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Everything posted by mattihase

  1. could be good for designing landers with landing lights too.
  2. probably depends. Last time I had spontaneous dissasembaly that was down to small RCS thrusters spawning midair and I think that one's fixed at the very least. But other things could cause similar issues.
  3. Oh boy yeah that's been super common in 2 compared to 1. Perhaps having the gear temporarily anchor stuff could be a good replacement for physics easing.
  4. I've known some games livestreaming QA/devs showing off builds before. Probably almost impossible to get the go ahead for from the publisher but it would be a pretty good way to both host a casual, real time chat between the devs and the community and showcaste truthfully the states of upcoming builds.
  5. oh yeah they're not exactly consumer friendly but but honestly as far as "long term support" for games goes they're probably a decent example for AAA compared to all those dead live services.
  6. Remaking a game... but in Unreal? Nintendo, Hire This Man! I would have said the same thing about CK3 until it came out. Sometimes the cobwebs need shaking out of a game's codebase, which was why I was excited for KSP 2 in the first place (something something monkey's paw).
  7. OK good to know, sorry for the unnecessary ping Dakota.
  8. Can we expect to see a hotfix for the windows registry bug before 0.1.5 or is that going to be rolled in to the update? Normally I'm pretty chill about update pacing but while something's in the game that's causing havok with people's OS beyond the game that's... not great to have up as the latest download. Or really any download.
  9. Wait, Unity's Playerprefs uses the registry? can't say I'm a fan of that either. Unity is getting side eyed for enabling this problem.
  10. *immense sense of dread* I'm gonna have to go look at windows, see if it's ok. EDIT: Can confirm windows was not happy.
  11. I've certainly done the reverse in blender (using various construction games to rough out designs kinda gives me a better sense of proportions for things than defaultcube or even rough sketches, so for some things that kerbal is suited to, I'll slap a bunch of wings together, screenshot in ortho, and bring it in as reference), so a 2 way thing would be handy.
  12. I would definitely love the opportunity to have a time pause VAB in singleplayer KSP2, if nothing else than because it's frustrating starting to build something and it turning out to be night-time by the time you're done building it, either that or the VAB needs a "warp to morning" button.
  13. speaking of, I wonder how ksp1 construction works with vessls out of full physics range vs vessels within it? Perhaps I could alleviate some of my ksp1 construction problems by making vessels 200m long.
  14. Yeah. breaking ground style engineering is a nice to have for hastly in-flight repairs or modifications, but "re-fitting" something in a more controlled setting it would be nice to have VAB-like controls.
  15. The cap to me seems like a tax break for rich people, people not making a million bucks a year are still getting the full force of things. I can definitely imagine if it's no longer retroactive that could be good for ksp as long as they never upgrade unity ver... Oh. wait, no, the not retroactive is for past installs. That is really sneakily named to make it sound like it's not applying to older versions. nice
  16. I'm not saying they're doing anything by accident, I'm just saying their grand plan has, now that we've all seen it, obvious flaws that they have either failed to notice or severely underestimated be it from arrogance, hubris or just forgetting that people are people.
  17. Yes they're smart enough to have planned this in advance, but at the same time they're certainly daft enough not to factor in how everyone's obviously gonna respond to this. Studios are already planning to move away from unity development, and from what I've heard, publishers are already dropping unity games currently in development for being too financially risky. I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see mass delistings in the near future either. rich people usually aren't stupid in legal/financal ways, for the most part, but they absolutely are in people/grass touching ways. Let's not give them the dignity of pretending they're not idiots in their own way.
  18. Hey so as a game dev myself I'd just like to wish the devs good luck with the whole unity licensing debacle going on RN. Personally I don't think what they've announced is gonna stand as a lot of companies are lawyering up against it but I can imagine it all still being up in the air might be quite stressful, so as one game dev to a bunch of others, sorry y'all have to deal with that. Quick explaination for anyone not in the know: The CEO of unity made a bunch of really greedy changes to its licensing agreement putting a tax on games companies based on how many times a game is installed (not bought, installed), enforced by having unity use telemetry without the developer and end user's consent. Not great for so many reasons. Fortunately it seems to be illegal and quite possibly in breach of earlier license contracts they put out so it's entirely probable it won't stand as is.
  19. Yes, all this exactly. Plus it kinda encourages building crafts that can do multiple things so reusing them is cheaper than "refunding" them and building a new one. (I know funds aren't gonna be a thing but like in terms of resources and stuff) extra thought: Back in ksp1 I sometimes built a bunch of sph vessels using a "test part" contract part and parked them behind the runway, so after completing the contract I still had some access to the part before unlocking it, and if there's anything like the part tests in mind for missions/new career then it'd be pretty cool to have a way to keep some experimental vehicles around for later use.
  20. Ah, unity version upgrading. I remember how painful that is. Best of luck to all of y'all.
  21. If interstellar travel is too science fiction then manned interplanetary travel is too.
  22. One thing I'm hoping for is a way to edit/add to vehicles in flight like KSP1's engineer construction mode (DLC?) Has there been any talk of this making its way into KSP2? Would it be handled by engineers or could some kind of colony building also offer something similar to vessels landed on the colony pads/runways?
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