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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Dogs rarely leave their homes very far, let alone board trains or planes regularly. Also zombies do not keep a somewhat polite distance like flu patients might - quite the opposite realy.
  2. A few more words on this please?
  3. Up to this point this is the nerdiest in my opinion so far. Just for the sheer lack of practical use. Close follow-up is the dice selection one. I made an excel sheet for creating Shadowrun characters at some point in my twenties - 3rd Edition ... I think.
  4. I love the idea of public transport. But I hate using it.
  5. It is always more bills, isnt it?
  6. Never! But when there is nothing new to talk about ... better than talking nonsense.
  7. There have been lots of games on steam - inc. KSP - that pulled a very small update, but I cannot see what was done. Can anyone help?
  8. Rewatched the only episode of Buffy on my drive (the musical one) during the latest 1h+ internet outage on monday and my brain is currently processing. So take your pick, though right now it is Giles Standing in the Way.
  9. Something to negate all that cake I ate the last two days ...
  10. Almost. In some book or another they explained it being a cluster of black holes, and the goal was to fly the shortest route, so dangerously close to them. It does not 100% fit the question of whether the Falcon is a fast ship, but to avoid the gravity of a black hole you want to be quite fast or at least have strong engines, which ends up being the same in space, I guess.
  11. KerbMav


    Some freshly pressed cat juice should do the trick.
  12. Not mine: https://i.imgur.com/UDS9eiQ.mp4 I am feeling weird in my ... shoes.
  13. Risky topic. Most I heard are far from PG ...
  14. Although the same would happen any time a Jedi lands a hit that draws blood.
  15. The "put your money in the bank" song from Mary Poppins ...
  16. I never got good at space combat, that is building ships that actually are more powerful as fleet strength comparison suggests ...
  17. Today - in the sense of about 1am this "morning" - a meteor flew in from northwest (presumably, perspective and all) over Bonn, Germany. My roof window above my PC goes practically straight east, so I dont think it was the Irish fireball?
  18. Today in the sense of about 1am at night - still playing NMS and avoiding bedtime ... A meteor flying in from northwest (presumably, perspective and all) over Bonn, Germany. My roof window above my PC goes practically straight east, so I dont think it was the Irish fireball?
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