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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. dont think u need a wedge battery. there tons of battery types out there. right now getting the tac stuff iw what i want. i went theru and modifed the eclss one to use tac stuff so i can use it. as u guys do the tac stuff thou remember the oxy tank in the usa core has 21k oxy in it so its way to much so might either balance it or push it farther down the tech line
  2. probaly for fairings u gonna have to go to the .cfg for it and add the new module
  3. just checked on your expermental version its still there that error wavefunctionp they still deploy so dont know why its getting a error
  4. wavefunction that was using the newest version for 23.5 was running 64bit.
  5. wavefuntion for some reason dropbox isnt allowing your expermental to be downloaded u have to have a account then save to your dropbox then download it right now
  6. wavefuntionp cant download the expemermental version from your dropbox always says failed. was gonna try it to see if it fixed the issue with the iva breaking
  7. with this only thing left for me is to wait for module fuels to be updated and my game is back up to what i like
  8. needs a gui update it throws thie error even thou not a constant error NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Romfarer.Util.LightTexture (UnityEngine.Texture2D texture, Single v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Romfarer.Util.get_LazorSkin () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Romfarer.RuntimeLogic.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  9. [LOG 06:34:11.005] [KSP Interstellar] Exception caught adding to: radiator-1mw part: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at FNPlugin.PluginHelper.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 [ERR 06:34:11.007] Cannot find module 'ModuleDeployableSolarPanel' (-298629360) is one error u get for kspi
  10. hey stupid chris can u help this guy he cant get his mod to work right when used with realchutes http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86691-0-24-DebRefund-v1-0-9
  11. only bug i know right now is the gui bug. posted the error message ealier if u want to see it.
  12. no crash here with new .dll check your other mods might be something conflicting
  13. when i mean a pack i mean like a group of parts like mks but they all bunndled together so say like having oks and mks together would be it. well right now would be happy if u combined all your differnt mod pages into one page getting a bit wild to keep track of 7 differnt topics along with the dependencies for the mods lol.
  14. roverdude why dont u just start from ground and build u a part pack like kw and such with everything lol.
  15. the problem i encountred was that even thou i have a kw .cfg and it worked in .23.5 in .24 the kw .cfg wont work kw stuff has the bar to resize but they dont actualy resize or do have to wait time all other parts seem to resize instantly but for kw
  16. here is the error it gives its a gui error [EXC 09:44:57.082] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [EXC 09:44:57.093] ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint happens anytime u hit one of the buttons for the start screen for tac. once u go to another screen it clears the error but reappear if u hit the button again
  17. getting some weird textures on a few of the parts. took out last of atm to see if that was what causing it ill post if still like that
  18. hmm seems on 64bit it does work a little but its not like it use to be before it was around 160mb in cache now its only around 74mb. seems like its not doing its load textures before game loads thing is what it is. found something new when i loaded game and tried to start a new game it started trying to save memory. ActiveTextureManagement: Accumulated Saved 1007826100B (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ActiveTextureManagement.ActiveTextureManagement.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 this is when it was trying to load a new save game. dont remember it trying to save when loading a save game before
  19. u cant drop; the old shardassets into the 64bit u probaly have to do it manualy if u go to the eve form and go to the original sunflare post u see how to extract it and add the flare yourself but dont know if it work on 64x
  20. we know we will still need this but right now it dont work for .24 hopely we get a update soon or a temp fix if someone finds one.
  21. with this prerelase update only need ATM to be updated then can realy dive into playing new update
  22. it only takes a few min at most to do its only 1 file u replace. just go to the universe replacer thread that the orignal sunfalre file is from it gives step by step instructions on how to do it
  23. make sure to add so that it only works on stuff thats falling not stuff u eject but is space debris
  24. for the sunflare u probaly gonna have to do it the old way and exract the file out and replace then repack to get the sunflare to work for the 64x version
  25. active texturemanagment dont fully work yet. in .24 it wont reduce the textures right but it doesnt give any errors just part of the mod isnt working is all.
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