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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Yeah but not eating them. At least, I hope.
  2. Am I missing a meme or joke or something? I don't see what these have to do with each other. And I'm not 100% convinced that limiting your diet to a small subset of what your body evolved to consume is actually all that natural.
  3. Prograde has nothing to do with going to space. Why not say lunch comes before breakfast because cars have engines? It makes as much sense.
  4. No they are not. They're closer to forward and backward. This kind of confusion is exactly why they got unique names.
  5. Holy cow I swear I read it twice as "...that ever flew..." I don't think I have a favorite that didn't fly. Hrm.
  6. Apollo program, hands down. Every piece of it from the Launch Escape System at the top to the Saturn V's at the bottom. Every step from launch to splashdown.
  7. You're not the only one. Though my powers of observation are legendarily awful.
  8. My two favorite April Fools jokes were from here, and one of them was this one.
  9. Though watch out. Frequently Google will get confused and your search for a mod will find an old thread, that says the mod has been discontinued and a link to a new thread, that was also discontinued with a link to a 3rd thread. That of course reports that LinuxGuruGamer took over the mod, with a link to the 4th thread.
  10. Now out of the corner of my eye I keep thinking I'm seeing little Canadian flag icons in people's posts.
  11. It would stay in orbit. The tether is not holding the station to Earth, and it's assuredly not holding it UP. The station's orbit would change, for sure, as the cable is probably in total a significant portion of the station's mass, and depending on where the cable snapped, the station's center of mass could shift ... well I really don't know, dozens of km? Hundreds? I remember reading about a second tether splayed out "behind" or "above" the station, 180 degrees from Earth, that would serve both as a launch tether (you could go out it, then let go and be flung away) and also be able to be cut, to keep the station orbiting at roughly the same place if the Earth tether were to be cut for some reason.
  12. Well done @FloppyRocket I too have had to match orbits on faith and it's not all that fun.
  13. These have helped others in the past. Rendezvous (getting orbits to intersect): Approach (getting next to each other and stationary): Docking (actually docking):
  14. This. (as an example without all the extra videos and pictures) Yes. (Again, as reference material only)
  15. I just realized that the Nyan Cat isn't a joke @sarbian put in there to April Fool new people. It's there so new people will April Fool US. Well played, sir. Well played.
  16. Ha ha it seems to work the same as a "like." At least, Gapone went from 84 to 85 rep when I "downvote"d him.
  17. I don't know. Did you just wake in the morning and step outside? Perhaps take a deep breath?
  18. Honorary Mention because it's not on this site. https://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?s=fc386076b9f0d214c1d89c8b5615c705&t=22998
  19. I *love* this game. I've beat it (like 100% all goals) 3 times, including once with the first DLC. After not playing it for about 2 years, I just picked it up a month ago and am plowing through the early bosses now. So much fun.
  20. Actually you may find making something bigger than Gilly to be a bigger challenge than you'd think.
  21. I recently learned that you can move parts far away from their starting location by holding shift in the stock game. I have no idea when they added it, though it was the only original reason I installed EE back ... a way long time ago.
  22. That sounds like the collective name for Moho, Eve, Kerbin, and Duna. I don't know what it's called but I'll tell you I'm already considering a "_____ Four" ship. I suspect it'll be easier and more straightforward than a Jool 5.
  23. Yes, except for the trick I mentioned above. KSP "remembers" what you right-clicked so if you're in a time-sensitive situation where you're not sure you can EVA, right click, find the "take the data" button, and click it before Jeb goes flying off into the Wild Blue Yonder, then you can right-click the pod FIRST, and when you hop out it will still be right-clicked, saving you at least that one step.
  24. I'll do my best If you attach two things via their nodes, then there is a single-point connection at that node. If you attach things radially, there is a single point connection from the center of the attached part, to where you placed it radially on the other part. outside of struts and fuel lines, there is no other way to attach things. Hopefully this answered your question enough. If you've still got questions, feel free to continue asking them. No. In fact, they're still considered by many game functions to be still attached where you originally put them. Though not in all cases. As above, they're still attached to each other from the same point on each craft, but if you put a force on one of the parts it will apply torque to the other part differently depending on how you shifted it. They are affected. Drag is affected differently (aka incorrectly) but thrust will behave like you'd expect looking at it. I can't speak on lifting surfaces because planes flummox me in general so I just avoid them. Except in some crazy situations, control inputs should "just work." If you have a craft that doesn't, I'd suggest asking about that craft in particular. The connection points are a snap-to to make everything line up. If you had to attach everything the same way you attach radial parts, then no ship would be perfectly lined up when you put 8 same-sized fuel tanks together. Also, they actually do create a more secure connection, the bigger those spheres are (matching generally to the cross sectional width of the part). 5 meter tanks do actually hold together with more oomph than 0.625 meter tanks, if you attach them with those nodes. I use a lot of mods, but almost exclusively stick to stock parts. Of course, I've not really posted YouTube videos consistently for ... gee has it really be YEARS? Yes. Yes it has. I'm not a moderator so can't say if you're breaking a rule or not but I don't think so. However, I'm not in a position to watch videos right now so will not address this point.
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