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Everything posted by glibbo

  1. @Duke Leto Just delete the one installed in your Gamedata folder and then install new one from CKAN. I did.
  2. Hi, it doesn't seem to be working for me, do I need anything else other than the downloaded file? KJR v3.4.1 p1 I really need this mod to continue with my plane not breaking on the runway.... KSP 143 windows 7x64
  3. V2.0.1 works in 1.4.1 with both dependencies, but the tool bar button is foggy, just saying, thanks. windows 7 x64
  4. Draggable Navball and Altimeter seem ok in 1.4.1 , although not extensively tested..... windows 7 x64
  5. Hi, it seems that the spacedock link to toolbar controller is broken? keeps going to spacedock...
  6. Thanks @Nice2Bee & @linuxgurugamer It's back, beautiful. (it's the small things, you know...)
  7. @linuxgurugamer I was using V1.6.0 of the old one, didn't know there was a newer one out by BahamutoD , thanks for the heads up, have just downloaded it and will give it a try...
  8. Sadly, not working for me in 1.3 . it was good while it lasted.
  9. Hi, yes it's working as is V1.0.1, same for navball, thanks.
  10. Working for me too, so far....
  11. Hi @Cupcake... love your stuff, you have a beautiful mind, gives me inspiration to experiment, thanks....
  12. Off topic, sorry, but just had to log in and rep for all you do for the game, many thanks.
  13. Hi, I gave this mod a try for the first time and can say it gives me a new level of patience, getting this craft landed took over an hour, Ha Ha.....brill.
  14. Hi, I have limited experience with this but, have you tried to see or change permissions in the properties / security tab? if you don't get any joy there, there is a registry hack you can download and run, it places a take ownership item in your context menu (right click), which then gives you full permissions, maybe worth a try. LINK http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/ download is at bottom of page, hope it helps.
  15. Probably so, but, I just wondered if it would make life or the forums easier to be able to navigate straight to the version of parts, mods, whatever you want.... I'm not trying to tell anyone how to do things, just wondered if it had occurred to who ever to attempt some kind of version order in the forums.... Just a thought.
  16. Firstly, please excuse my ignorance if this has been pointed to before or / and, I am in the wrong place. I just wondered if it would be prudent / efficient, now that there are so many different versions of the game being played, that the forums / posts could be ordered into the specific version. I realize that it's so easy to ask a question without having any knowledge of it's implications and I assume that it's already been mentioned or thought of. I haven't really thought about downsides to this, but a positive would be to go straight to where you want to be, like Add on Releases V1.2.1, etc. Any thoughts?
  17. For me, this game will live as long as I have the physical ability to play it and read these forums ....
  18. I'm sorry to waste anyone's time but, I just have to say that once again I have been trawling through the add on release thread, and once again I am moved to comment on the people that blow my mind with the knowledge / inspiration they possess and impart, peace to all.
  19. Hi, I don't know if I am trying to give you the correct information you require but, as this thread has been stagnant for a while: You may be looking for this mechjeb-and-engineer-for-all/ or maybe not, regards.
  20. Good craft, flies well, thanks.
  21. I wondered if this brilliant game was going where I wanted it to be stable! After many updates to the game and developers of mods trying to keep up with it, I had the thought that maybe we have lost the plot, will we ever achieve the point where we would all be satisfied in a single version of KSP that would unite the whole community on the forum? WOW, yes that is some thought to digest, but do you really think it could happen sometime? I think, maybe, we are all doing the best we can with the version of our choice, maybe waiting for certain mods to be updated to give satisfaction in that version. I know we are all united in playing this brilliant game, and the very clever ones amongt us are very commited to updating their thing, but I wonder if will it reach a point where everyone will unite on a single playing field? As you will see from my profile, I am just a fan of the game, I love it, and I am not trying to stir anything up, it's just a thought, maybe you have thought the same? It is outside of my power and comprehension to take this game to anyones dreams, it has already surpassed mine and I would not have a clue where to start to achieve the unity that is encompassed on the forum. Do you think it can be achieved? Would you want it? How could it be done? Why can't it be so? So many questions, I know it's controversial, Peace to all...
  22. I agree with most, 1.05 is my stable go to version. For now....
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