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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Many of us think so, and we mod the game to have larger planets. I personally prefer 2-5 times larger Kerbin, like you'll find in JNSQ.
  2. Were I from Star Theory (which I have said on many documented occasions I am not) this would not encourage me to out myself (which I can't as I'm not from there)
  3. Beat it up and strap some tires and bumpers to the sides and you've got the start of a Road Warrior sequel. AKA, no thanks.
  4. Naw they said in the "how we made it" video that that was just for show. What I mean is, there may not be an "inside the VAB" view for building. maybe it's a designer's workbench or CAD-type interface. I seriously doubt it but there is nothing actually saying what it'll be like.
  5. Or if there will even be a VAB. Maybe it'll be a "Rocket Blueprint Editor" or something like that. But likely there will be one for editing, and for sure there's one in the game's KSC, we saw it in some gameplay videos.
  6. I surely don't know if they are or not, not being from Star Theory myself.
  7. One trick, if you want a very specific orbit make a powerful probe and cheat it into a normal orbit, use it to get into your target orbit, and then "rendezvous" your station with it in the same orbit menu.
  8. Yes. A dozen or so tiny radially attachable parts are physicsless. IIRC they still experience drag but they pass their mass to the part they're attached to. EDIT: Wait I may be confusing this with massless. If you want parts that physics ignores then no, I do not believe any of the (attachable-to-ships) parts do that. And I do not see how they could and still act in any reasonable way in the game.
  9. First off, how would that keep you from getting fuel into your craft? Secondly, have you tried it since 1.8 introduced Same Vessel interactions? I've not, but now I'm curious.
  10. Actually all you need is time and every star will die. 1.39 solar masses will get you a black hole. I'm pretty sure when our Sun collapses into a White Dwarf our poor descendants will consider it - or at least themselves - dead. And this of course has nothing to do with the fact that they won't even consider tossing a nuclear bomb into the Sun to kick start it.
  11. No problem. And now I've voted Other: [x]Science, for the reason given above. Not surprised on MechJeb, a bit surprised on KER, amused you removed the one on the list that I would have voted for had I not thought of [x]Science. I sometimes install KIS and not KAS, but never the other way around.
  12. We are literally unable to vote because the forum requires us to vote on both questions.
  13. This. And I was going to vote other and say [x]science, the only mod I will simply not play the game without.
  14. Not sure why that'd be "illegal" but barring that, you replied to a post about using KIS to detach and throw away the parts. And unless you have NO decouplers on your ship at all, you can put the science on a stage you're throwing away anyway, unless you come home with everything you took to wherever you were going in which case, no wonder you're running out of fuel
  15. Science is weightless. So long as it's in the pod, why not ditch the instruments?
  16. As bewing says you don't need to generate it, you need to store it in batteries. A single OX-Stat can generate 2500 units of electricity and more... given enough time.
  17. I tend these days to know pretty far ahead of time if I don't have enough fuel to complete the mission, so if so I curtail the mission or cancel it entirely and get them home. Or, I land where I can and consider it a colony ;D
  18. No I don't. My crystal ball is in the shop.
  19. This is the most recent one. I'd ask there for help if your problem isn't already mentioned there.
  20. Those blue lines are not stock, but the fairing base looks like it is stock. Do you have the Procedural Fairings mod? I don't use it so don't know the details, but if you are you should probably ask in that mod's specific thread.
  21. Squad has not announced a 1.8.2 and I know of no reason to expect one. I'd assume any modder that says they're waiting for 1.8.2 just wants a break around the holidays, and more power to them.
  22. Give away unlimited bandwidth for free AND fight on behalf of your customers freeloaders against the major copyright holders, also for free? Who WOULDN'T jump at that opportunity!
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