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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. texture replacer has the function but its default settings are not good but i fu tweak u can get just like that gif.
  2. messing around more seems its a issue of the dang it mod not liking the solar panel not my ram. here the error it throws. like i said its weird as the mk2 one doesnt throw it only the mk 1 but from what i can see they identical but for the resizeing factor. [LOG 06:37:27.874] [DangIt]: Tracking Servo[-247452]: OnLoad complete: loaded 2 perks. [EXC 06:37:27.877] InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source) coffeeman.ModuleSolarReliability.DI_ShowInfoInEditor () ippo.ModuleReliabilityInfo.GetInfo () PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) PartLoader+.MoveNext () [LOG 06:37:27.890] [DangIt]: Tracking Servo[-247452]: ERROR [System.InvalidOperationException]: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at coffeeman.ModuleSolarReliability.DI_Start (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ippo.FailureModule.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 also so u know most time ksp stops on loading a file isnt a ram issue its either 2 things mod error(but sometimes dont show in lo gunless u let game keep trying to load) or ksps loading just screwing up which happens and removeing the file then starting game without the file then put file back in after a restart from main menu.
  3. hmm have a weird issue the ssp mk1 wotn load in my game. anytime i have the part file in game frezes on it yet i remove it it doesnt freeze. only differnce between the mk1 and mk1 .cfg is the rescale and electric charge.
  4. I have no problem donating to good modders but forceing people to pay for mods will just make another greenlight debaticale in my opinion
  5. can u put it on kerbal stuff also that way we can get notifications of a update
  6. was looking at upgradeing and looked at your ors resouce pack file for the atmosphericresourcedefinitions.cfg and they all missing the resouce name part in them. should i stay iwth the ors file i have as it is same but has the resouce names resourceName = Nitrogen for exameple
  7. ive had that problem with microstudder before but never could fix it. normaly it disapppaered on its own even if i didnt change any files. last time i had it i my test game folder had the microstutter but my play folder for ksp didn even tho they where identical as the play folder was a copy of the test. so only thing i could think of is thats a random unity issue as unity has to many issues on its own lol well i have to many installs of ksp anyway lol 1 normal play 1 rss then 2 test folders for each.
  8. so what u saying starwaster a capsule with 2 heat sheilds on it doing aerobraking to slow down should be burning up at 40-50km with a whole 2 points or so of ablative sheilding used and the chute on the capsule top that should be sheilded due to 2 heat sheilds on bottom of the capsuel should burn up at 55km wthere there air bearly is yet? i understand what u saying starwaster. my first thought is im doing somoething wrong but no matter what profile for reentry i tried they never can get below 40km. i even tried a long aero break where bearly dip into at 55km to slow down and still burn up on second pass of slowing down.
  9. im going back to 6.4 as cant get 6.5 to work. everything burns up and heat sheilding dont work. things i noticed with 6.5 1. prachutes can bburn up when u going jst 300ms at any height and even be burning up when u at 50km. 2. ablative sheilding and the heat sheilds doing nothing.( good example is putting a parachute ontop of the mk1 pod and the chute will burn up at 55km with botht he pods ablative sheilding and a heat sheild. the sheilding does go down but its not effecting the heat any. only thing left for me to do on the 6.5 is to disable the alternate heating module and see if thats what causing sheilding and abnormal heating to be occuring.
  10. im having the issue someoneposted ealier with abnormal heating. bascialy its like the sheilding isnt working. on reentry at 44km it burns up. i looked at the temp and sheilding it lost only 1 pont of sheilding and the temp keep rising yet it said the abient temp outside it was -30. also my chute burned off first even thou its on top of the capsule behind the sheild on the mk1 pod. its basicay like the abrative sheilding isnt even working now. ive checked the logs was no error. ill mess around more with it to see if it some problem i caused. this time gonna see if its the alternate heat modle maybe causing it as i had it checked on using default settings with the newest beta.
  11. make sure u didnt put all the .cfg in there. it might be cause u have the default easy and hard .cfg installed
  12. just set solarpanel clamping to false and your panels generate wh again
  13. if u useing kspi use this update to it to get rid of the errors thrown by the radaion system of kspi KSPI 0.90 Extended Configuration op might want to add that as a note that kspi dont work with these and to recommend that if they want to use kspi and outter planets on the main page also if using kerbal enginner do not have a window display biome when u go around one of the gas giants or it keep throwing errors till u disable biomes.
  14. yep the newest update with the disable radation works to get rid of the radation error when using a planet mod.
  15. all those should be fine to use. mks if u hunt around there is a kspi integration patch to help mks work with kspi better. 1 suggestion is to not use aggressive use normal if u go and use the dds converter and dds loader u wont need aggressive. @freethinker reason i asked if ther a way to disable the radation system is with the outer planets mod u get this error when usint the outter planets mod. ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at OpenResourceSystem.ORSPlanetaryResourceMapData.loadPlanetaryResourceData (Int32 body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at OpenResourceSystem.ORSPlanetaryResourceMapData.getResourceAvailability (Int32 body, System.String resourcename, Double lat, Double lng) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FNPlugin.VesselExtensions.GetRadiationDose (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FNPlugin.FNModuleRadiation.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) im not a coder but i looked at the code just to make sure planets are not hard coded and they not so it means koperis added planets are missing something that kspi looks for to compute where it is for radaition. im probaly for hell of it try to strip out the radaiton code and see how it does. thats about the extent of my codeing knowlege. since the outer planets are analogs of stock planets dont see why it throws the error when u get in orbit around them.
  16. just makea .cfg change increaseing the max temp of the parts that way u can use them for reentry.
  17. is there anyway to disable the radiation system for interstellar? and can anyone spin off the wasteheat mechanic out of interstellar? ive gotten the way i only use interstellar cause i like the wasteheat mechanic and wish i could use it without all the outer stuff. its mainly due to how interstellar is becomeing incompatiable since it still depends on ors for to much. right now its not compatiable with most planet mods as the radation system throws null errors around anything but default bodies.
  18. yeah thats teh error. probaly simple to fix just have where if no biome is there disable that check.
  19. dont know if reported but the indev version will throw errors around a planet that has no biomes.
  20. it might not be this mod causing it spaz. if u mean where u can click on parts of a premade ship and also u get errors when u try to right click your cockpit thats a b9 mft-rf.cfg error. ive told bac9 about it u need to remove the cockpits from the mft-rf.cfg if u use tac life support.
  21. if u can figure out what the engine stats are for when they use them. making the other changes like adding as a resouce isnt hard.
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