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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. for me i always come in at a 20-30km area for reentry and all sheilds seem to work fine. Kass u sure your settings are right? so far everything has worked fine for me. to lose all of the sheilding suddenly cant think of anything but either gforce issue or MM is messing up. btw nathan could u put out some configs u recommend say for hard game,the realo kerbin, and such. i suck at tryign to get the values i want and btw anyone found good settings for the rescale kerbin yet.
  2. op put the version number in title to make it easier to tell when updated.
  3. for some reason my stock anttana since installed remotetech 2 has lost all animation of extending. since its lost its ablity to extend i can turn it on and never turn off even when in atsmo now. the new stock dish thou extends even thou wont do it auto anymore have to do manualy. btw is there anyway we can incloude the aies dishes back into rt2 also the other tracking diish would be good i liked how they looked
  4. would this effect mods like kethane, scansat, and the new remotetech or would they work fine?
  5. dont worry i been using RT for long time since around .19 or so. if there bugs ill report them.
  6. one thing could u make the chart number easier to read. to me they hard to read and some i cant even tell
  7. dont forget source. i would use but since using deadly reentry crew would be dead before it be of use
  8. does this add nodes to the research tree or use existing ones thats at end of tree? cause im using the vettech tree and alll id does is rearange som eof the techs it doesnt change the existing tree realy
  9. would love to use but problem is with other mods like interstellar and near future tech dont fit on there good
  10. me i want some inflatable heatsheilds that dont flip my ship. i been using the closing irus sheild for bigger ships
  11. when im flying with a plane with the camera on it it loses its function to take a pic for sceince
  12. dxtfantom people just dont want this mod to get to easy cause of people wanting a easy mode push button. the original dre was awsome but very unforgivening if u messed up. and people decryied it so he made it easier and alot still cried. see where im going.
  13. i know the reason. due to way he wrote teh cfg for the mj pod if u use anything that adds stuff with the mm using the code to add to command part the mj pod causes a exception and forces mm to restart he might need to redo th4e .cfg for the mj pod to fix that issue
  14. this mod isnt for those who to just play. this adds some realsim to the game. even in realworld we have no materals that could build a jet to take 25g
  15. ill give nathan a hand anwsering questions so he can work since been using this mod since .19. @Synthesis vettech should not break this mod. vettech onloy takes stock tree and rearange it it adds no new nodes. plus being sand box or carrer has no effect on a .dll running it only effects the parts showing up if not added to the tech tree. @jpinard no u shoujldnt need any other mod this comes with 1.25,2.5,3.75 and 6.25 heat sheilds already but nothing stoping u getting others like the irus heatsheild @mihara im not sure but its probaloy because best way to force the game to blow up a part (since far as i know the mechanic for heat and geforce damage hasnt been put in game in even just code). so for u to have a explosion he has to base it off of something which is already ingame( i cold be wrong in this just going with what it seems like to me)
  16. TechRequired = start entryCost = 0 use this for now it will put them on first node of the tech tree. that should prevent any problems. the bigger sheilds if u want u can just look at bigher stock rocket parts and put them in the nodes with them without any tech node put in cfg they wont show up in career but will show up in sandbox.
  17. will the parts still show up if im using the vettech tree? if not u should include some .cfgs so they used on stock tree.
  18. this works fine for .22 but u have to manualy add it to scince tree.
  19. its looking good. some parts that have textures that are more stocklike or better match other packs would be nice also unless u gonna make parts besides command cap
  20. i would ask a mod about it to be sure thou. think your suppose to put the license info on op just like u suppose to have source avaialbe.
  21. op says he has a license but has nothing listed. its kinda a murky area without him saying wich he might as well not even have one then.
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