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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Ah, I was only today reading an article that mentioned this. So basically they are wondering why the red car drives as well as the blue one? Coming from the right scientific field you might be able to answer this question: Do critics in the scientific world and forum/comments posters share more or less than 90% or their genetic code?
  2. Tried to get from Pol to Laythe without waiting to long or using to much fuel. Lowered my PE at Jool to somewhere close to Vall's orbit and got a Tylo flyby in the process that pulled my Jool AP to about 250km becoming my new PE, with a new AP at Tylo orbit height - nice, so far so good. But - I do not know why, maybe because of repeated quickloads - even at 150km aerobreaking an Jool did nothing for me. Will try again today, had spent enough time in map mode fiddling nodes and redoing burns for one evening.
  3. "No, no, no, it does not shrink the user, it enlarges the world!" Gnomish technology at its finest.
  4. If this is an answer to my post, thank you very much. But actually I was curious about what GoSlash27 meant with "without any separation between the wings means that they will no longer self-stabilize with dihedral" - is there another bug with clipping parts?
  5. So what? You have reached an important step in YOUR journey of KSP. What do the other (long time) players have to do with it?
  6. I kind of remember reading somewhere that they planned to redo the VAB UI - but where ...
  7. Laythe is very close to Jool, so might be shielded from solar winds by its parent's magnetosphere. Tylo seems to have no water and there is no visible volcanic activity, so there is no source that could produce an atmosphere in the first place. Laythe only has a thin atmosphere and relatively low gravity - both might be an indication and reason respectively for Jool sucking up gas from Laythe - colonization might only be possible for a few million years then.
  8. And what will be your pirate name?
  9. Maybe not 100% on topic, but certainly related. What I think would be very helpful is a modder support group authorized to: a. recompile source for a new version of KSP b. reupload should the original link vanish Authorization could be given along with the license, though not limited to users X and Y, but members of this group, whoever they might be in a few months/years. More on topic, I think the basic help is already almost always available and* given by the community (correct installation, workarounds, links to pieces of information lost in long threads etc.) (Achievement unlocked: Five Words with "A" in a row!)
  10. Returned from Tylo to Pol for refueling - on a very inefficient course - so it took the crew almost 100d to get round and round Jool ... *blush* Then the game crashed - should stop tabbing between KSP and numerous youtube videos, even in fake-window mode. Or should go and install more RAM, so KSP is no longer competing with the flash player?
  11. In which way have we ever been divided?? *holds KSP mod community banner up higher*
  12. KerbMav


    - .... . .-. . / .. ... / .- / - .-. --- .-.. .-.. / .. -. / - .... . / ..-. --- .-. ..- -- ... / - .... --- ..- --. .... - / -.-- --- ..- / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / -.- -. --- .--
  13. As long as you have three or four satellites around Kerban that can see each other and at least one can reach KSC at all times, it does not matter at which height or period they are orbiting, as long as their period is the same.
  14. UUhhuhuuhuuhhaahaaahhaaahaaaa!!! I mean ... fascinating.
  15. Can this player be helped? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89480-Ambient-sounds-for-planets Planet/biome specific background sounds for wind etc.?
  16. Do I have a favorite food ... I do not know actually ... there are many things I really do like to eat. One of my alltime favorites is a casserole my mom makes, with minced meat, mashed potatoes and cabbage/sourkraut. She also makes really good escalopes with mushroom cream sauce. Fried potatoes with potted (?) beetroot should be mentioned too!
  17. I think the topic of this thread justifies the recurring resurrection of this thread. Probably try to get a big gun and a handgrenade - try to get to a shelter, stopping for noone, waiting for and helping others always gets you killed in the movies - handgrenade tight to my neck at all times, just anything happens.
  18. Finally let Pol - and the Mobile Miner - behind and continued to Tylo. The Tylo Landing Assist Modules (really only stacked tanks above the lander) worked perfectly fine and the sepratrons pushed each stage out of my flight path. (Really have to get this .23/.5 album going ...) KSP does not want me to drop a maneuver node on my Tylo orbit even at 200km though ... maybe after the restart today. Will most likely return to Pol to refuel, carrying two orange tanks worth of fuel from Pol to Tylo and getting into a 20x20km orbit was no cheap. Then it is off to Vall and maybe Laythe in one trip, before I will most likely have to refuel one more time and Bop comes last. After that the Jool Mission flies of to Duna to assist the Duna Return Mission with its fuel problem and the remaining two anomalies there. An Ike landing is a given, as we will have to land and refuel there anyway.
  19. One of the new contracts coming in the future should introduce a new experiment for the mobile lab that pays next to nothing in science points, but is specifically requested from a contract. Gives a reason to lift something heavier and ship it anywhere (build stations and bases), could include a minimum crew in the vessel as a whole, would feel less headscratchy than this.
  20. I do not follow? Anyway, as far as I know, the returned science can have a value of 0 (zero) and still complete the contract.
  21. Not much, had to fly two refueling trips in orbit of Pol. Right after I left Pol's SOI on my way to Tylo, the craft accelerated to 30km/s and burst apart without leaving any debris behind ... last savegame is 15min old, I did not wish to see where it left me, will pick up this evening and hope for the best.
  22. Watch the interrogation scene with Agent Smith and Morpheus again, it is reveiled that there was an earlier Matrix in which all was well and good, but he human brain did not accept it.
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