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Everything posted by JollyGreenGI

  1. A few things: - I might've missed it, but I don't see a download link? - Updating via CKAN I'm encountering some issues, namely the installation doesn't include the StockWaterfallEffects and WaterfallRestock folders. To get around this you can separately install Waterfall - Restock in CKAN, but Stock Waterfall Effects is flagged as a conflict and can't be installed. Obviously a manual install solves this but that brings me back to the first point. Just thought I'd highlight these quirks that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere.
  2. Is there a way to invert the pitch controls? Typically S pitches the nose up and W brings it down, but with the Fly-by-Wire enabled it reverses this.
  3. I've got a more... unconventional interpretation of the Flying Wing design: Upon staging a second time, it becomes a literal flying wing: Here it's is, the U-102 'Bandwagon' Despite the odd design, it is quite well balanced and fun to fly.
  4. Just thought you should know, there are some parts with broken animations as of KSP 1.10.0, namely the RCS jet and the liftfans, maybe others. They still produce thrust but the doors are locked in place.
  5. Contract No.006 Generation 4.5 (projected to remain relevant with Gen 5 concepts) Auth: JollyGreenGI F-40 Warhawk II An Air Superiority Fighter turned Multirole. Essentially if the F-22 had been introduced a decade earlier, and was a Fighting Falcon with a face lift. Strip away the stealth paint and digital cockpit, the Raptor would still be a very formidable fighter. However, in 1986, it was apparent that F-22 would not be ready for service for another 2 decades. An interim was needed, no waiting for technology to catch up. Intended to be a more conventional stealth fighter, the ‘Warhawk’ has proven itself not only to dominate the skies, but as a force multiplier popular with ground forces. With a large payload and respectable loitering ability, she is truly a force to be reckoned with. Aside from the shiny gold cockpit reducing radar returns from inside, Warhawk's stealth comes solely from its geometry. Because of this, design had to focus on maximizing stealth from certain angles rather than all around. From above and below, radar reduction is minimal, but from the front and back, the Warhawk II nearly vanishes from radar screens. Noticeably heavier than the equally small F-16, Warhawk II's powerplant had to produce twice as much thrust compared to the Viper's. So it does. And then some more. Thrust to weight reaches 1.1 on dry thrust, and exceeds 1.6 on afterburners. All this while having 2D thrust vectoring, a beastly engine needs to chug jet fuel like no tomorrow. Luckily F-40 has the fuel reserves and efficiency to perform intercontinental trips at transonic speeds without refueling, and can run its engine on high bypass to increase efficiency further and reduce exhaust temperature, and IR signature. Download: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/F-40-Warhawk-II Notes: I just got back into KSP after nearly a year hiatus, so if you notice anything hilariously stupid please let me know. Something like this should have internal bays, but such a design produces too much drag in Kerbin's air.
  6. I haven't played with it enough to get a full experience, I only did the Su-25 tutorials.
  7. If you're responding to me, that doesn't seem to be the case. In fact, replacing the stock wings with B9PW actually shaved off a full tonne of mass: https://imgur.com/a/ocXQo That's actually including missiles too, so it seems to actually be closer to 1.5 tonnes lighter with B9PWings.
  8. I haven't seen anyone bring it up yet, but the B9 PWings seem to have much less lifting ability compared to the stock wing parts in FAR. Even with identical wing shapes and thickness, aircraft that could maintain energy in a turn now experience heavy stalling with B9 Pwings. I have no idea why that might be.
  9. I love stock parts as much as the next guy, but I think you're right.
  10. With AJE, that means your engines will be robbed of air all the time.
  11. I can tell you right now that in FAR + AJE, very high angles of attack don't play nice with engines. Anything past 50° and the intakes get starved of air.
  12. Do you mean an aircraft that has a wing blown off? Or something that has no lift?
  13. All my submitted aircraft have updated AI Flight computers and Dynamic Deflection settings as of right now, thoroughly tested against QF-12K! ...Okay that's a little boring, here's something a bit more interesting: The AV-3W 'Heresy'. An innovative Attack Jet with helicopter handling. Everything just became a runway. https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/AV-3W-Heresy-KCS
  14. She's a work in progress at the moment Working name is CF-150 'Flèchette'
  15. Time for another small batch of planes. Well, not small planes. The B-4F 'Skyline'. A Mach 2+ strategic bomber with considerable payload and range, carpet bombing never looked so rad: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/B-4F-Skyline-KCS The Nu-65 'Fetch-R'. Propeller driven, gun turrets, this old school strategic bomber has incredible endurance and can literally carry its own weight in ordinance: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/Nu-65-Fetch-R-KCS
  16. So I was doing some combat testing against my QF-12K, it turns out the 'Monarch' can outrun AIM-120s, and take a direct hit from a Sidewinder: Totally necessary I swear, tweaking AI flight computers and dynamic deflection at Mach 2+.
  17. Well that's what's needed when you're so fast that the bogeys you're intercepting haven't even taken off yet haha Is that B9 Procedural Wings? I didn't know that was allowed.
  18. Been a while, so here's three new aircraft, fresh from the Cold War freezer: Conclusive proof that with enough power, anything can fly. A heavy lifting Interceptor, The F10T 'Dryad II': https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/F10T-Dryad-II-KCS With direct lineage from the first supersonic jet fighters, the JoG-51 'Buffalo' is a short range Interceptor with even shorter wings: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/JoG-51-Buffalo-KCS And finally the final word in going too fast, the YF-66 'Monarch' can literally fly faster than the planet turns, allowing you to remain in sunlight (or darkness). A Spyplane with limited interceptor and penetrator capabilities: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/YF-66-Monarch-KCS All of these have AI pilot Flight Computers installed, and adjusted to handle decently. I'll be going back to my previous entries to add AI.
  19. Indeed. If that's the case, we should look into this: There's a lot we can't use in there, but what caught my eye was this: It's apparently fully compatible with FAR and BDAc. The paint/camo feature would be good for some extra diversification of aircraft too.
  20. Just updated A-30C 'Blitzen III' to A-30D ''Blitzen IV', it's now on par with the Pu-15TM 'Bishop' in terms of agility, payload, part count, and speed. I recommend you replace 30C with 30D. A-30D 'Blitzen IV' download: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/A-30D-Blitzen-IV-KCS Pu-15TM 'Bishop' download: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/Pu-15TM-Bishop-KCS
  21. Thanks! Nothing serious in DCS yet, just running through the tutorials to get familiar. It's going... alright: At least I know that 'Bishop' can handle rough landings like the Su-25 now. Handling feels similar enough, KSP is a little quicker but meh. Both have the same single wing dip when stalling. Are you saying like a series of missions for Kerbal Combat Simulator? Or something entirely separate? Both are cool ideas.
  22. As a wise old man once said... "Another one, another one." So here's the Pu-20S 'Breacher'. A straight up fighter jet designed for Air Superiority and enhanced maneuverability at speed. I highly suggest flying this with a flight stick or a controller, as sharp inputs may throw it into a stall. https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/Pu-20S-Breacher-KCS I'm currently in the middle of redesigning A-30 'Blitzen', as it's been completely outclassed by the Pu-15 'Bishop' I put out on monday. Hopefully I can get better flight characteristics out of it soon.
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