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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. Testing out fake shading for my pack, looks surprisingly good.
  2. Awesome, now I'm REALLY excited for that release!
  3. Not the exact problem. This is happening, but it's only things under the advanced settings won't be read.
  4. No, it's not the same problem. "Although I've run into problems when trying to use the alt-n menu in the past, so I've always just done things from the cfg." It's not a menu problem, rather than a config problem it seems. Also, rbray, do you still want the outputlog.txt? The output_log.
  5. Go to duna VIA tracking station or map view, hit ALT+N, then hit the remove button.
  6. Hm, doesn't seem to work for me. Thanks for the praise, though I'll keep messing around, and if all else fails, I'll wait for an update that fixes this.
  7. Sure, I'll do that later. Kinda busy right now. If it means anything, the .cfg seems to have the settings saved in, it just doesn't want to load them.
  8. Didn't get a reply, and haven't seen one for a similar problem. Will you be fixing the save function for the advanced settings, rbray?
  9. So far it seems this isn't possible.. I'll keep trying but..I don't think it can be done
  10. Gonna mess around with cloud layers now and see if i can make this happen. Hopefully I'll add this to my pack soon
  11. Uh, Rbray, I don't really think my pack can do what it *wants* to do, until you fix your saving. You can NOT save anything under the advanced settings. Everytime you re launch the game, you have to re do the settings.
  12. Huh, I'll fix this. It's happening for me too on a fresh install.
  13. Do you mean no clouds in general? Like, not even default ones? Did you merge the folder, or replace the WHOLE boulderco?
  14. Sometimes, I just play KSP for the stunning pictures I can take.
  15. Messing around with the mun to make it reflect light with this mod, quite fun.
  16. I was actually thinking of doing something similar. Those looks really good Btw, did i mention the fog looks fantastically fabulous?
  17. What do you mean by save settings? As in, add a layer to the Mun, or that anything you do to change Mun layers, it won't save?
  18. While messing around trying to get the Mun to appear like it's reflecting light realistically, I'm honestly starting to believe the modding community is making KSP graphically better than space engine. You modders are the greatest.
  19. Proot, I'm no artist. Don't put all this on me man. (Yes, I know you're joking)
  20. Has been moved to here - Better Atmospheres [V5]
  21. Toying around trying to make a more...realistic atmosphere, in the meantime while i wait for Proot's Renaissance Compilation.
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