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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. once he fixes the planet edges next update ima start useing it on my main game after tweaking
  2. found a new bug im landing on laythe and whenver look directly at jool it turns into black box. not sure if its my .cfg ima check it thou. nvm sems like its my texture maybe when look at jool it goes into a black box. its the cloud itself not jool. hmm kerbin and eve are fine just went to duna it was fine. guess might have to try defualt texture for laythe see if that fixes it update; texture is working fine but for some erason when the volmetric clouds and jool are in same picture the clouds blackbox seems to be if jool is on horizion when the volemtric clouds are being genrated it blackboxes them check more now update 2 fixed it chaned my scale of the bump to match the detail and black box gone some ss from eve and laythe dont know why but area between my eve cloud layers is blue lol. everything is looking good just need to expand the area the clouds are volmetric so that it covers far enough u cant see the edge. in the eve shots my eve clouds go about at 20times faster than kerbin lol but ran good but this test setting dont know how that speed go wtih all my mods. how thick are the volmetric cloud layers want to play with ti some to see how close i can get them so less of a gap
  3. added ss of kerbin compare. but whats code to add the imgur instead of having just a code thou. been so long since i put ss on a post forgot how lol
  4. got my .cfg working but noticed something else but its from the new changes http://imgur.com/a/HpVuG#0 bah cant remember hwo to add imgur galery like others lol well back on subject look at the edges of the planets u get that glowing area in it also another thing where before the clouds would fade at the edge of planet when in that veiw now they dont u see a complate overlay above the planet. this is probaly just a side effect change of the shader changes. adding some of kerbin to show what i mean
  5. my .cfg not working iwth it have to see whats wrong
  6. rubisco have u tried haveing the mutiple layers go differnt speeds? this is the setup i use for even have to see how the bump1 looks with test 8 thou CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve altitude = 4000 color { r = 0.314 g = 0.216 b = 0.435 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 0 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0005 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0005 y = 0 } } bump_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1 scale = 40 offset { x = 0.9218211 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0005 y = 0 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve altitude = 6000 color { r = 2 g = 1 b = 2 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 0 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0015 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0015 y = 0 } } bump_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1 scale = 15 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0015 y = 0 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve altitude = 8000 color { r = 0.411 g = 0.204 b = 0.663 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 offset { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.00001 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 offset scale = 100 { x = 0.4609106 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.00001 y = 0 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve altitude = 10000 color { r = 0.314 g = 0.216 b = 2 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 0 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0025 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0025 y = 0 } } bump_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1 scale = 20 offset { x = 0.1718219 y = 0 } speed { x = -0.0025 y = 0 } } } CLOUD_LAYER { body = Eve altitude = 12000 color { r = 0.643 g = 0.424 b = 0.914 a = 1 } main_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1 scale = 0 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = 0.0035 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1 scale = 100 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = -0.0035 y = 0 } } bump_texture { file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/bump1 scale = 15 offset { x = 0.08436437 y = 0.5 } speed { x = -0.0035 y = 0 } } } btw do u think having each layer atleast 2k apart will help with the layers looking better?
  7. yes it should work for rss. even stock kethan works for rss so this should also since no real changed other than adding the resouces have been did
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63871-Multiple-docking-nodes-on-the-same-part/page2?highlight=docking only thing that may help i for life of me cant remember that mod that had a docking port that could dock with any smaller dockin gports or itself
  9. the recyclers are not a 1 for 1. also there are spliters to turn say water into oxygen. check this mod out if u want to add colonzation options that work with tac but u would need kethane to use http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72706-WIP-Introducing-the-Modular-Kolonization-System
  10. not sure what it was that aused my issue to not be able to send. think it had a error then when i restarted it fixed itself. working fine now so far since the problem. next time it happens ill see if i can find something in the log. cause just couldnt transmit but could take the report so im thinking something between rt2 and it was in conflict for a min there. now that i think about it its possible the rt2 flight computer could have caused a error. well if ti happens again ill scan the log to see what i find.
  11. had a issue with the probe sceince report it gave indication and everything but couldnt send could onloy keep report and even after i keep it couldnt send report ill see if something is messing with it maybe. i have rt2 so might be something causing problem. i had connection but even manual collection i couldnt send. ill see after this if its this mod
  12. if u dock a 1.25 and a 3.7 would they be fine? im not wanting install something that every time i build a ship i have to remember that this can fuse my ships together if i forgot what type of docking port is on them. these look awsome realy want to used but dont want a moments forgetfullnes to ruin say a space station or a base ive spent a ton of time on. i cant for life of me remember the mod i had before that had a dockig port that would let any the same size or smaller dock with it even another of itself could dock with it.
  13. sounds interesting but make sure to have where it takes time. basicly u start the lazer and it gives a a estimated time to completion. then u go do other stuff and come back when time is up and poof its finish.
  14. best to have both a small dish and a antana on all probes. check out the aies dish it has a small dish thats perfect for thos it has a 20 cone and a 90Mm range
  15. basicly go to your folder and open the common.cfg in it mutiple the values by 10. in it say duna is 200 defualt using rss u want it to be 2000.
  16. no problems here with it im loving it. just need to cut down parts so be less than 3gb on full res. only problem i heard is one of the guys on klf would crash on start unless he used it to launch with the launcher. no idea why i didnt test it thou to see if going straight from the .exe or using steam worked fine since i alway suse the launcher for fake fullscreen
  17. here what i found so far. not much problem with alot of mods and it going just a drop a bit of fps when enter clouds 1-2 if small rocket probaly a bit more if its lot bigger. also found there is a mod incompatibitly ill have to test and find out what mod it is. basicaly when u exit the clouds your camera trys to stay stuck to clouds but gets draged below u when u get beyound the 2km from that point your ship instantly disentegrats. its almost like the clouds suddenly became part of my ship and th camera didnt know what to do
  18. just had a weird camera problem. first time launch no problem exited game to change a .cfg in MM then when launched another rocket when rocket got over clouds camera got stuck to clouds thenb rocket blew up after a bit. not sure if its the mod or a mod conflct since worked fine first time testing that now.
  19. ima test it on my main install that i have over 100 mods/ part of mods installed and see what it does. normaly i start off at arond 2.5gb of ram used so should be a good test of the volume test
  20. bloodbunny i tried it again but removed all mods but the ones u showed in your ss still same thing was at 2.5gb usage and the mods are not even full modpack. ill mess around with it more later maybe something ive changed with my mods causing problems. but your mod does work i just cant get to work s well as u lol. some things to improve on it. the window to show the files need to make it stay open when u looking at it. its praticaly impossible to verfy which textures its missing when the window dont say open. also having a button for it to make a txt fil listing all the textures if sees would be nice. to make it less intrusive make it so its a square box with just the number 0/number of textures. and when u click on it it open to the veiw of it now.
  21. can u make a structal tress part that the orange tanks can be fitted into? making them siliar to how the old thss fuel tresses looked iwth a bladder on in side of it but make them able to eject just the tank out one side would be awsome
  22. here is the one thing u need to add to it. have where u can select the parts of a mod t install. me i use alot of mods but i dont use every port of most o f them so its nice to get to select down to the parts. u could put like a tree with checkmarks and only those filses u select will be installed rest is ignored
  23. @ mellojoe u use th big map to mouse over or u can in big map right click on it and it open a smaller close up loation.
  24. il see if it might have just been the decoupler i used. the kw engine fairing setting is way near bottom of the.cfg so its possible when it adds the hotrockets setting its knocking it off an just not reading it but ill look again when i boot up game next
  25. what i mean is that the mod is only seeing 800 textures where as my total is 1700. when u start game it should be 0/(ever how many textures u have) for me it should be 0/1700 but its not its 0/871 which means the mod isnt seeing all the textures
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