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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Possibly. I've seen the term "Firespitter core" before but don't think I use any of the mods that use it.
  2. Nope that's it. In addition to the planes thing it has some libraries though, and some mods have dependencies to those libraries hence the need to install Firespitter even if you don't want plane things.
  3. There is a mod that gives you signal delay (among other things). It's been a long time (I don't even think KSP was in 1.0) but I played with signal delay and I hated it. Maybe the interface is better now who knows. You basically though need MechJeb or some way to automatically control things or you WILL fail. My headcanon for the way it is in stock is that you are the probe core, automatically doing the things smart Kerbals programmed you to do.
  4. Most builder games do. They organize information and controls by function, not with a shuffled list of identically styled buttons and labels tied to right clicking one of those parts. At least, wherever it can be avoided. Locking a fuel tank? Sure. Whatever. Makes some sense. Though most anything would be better than the PAW for that. Running science reports? No way. Just offhand imagine a button that when clicked brought up a blueprint type image of your ship with each part represented. Click a tank and it's highlighted. Click and drag and all the tanks are highlighted. +/- instantly changes their priority. An on screen button disables all highlighted tanks. All those functions work with right click too, to select another set of tanks. A button then transfers fuel from one set to the other. Bonus: the game remembers sets of tanks for later transfers. And that was for the thing I said was reasonable to be in a PAW.
  5. In the real world they don't stack 15 tanks on top of each other for a single engine.
  6. This may end up more of a "Nail the number down exactly" ordeal than anything. References online state the Mun's highest point at the equator is somewhere near 5.1km, so putting a craft into a 5.1km orbit, making sure it orbits once safely, noting the lowest height over terrain number you reach, and then burning down that number of meters should do the trick. ... I'm a little too lazy to do it myself though (you can't beat that by not being equatorial. The lowest orbit goes UP as you get a more and more tilted orbit)
  7. I'm not sure what you mean here. Could you describe what you're expecting and what's happening instead?
  8. One of my hopes is that their UI scheme eliminates the part action window entirely.
  9. Also never worry about getting too much science points. You get less points per transmission for every time you lose charge during that transmission.
  10. By the way, if you launch north instead of east from the launchpad it only costs about 250 more m/s to do the gravity turn to orbit. THAT is the best way to go polar.
  11. When you're higher up (and especially when you're at the top of an elliptical orbit) you are moving slower. To turn your orbit, you need to basically come to a complete stop, and then do that same burn at a 90 degree angle. Actually it's 2 of that (not 2 funds, I'm using that as a square root symbol) because you can do it all in one burn and cut the diagonal. In total, it costs about 1.4 times your orbital speed to shift your direction 90 degrees. If you're in LKO, you're going 2300 or so m/s so it would cost you about 3250 m/s to turn your orbit 90 degrees. If you're up at the height of an ellipse well past Minmus' orbit, you may only be going 10-20m/s, so your turn will only cost 15-30m/s or so to turn. It costs about 950m/s to get that elliptical orbit, and 950m/s to go back down, so instead of burning 3250m/s to shift your orbit 90 degrees you "only" have to burn 950+30+950=1930m/s. That's a savings of 1320m/s.
  12. Maybe the big problem is I'm not the intended audience for this idea. I see no appreciable difficulty difference - from the user's point of view - from that and what we can already do (disable reverts and quickloads). One requires you to set up something on the OS level to circumvent it, the other has you navigate the game options to turn them back on. As an aside, have you ever done a serious career with no reverts or quickloads? I have. The second you leave Kerbin's SOI they SUCK. (ofc that's my opinion and not a fact but it feels more fact than opinion)
  13. I'm (also) not mad. I just know how computers work and understand that either there are ways around it or it'll cause problems. If it causes problems then they can't implement it. Period. If you can get around it then why implement it? You can "get around it" now but you can also choose to not do that. If the argument is that they can make it harder to revert/savescum/cheat so laziness overcomes the inherent desire to cheat yourself out of having fun, then I don't have an argument against that.
  14. We know there will be decals in KSP2 but I asked this directly (ability to write words and choose font) of Snark when he interviewed them, and to me their answer didn't actually say that you'd be able to write on tanks. But if decals are available you know a modder will add writing pretty quickly. And in theory you could make 26 letter decals though that'd be clunky. KSP1? I'd like it but don't really expect it. In my dream world, you can specify "write name on pod" and the name of the ship will be painted on the side of the pod automatically. This would mesh very well with the ability we already have to specify multiple names for a ship, one per control pod.
  15. I don't see dV info, what version are you running? You should enable that if you're on ... whatever version they added it. 1.7 I think? Anyway, enable that in the settings, then click the dV button in the VAB that you'll get (It'll be down by the "i" and the wrench and the wifi-looking icons) and click "Vacuum" and then post again. And then also get your ship into space (assuming you get that far?) and post a pic of it orbiting Kerbin so we can see those dV numbers there, as well. dV is an important factor in how far your rocket can get.
  16. You can also while viewing imgur, right click your picture and "copy image location" or whatever your browser uses for that type of link (that's Firefox). Then paste the image link here and it'll show up for a second as text, then turn into the image. Also, cool ship!
  17. I wish I knew how to mod anything other than hacky config changes. This thread gave me a great idea. 2 parts, a launcher and an exit tube. You place them on the surface any distance apart (and assume the actual tube runs underground) and you can then eject things from the exit tube at a velocity determined by the direction and distance between the launcher and the tube, and how much mass you're throwing and how much power you devote to it. Ideally in map mode you'd get a trajectory line for the resultant ejection so you could time it so an orbiting refinery or transport could pick up the cargo (which would be on a suborbital trajectory unless you threw it so hard it ejected entirely from the SOI) using the stock encounter markers. You could refactor the asteroid model to be an "ore chunk" that you could grab with a Klaw and then transfer into tanks. The asteroid would shrink as you transfer ore out of it and vanish when its ore got to 0. Boom. I just made a mod. Except I have no idea how to do any of that.
  18. Welcome to the winner's circle! Well done on the challenge, and I've linked to your thread in the post. You mention not getting as much money as you expected. I'm not sure but I don't think you got the rendezvous/dock/crew transfer World Firsts in many of your missions. They're the key to my 2nd attempt at this, I'm hitting each world ONE TIME only and getting every single World First so I never have to come back. Except Eve Landing, which I'm not doing unless I'm super out of cash and then I may just send someone to plant a flag and then live there forever
  19. What stops someone from copying the save so they can restore it later? That was a reply to someone coming up with an idea to keep you from backing up your save to use later to correct a mistake.
  20. My own effort at this continues unab(l)ated. In spite of the dramatic screenshot (YouTube was generous on this video. All 3 were good but this one was awesome. You can even see KSC in the background!) everything is going well. It ends on the surface of Minmus having collected a ton of science and cash.
  21. Can you get into orbit of Kerbin? If so, take a screenshot of your ship and all the gui elements and we may be able to make some suggestions. There are just way too many things that could be wrong to help you without some direction.
  22. And then someone saves the game, goes on a 1-month trip, and freaks out because they can't complete their game. Really the only way to do it would be like a server authentication. Then of course you wouldn't be able to play without Internet access, or if the server went down. And then people would still either complain or find ways around it.
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