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Everything posted by theonegalen

  1. Download link doesn't seem to be working. EDIT: I figured it out. Right-click -> save as.
  2. I gotta figure out how to work this into the techtree mods I like to use... EDIT 8/31: This thing is amazing. Is there any way to get the older layouts from previous versions of the mod? I'm using SXT and the Kossak internals would be fantastic to have. Will the old files not work with the updated RPM?
  3. I agree that atmospheres should be kept as is as far as possible, please.
  4. I was going to give you more rep, but the forum won't let me. So I will just say it here: Huzzah!
  5. Ah, that would explain why the contract I was referring to earlier also required both a Telemetry Report and Probe Report, even though I could only figure out how to do a Telemetry Report.
  6. I made a little science rover. It actually requests quite specifically that I use the goo canister, which works with all the other KSC biomes. But it only shows "at KSC" at the Astronaut Complex itself. The complex is level 1, but so are all the other KSC buildings, and they all return biome-specific science with no problem.
  7. The essential thing to consider is that no matter what difficulties/problems you throw at the player, there need to be ways around the difficulties or to solve the problems. Dang It!'s part failures would completely suck if there were no way to repair them; similarly, if flying things more often didn't reduce the failure rate in TestFlight, I would quickly uninstall it. Some mods, like KCT and FAR, just require more or different planning or construction to mitigate the additional difficulty. So, for example, If you're going to retire my best pilot soon after he hits level five, I need a way to efficiently train another one. I figure you've probably already considered all of this, but just in case, I thought I'd bring it up. I really like your plans.
  8. Man, I was excited, then I was sad. Thanks for all your hard work!
  9. I'm having a problem. I have the "gather science from around the KSC" contract, but no matter where I go, I can't get any science from the Astronaut Complex. It only says KSC in it's hex. Anyone know where the Astronaut Complex biome is?
  10. How gorgeous! Are you planning on making an Universal Storage version?
  11. Yeah, after updating some contract packs and Contract Configurator, I had to restart my space program. And I had just gotten into orbit, too! (I'm using the SETI-ctt techtree which slows things down)
  12. In contrast to the prior response, I think this sounds like a great idea. I'd love to see those sort of messages in my game.
  13. You know, the one thing I would like that I feel is missing is a pair of bulkheads that can be used to close off the service bays.
  14. My gosh, Daishi, the inside of my US bays are going to look nicer than the whole planet.
  15. This actually looks pretty awesome. So many things to test!
  16. Hello, I'm quite interested in this being updated, and think RPM support would be fantastic.
  17. Does anyone have any solution for the RealChute problem? RC and SPR conflict as they both try to modify the stock parachutes.
  18. Hello Randazzo, here's a mm patch for the community tech tree, if you're interested. Feedback welcome. //---Small Radiator Panels @PART[Radiator125]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---Large Radiator Panels @PART[Radiator250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---HM-1 Thermal Washer - 1.25m @PART[thermalwasher125]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---HM-2 Thermal Washer - 2.5m @PART[thermalwasher250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---1.25m Heatsink @PART[Heatsink125n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //----2.5m Heatsink @PART[Heatsink250n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---3.75m Heatsink @PART[Heatsink375n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---Multi-node 2.5m Heatsink @PART[MNHeatsink250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---Multi-node 3.75m Heatsink @PART[MNHeatsink375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---VAD Interstage Decoupler - 2.5m @PART[HMID250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---VAD Interstage Decoupler - 3.75m @PART[HMID375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---HM-3 Thermal Washer - 3.75m @PART[thermalwasher375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---Active Heat Management System (1.25m) @PART[IAHMS125]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Active Heat Management System (2.5m) @PART[IAHMS250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Active Heat Management System (3.75m) @PART[IAHMS375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Multinode AHMS Unit (2.5m) @PART[IAHMS250MN]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Multinode AHMS Unit (3.75m) @PART[IAHMS375MN]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators }
  19. Man(?), you push out updates so often! It's amazing.
  20. Yemo, Heat Management was just updated with new parts, so here's a new patch. The mod now comes with it's own alternative config file to place the parts into the stock tree, but this moves them into the Heat Management branch of the CTT/SETI-CTT. //---Small Radiator Panels @PART[Radiator125]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---Large Radiator Panels @PART[Radiator250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---HM-1 Thermal Washer - 1.25m @PART[thermalwasher125]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---HM-2 Thermal Washer - 2.5m @PART[thermalwasher250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---1.25m Heatsink @PART[Heatsink125n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //----2.5m Heatsink @PART[Heatsink250n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heatManagementSystems } //---3.75m Heatsink @PART[Heatsink375n]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---Multi-node 2.5m Heatsink @PART[MNHeatsink250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---Multi-node 3.75m Heatsink @PART[MNHeatsink375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---VAD Interstage Decoupler - 2.5m @PART[HMID250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---VAD Interstage Decoupler - 3.75m @PART[HMID375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---HM-3 Thermal Washer - 3.75m @PART[thermalwasher375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advHeatManagement } //---Active Heat Management System (1.25m) @PART[IAHMS125]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Active Heat Management System (2.5m) @PART[IAHMS250]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Active Heat Management System (3.75m) @PART[IAHMS375]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Multinode AHMS Unit (2.5m) @PART[IAHMS250MN]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } //---Multinode AHMS Unit (3.75m) @PART[IAHMS375MN]:NEEDS[HeatManagement]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedRadiators } And here is an updated patch for the FantomWorks KAX+ Pack //------\\ //---SETI-CTT---\\ //------\\ //---Tech Tree changes for Kerbal Aircraft Expansion---\\ //------\\ //---K-2 Kerbeye Cockpit @PART[FWKerbeyeCockpit]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = subsonicFlight } //---KRJ/K400 Cockpit @PART[FWKRJCockpitCockpit]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = subsonicFlight } //---1.875 Tail @PART[FWKRJTail]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = subsonicFlight } //---V-22 Osprey Cockpit @PART[FWOsprey]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = subsonicFlight } //----KRJ Fuselage @PART[FWKRJFuselage]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedConstruction } //---Heavy Cargo Fuselage @PART[FWmedcargoFuselage]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics } //---Heavy Crew Fuselage @PART[FWmedcrewFuselage]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics } //---Cargo Ramp @PART[FWmedcargoramp]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics } //---Kirage2000 @PART[Kirage2000]:NEEDS[FantomWorks]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = supersonicFlight } And here's one for the Taurus HCV pack: //---Taurus HCV Capsule @PART[TaurusHCV]:NEEDS[RSCapsuledyne]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = heavierCommandModules } //---SPB-HUGE-3 Science Processing / Cargo Bay @PART[TaurusScienceBay]:NEEDS[RSCapsuledyne]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = shortTermHabitation } //---MCT-8 Omnibus Storage Container @PART[Tauru....chhiker]:NEEDS[RSCapsuledyne]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = shortTermHabitation } //----R&S Z-8K Battery Reaction Wheel Unit @PART[Size3SASBatt]:NEEDS[RSCapsuledyne]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = specializedElectrics } //---RS-2 "Tiny" X-tra Large Atomic Motor @PART[taurusNuclearEngine]:NEEDS[RSCapsuledyne]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advNuclearPropulsion } //---Taurus HCV Heatshield @PART[TaurusHeatshield]:NEEDS[RSCapsuledyne]:FOR[SETIctt] { @TechRequired = advSurvivability }
  21. You are quite welcome to do so if you like! The positions make sense to me, but I don't know if they are exactly what you would use.
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