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Everything posted by mattihase

  1. reusable crafts are good and all but I'd love it if the game had some tools in place to literally reuse past vessels so they can have somewhat of a history to them, instead of just recovering them for parts at the end of each mission and rebuilding them on the pad for the next one. With colonies it'd be great to be able to land a craft on a runway, load up a satellite into it and launch it again in a way that allows for stuff like struts and fairings to be reconnected and new launch clamps to be built.
  2. Just because we're adding colonies doesn't mean we have to ape the most frustrating bits of Dwarf Fortress. *Urist Kerman cancels Perform Suicide Burn, distracted by Snacks* *Points at NERVA* *Points at R.A.P.I.E.R.* KSP embracing a bit of spec fiction and concept only stuff for gameplay reasons is nothing new and it's fine. And personally, as a bit of a self-imposed challenge I do try and avoid using those parts myself unless I have to, because they are a little OP, but I do think they're still part of the core sandbox of the games in terms of making long distance interplanetary and SSTO missions practical enough to do ambitious stuff in.
  3. I almost went with a similar old computer style for a projet but quickly rellegated the ide to optional in favour of using user-selected fonts for the sake of dyslexics.
  4. i might have been done a bit of a stupid when reading the keybinds but then hold on is there not a keybind for 0x timewarp/pause?
  5. back in '1 if you needed to get to real time you just spam , til you get to the lowest timewarp level: realtime. With the addition of Pause it's now more frustrating to get to realtime. Could a hook for a keybind be added to set timewarp to x1, it doesn't have to default be bound to anything but the option to set it up would be nice.
  6. you've gotta put them up somewhere like imgur, then embed them
  7. God yeah the keyboard support for UI is super patchy. There's a ton of stuff in the game we still need options for mapping and/or remapping. if we want it to be accessible in the future.
  8. physics easing definitely needs to be kicked up a notch
  9. is the everything makes a noise when you hover over it creating a sensory overload nightmare a sound design issue or still just an interface issue? i've had to turn most of the sound in the game off because so many elements of it are a nightmare and there's not enough granularity in sound options to get rid of the sounds that are the issue. Some "reduce clutter" tickboxes next to each volume slider would be sorely appreciated. There Is some really nice sound design in the game, but I can't experience it because everything else is yelling at me constantly.
  10. And to be clear: I don't have any disrespect to the designers of the new UI: I get what you were trying to do, i respect the ideas and I respect that you tried to make something new with them, I just don't think its turned out all that good in practice and that kind of thing happens all the time in software development, so no shame about it.
  11. Yeah, UI wise I get what they're going for aesthetic wise with it, but tbh all KSP2's UI has done for me in practice is made me appreciate how good a job KSP1's UI did in presenting information and options to the player in a readable and useful way. Icons and text are easy to pick out against backgrounds, relevant information is readily available next to where it's needed, right click menus/tweakables make good use of spacial relationships to distinguish different parts to the point where having multiple on screen contributes towards readablity rather than hurting it. KSP1 runs laps around the UIs of RCT2/TTD rather than feeling like an evolutionary step backwards from them. Obviously it had its problems and weirdness still, and frustrating map mode click lag but I miss it.
  12. is the strut duplicates missing bug fixed these days. Not seeing it in the notes but IG i could have missed it in the last hotfix.
  13. It'd probably be a good idea to wait until the official modding api is ready to launch too, so we don't end up with a singleplayer/multiplayer mod split like happened in minecraft's early days.
  14. I'd imagine anything below maybe 23k would require kraken drive like speeds
  15. I think it'd make releases slower and bugfixing more complex to have to mantain two seperate game modes for each release/hotfix.
  16. It's good to see people have been talking about this for a while.
  17. IIRC early on there were a couple of limitations to what aspect ratios the game could output to. I've been wanting to try outputting the game to an old CRT to see what it looks like but I only have a fullscreen CRT. How flexible is it at the moment, not just in terms of ultra-wide support but in terms of not-wide support?
  18. I did see a reply to another post from dakota since posting this where they confirmed they're looking in to/listening to what the community wants. So it's probably best to make ourselves clear.
  19. Again I've not got the game on my PC at the moment because of space reasons. Not on the steam release anyway so I can't do the verify thing, just re-download it from the PD website very slowly, but I will make sure to purge the locallow folder at some point because I kinda want to start from scratch next time I download. Not really all that fond of the centralised saves thing anyway, any hopes of that changing?
  20. IDK if anyone else has been having a problem with this but I've found KSP2's shift away from having little label icons on map mode to just having faint text on its own against space has made it sort of difficult for me to parse where they are against the skybox. It's also kind of frustrating they don't change colour to indicate them being on a maneuver node orbit. I'd say "or in post encounter orbits" but those seem to be missing apsis nodes at the moment anyway. I'm sure this seems like a minor thing but it the map screen just feels a lot less accessible and usable to me anymore and it's one of the reasons I've mostly been sticking to planes and in-atmosphere crafts. Current Apsis Nodes (screenshot courtesy of Matt Lowne as I don't have the game installed right now because UE5 takes up a lot of space and is more important for me to have right now) Old Apsis Nodes including maneuver orbit + nodes (screenshot courtesy of the wiki because I didn't want to wait for KSP1 to load itself)
  21. oh hey neat, the bug isn't replicable! I'll see if I can bundle you the career file this happened in, if you think that would help? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JNJFLr3KyI-EAmG1vkVWYALX0vN5gQGF/view?usp=sharing
  22. On the contrary, after having played a fair bit of KSP2 for a while, going back to the KSP1 UI I feel like I've gained a new appreciation for how it manages to give function a good form, as opposed to KSP2's adherence to its art style repeatedly and critically kneecapping the usefulness of the UI.
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