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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Yo, Ike. How's it hanging? Ike now reflects a little bit of light. Before I move on to the next BIG project of the pack, what other Moons should reflect light? Or is Ike and the Mun the only ones?
  2. They can be removed manually. So anyone who doesn't like them can remove them. You must use alot of mods though..
  3. Here's the clouds layers from the inside for the ones interested: Also, the Eeloo/Vall atmo project isn't going very well. I think I'll ditch that idea
  4. Here's some light white clouds that go above the haze:
  5. That actually could be possible. I need to see if i can set the cloud speed to go the right speed in the opposite direction of Laythe's rotation to where it stays in exactly the same place. I have no clue if that's possible though.
  6. Glad it's working! That looks like Duna, Eve, and Jool.
  7. So I just added them, and the atmosphere makes them blue anyway. That's actually quite funny.
  8. I kinda agree. I just don't feel like white clouds could really work at this point Even IF i add them, they won't really look good.
  9. Updated the download page with a hopefully working download. Here's laythe BTW. I personally think laythe is done, unless you guys have any more suggestions? You can see Laythe's Great Cyclone(I wanna name it, let's call it george). It's actually purple, but the atmosphere makes it blue.
  10. D.D.S Isn't really updated per say, it still has all the default cloud layers. You would have to remove those.
  11. That looks like a Rim bug.. I am going to just go ahead and updated the download with a fix.
  12. Updated the OP with a new video, a FAQ, and an upcoming features list.
  13. It's not pitch black, but it's definitely dark.. There, updated it to be brighter.
  14. So I'm adding Laythe's great Cyclone, and i caught this wonderful photo. Here you can see Vall and Tylo both visible through the Eye of the Cyclone. Stunning.
  15. So a giant storm, and a hidden layer inside it? This is correct?
  16. I did hyperedit it into orbit, but descended manually. I will make the ground more visible though. Managed, Land is visible, Still has a titan-esque feel to it, and the surface is still stormy. What other additions should i make to laythe? Or is this good enough for Laythe, and i should move on to another planet/moon?
  17. Just a little tip you can do [/imgur]k4IAC[/imgur] to get the album to appear on the thread. Remove the slash on the first one.
  18. Very true, it was an honest mistake. Glad it's working!
  19. It works for me, but ObsessedWithKSP seems to be having trouble. I'll figure out the problem he's having and add the problem fix to the OP.
  20. Oh, I thought you meant that Dust storms wouldn't appear in general. Makes some sense. Hm, did you add a dash to it. I.E "cloudLayers-DunaDustStorms"?
  21. In short, I can't actually add atmospheres, but i can create an illusion. I'm adding them to Vall and Eeloo. Due to them being REALLY thin, it will create the effect that their is one, but too thin to create drag/ make parachutes work.
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