Will have to upload some pictures at last.) Just an ion probe - that will most likely lack power for anything so far out - is still out there and might catch a flyby at Eeloo ... or not, will see next Saturday, maybe. In the meantime I am trying to get my .90 to work again as I want it to. No clouds are showing, memory usage is high and at least the Kerbal X in a sandbox test behaved ... strangely: the orbit wobbled about, my camera shifts hundreds of meters from the craft, g-forces keep killing the crew randomly ... I hope it is a problem inherent in the stock craft and not an updated mod ...
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