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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've never done the docking tutorial before. I've never even clicked the "Training" Main Menu entry before. So I went into this thing without any foreknowledge, other than - presumably - it would involve at least one instance of docking. So I did it twice. Once following the tutorial (though I seem to have broken it as I couldn't click "next" after docking) and once just trying to dock quickly. I could probably do better, but I'm happy with my final time. The video is pretty boring, more of a proof-of-work than a piece of entertainment (spoiler for final time, or just watch the video)
  2. More info needed. How disappeared is it? Nothing even in LKO directly above KSC? Can you control probes anyway? Do you have the commnet gui in the upper left in map mode and what happens when you click it (if it's there)? What does your in-game settings say in relation to commnet?
  3. 2 things: I don't need a video. I'd be happy with a "we're chugging along fine but have hit a few snags but we're still on course for FY2021" or something similar. It's been almost 0.22 YEARS since the last video.
  4. Squad has been coming out with new versions every 3-8 months. They target 4 but sometimes go over that and once went under it. 1.9 came out on Feb 12, so you shouldn't really expect anything until June 12 but they could easily not release anything until July or even August without breaking their pattern. Lately they've not really done a big teaser beforehand, at least not to my memory or my quick google searches. But basically, don't expect anything until June and don't worry about any problems until September.
  5. In Sandbox, make a Mun land-and-return ship and fly it, tweaking until I succeed with the Kerbals home. Then I'm going to look into modding.
  6. ...one by one until the game stops loading, so you know which mod is causing the problem.
  7. The benefit for Squad in using Steam is the same as the benefit for a farmer selling to a grocery chain instead of directly to the public. If there's a problem for the consumer the middleman handles it. Also, the middleman has made a lot of the mistakes already so there tend to be less of them now.
  8. Because people wouldn't shut up about my last entry it's been 2 years and I want to try this again only on YouTube instead of garbage Imgur albums, I started anew with two interesting restrictions related to science: Ground science on Kerbin is 10% of what it would normally be, making gathering KSC science nearly useless. I'd have made it 0, but the game won't let me. All planets and moons have 1 biome each. Their science values have not been changed, so each is worth FAR LESS science value. Episode 1 (If you don't watch, at least check out the speed and altitude readings on that screenshot):
  9. Specifically, the time in Transfer Window Planner is the *ideal* time to burn, *assuming* that your ship is in the right place at that time. What you want to do is drag your maneuver node forward or back in your orbit around Kerbin so that it's closest to that *ideal* time, while being correctly placed in relation to Kerbin and Duna. Transfer Windows are just that - windows. They don't have to be performed exactly at the center to be effective. You have wiggle room with time, but not so much with your ship's placement around Kerbin.
  10. I didn't ignore him. For all we know, they've totally scrapped the game due to problems but just didn't bother telling us because they didn't want the bad press yet because they've got another game coming out and want it to sell well before they announce they bungled KSP2. Do I actually think that? No. Do I think they're days away from publishing and just keeping everything secret because secrets are fun? No. But between those two extremes is a pretty vast swath of possibilities.
  11. Glad to read someone coming back and having fun Note: You probably didn't need to lose that science. You can go EVA and right click a science thing and "take" the science from it. Then when you get back in the pod, the science will go there. If Valentina survives, the science will survive. Also, for your basic science gear (not the Goo or Jr) you can use it again after removing the data!
  12. I hope for the opposite. I hope "Metallic Hydrogen" won't be called that in the game, but will instead be "Metallic Fuel" or something like that so you get a wink and nod and can make some guesses about what it's supposed to be, but there's no doubt it's just as generic and make-believe as Liquid Fuel is.
  13. That's fine. I expect anyone able to finish this, can get to orbit early on the cheap.
  14. Elaborate mission reports are optional (though I love them) but at least show a picture of every ship that leaves the atmosphere, at launch and at its destination. And a quick synopsis of what it got you in world firsts and building upgrades. I need some way to at least follow your progress.
  15. Again it worked perfectly! Didn't even need to do the sun stuff. I think that error was because the sun was the first thing it checked, and I had successfully removed all biomes somehow but didn't successfully add any.
  16. Swiping your finger on a phone screen, or a mouse on a table, pales to standing in front of a TV doing karate chops with your hands.
  17. I played it on Wii (well the mini game inside ... I don't even remember the title) and now am unable to enjoy it on any other platform.
  18. Steam gives refunds if you've not played the game long. I got one for Stellaris.
  19. The only one I know of is this one and... Well... It's a tad out of date.
  20. Let's see I'm eating healthier and get to work from home... something I've been trying to convince my boss to let me do for years. My GF and I get more time together and my pets are starting to not think of me as that guy who sleeps here. When this lets up I'll actually be a bit sad. But hey I can eat at restaurants again so that's a plus.
  21. I'll play any game that's more fun than annoying. This includes ads. If the game is more fun than the ads are annoying then I'll play it, sure. Currently enjoying Minesweeper Collector, Solitarica, and Rogue Adventure on Android. Just installed but haven't started Minimal Dungeon RPG. I bought (with Play Money (both senses of the word as I got the money for free)) Solitarica because it was cheap and the money unlocked a lot but as a bonus, no more ads. Minesweeper Collector lets you watch ads for extras but from what I recall doesn't show them without prompting, but I've kinda beaten that so haven't played it in a week or so. Rogue Adventure IIRC shows them after every complete game, which for me has been every loss . Not enough to be annoying IMO.
  22. Aw man. it worked for JNSQ, but not for the stock game. I'm guessing because the stock game and Kopernicus are not defining the planets the same, and I'm assuming I can't modify the stock planets with modulemanager unless I do something crazy like remove them all and re-add them with Kopernicus.
  23. Mine too, though I wholeheartedly support them changing that view with some updated information.
  24. INB4 someone says you could just keep your apoapsis low while raising your periapsis to the edge of Kerbin's SOI.
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