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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Based on that brown hue of the navball on the launchpad, it looks like your probe core may be upside down. Or, you're not controlling from it. You want the entire navball to be blue when sitting on the launchpad. Edit: I missed this! That's likely the biggest problem for sure. But I'd still check that probe core.
  2. 100% agreed. This is a common thing for sequels to do (more variety in things that carry over from one game to the next) so if this happens, I'd expect it in KSP2 more than KSP.
  3. If you could make these changes in a stock option screen this argument would be a lot more viable. One of my biggest wants for KSP2 is the ability to do this sort of thing without relying on a mod that doesn't generally update until the next version of the main game comes out.
  4. It's been a few years since I even tried but every once in a while I go and find Indenture, the windows port of the old Atari Adventure from the 70s, and play a few rounds of that. I also, every single day on my phone, play a few rounds of Minesweeper though I've moved on from "classic" to one called Minesweeper Collector.
  5. I present for your perusal the 1692a, "El Cheapo," numbered for its sea level dV reading in the VAB (it's actually 1712 on the pad) and named because - well - it's super cheap for all it does. In just 10 parts, I fit 3 science experiments and an extra pod for 2 Kerbals total. By my figuring, this entry gets me: Silver Claw with Meteorologist, Kelvin, and Observational ribbons. Amber Leaves for 10 parts or less. Onyx Leaves for all parts being tech level 4 or lower. Vermilion Heart for more than 1 Kerbal. Sadly, I did not have the fortitude to ensure a landing at the KSC. I gave it a try but I just don't have it in me to re-enter 50 times trying to hit that peninsula. Because of this, I also failed to get the 1st Class Insignia. I may try again with a different vessel that makes hitting the KSC peninsula easier and also gets 4 other adornments to get that 1st class badge, but man that's a tall order
  6. Those "news" stories are about as newsworthy as the "this teen took a selfie and was surprised when it went viral, then she saw..." stories.
  7. <snip> No. I don't. If I don't like someone they're not my friend, and I stop hanging out with them. If I do like someone (and they like me of course) they are my friend and I continue to hang out with them. There is no subset of people who are not people I want to hang out with, that I hang out with. I suggest you do the same and you'll be fine. (Same goes for romantic relationships btw)
  8. What are your difficulty settings relating to commnet? What mods if any are installed? Does the probe have power? Also, post your log. This may be a game problem and not a game play problem.
  9. I redeemed a Windows Minecraft code from my Java Minecraft account, installed both versions of Minecraft, spent way too long exporting and importing my old skin into the new version, and then tested out the game for the first time in maybe 6 years. All because my nephew mentioned it might be fun to play together. #UncleLife
  10. I kinda flipped a coin for "in-between" and "both" and chose "both." If the textures look good and I can make a nicely painted fuel tank stack I don't really care if they're realistic, stock, or what.
  11. Just an update on my end, I've not stopped playing with this idea in fact quite the opposite. I'm trying to squeeze out as many things in one launch as possible and because of that I'm riding a crazy razor edge. In probably 50 launches I've had one successful landing, which I can't submit because the total cost of the flight (launch cost - recovery cost) is over 5000. Every other launch either failed to reach orbit (one by less than 10m/s), explode on re-entry (I've finally decided to give up on the Science Jr), or nose-dive into the ground at 800m/s (center of mass is important when you're not throwing away spent stages). I'm close. I'm just not there yet.
  12. I sort by mass. I've gotten used to where everything is sorted by mass and tanks/decouplers are far easier to find for me when sorted that way. However, I may give this a try.
  13. I can remember when KAC's "Jump to vessel and restore maneuver node" button was necessary. I can remember having to turn off SAS to turn the ship. I can remember when persistent save files were added. I can recall getting bored and quitting for a few months until what is now called Science Mode was introduced.
  14. The way I read the rules is that your total cost would be considered, for the challenge, to be 1415 because while you recovered 5645, only 5000 counted. If that is not true I'd like to know because part of why I've not submitted yet is I'm trying to figure out how to recover over 5000 of my launch cost so I get the max recovery allowed.
  15. I just assumed he came out to see why someone was taking pictures of the ATMs.
  16. Or when starting the career turn off Kerbal Experience so everybody's 5-star.
  17. I was thinking more, to be fair you generally won't have multiple people waiting in line for multiple ATMs at the same time, those X's are more for if you show up as the fairly rare 2nd person, and there's already someone at the ATM in front of you. Best would be to have one line that goes to all 3, but without a security guard / bouncer there is no way you'll convince the average person to abide that. You've got about a 50/50 shot of them standing on those squares as it is.
  18. This is our Wrath Of Kahn moment. "It's thinking in one dimension!"
  19. I am not among them. It's the primary reason I personally prefer driving even though I don't do it any more. It's also why I won't take a train. The cost and time of a car ride with the sardine-can feel of a plane. No thanks!
  20. And it'd be pretty surprising if relativity in any form was present.
  21. Multiple launch sites (at multiple latitudes), with reasons to use them: Certain manufacturer's parts are cheaper (or more expensive) at certain sites to account for travel costs, making some sites more lucrative. Contracts stating to launch from a specific site because the congressman is from that district the relevant infrastructure for the ground base is there. Contracts to launch and pilot payloads from 2 different sites in order to dock them. etc?
  22. Those are two reasons, but as someone who regularly flies about 1000 miles over very driveable land, the PRIMARY reason I fly is that it's cheaper. Driving solo is over 2x the cost of flying. You need 3 people to make it cost effective. Time is a factor, but I consider (open road) driving time a plus
  23. I've not played it in 1.9 (I'm stuck on 1.8.1 until Kopernicus updates. Not that I'm really feeling I'm missing anything) and the ForScience version that @VoidCosmoslinked works fine for me.
  24. I can't get all parameters in a single launch, mostly because 4 science parts + the extra command pod for the 2nd Kerbal means I only have 5 more parts for the actual rocket. Having a command pod and a parachute leaves me with a scant 3 parts and I could only pare it down to 4 (tank, engine, decoupler, SRB). My ascent profile is ghastly because my dV on the pad is so low. Less than 1700 Atmo However, my 11-part, tech-4, 2-kerbal ship costs about $8000 and a perfect landing at KSC should recover enough for the total cost to be under $5000. If I can nail the landing that is. I don't know when I'll be able to do it all but it'll be on video I bet.
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