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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Oh I should have realized that if it was resized the island airfield should be closer to KSC. but anyway it IS possible to make Kerbin look a lot like that.
  2. It's just a simple Kopernicus config that sets the planet sizes to like 1/100th size or something. I poked around and coudln't find it but iirc it's super simple to do. And it is quite fun for at least a short while
  3. Sign me up as someone who - from the moment they implemented it - likes the "new" SAS better, but does not use MechJeb. (which is actually more "realistic" than flying manually but hey whatever) I don't think I've ever had it auto-switch after I manually set the mode.
  4. I'm not saying it's not a bug. I'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed. I'm saying that making a replica down to the detail that the interstage fairing stays intact MIGHT NOT BE a valid reason to release a bugfix patch, especially when there are multiple workaround such as re-rooting and deploying the fairings. I have a few personal bugs that have been in the game since before 1.0. One of them requires I either edit the persistent file or hack a copy of the ship into orbit with the bug fixed, as there is no workaround when it happens. Why should this get a special release but those not? Because it's new? I can't revert to 1.6 and fix my bug. I can't revert to 0.22 and fix it.
  5. The base functionality isn't broken. A specific use case is. There's even a workaround if I'm reading the bug report correctly.
  6. Don't worry about it. I have no proof of it but I'm pretty sure I killed my Nest when I nearly electrocuted myself on my Air Conditioner.
  7. I was more surprised when they actually did a 1.6.1.
  8. Not there, but if you expand the maneuver node editor you can cycle through your nodes and see them in the lower left corner.
  9. No, but things tend to happen in the game at a pace that you should be able to get all your planning done with plenty of time to spare, except in very specific circumstances that you'd need to set up, and could just avoid.
  10. I've used OBS for years now and never had a problem with it. Other than figuring it out but after that it was smooth sailing
  11. I've not had any. No clue what issues others are having. Maybe ask them on those threads?
  12. I hate to disappoint but I pretty much agree with you. I'll make fun of the choices made in TLJ with the rest of 'em but in the end off the day I enjoyed it, and am sure I'll enjoy this one too.
  13. I'm not the one who decides these things but I don't think that bug is severe enough to warrant a special release to fix.
  14. At a stab, I'd say Harry Potter or the Avengers movies, though both blow the concept of "trilogy" out of the water. If it's not too old, the Pirates of the Caribbean may fit the bill also, as might Lord of the Rings. Minus the Hobbit movies, ofc.
  15. Nice looking ship there! I've never seen a (successful) attempt at Eve ascent that followed such a shallow gravity turn. I burn straight up to about 20km before even turning my own self. Well done! And welcome to the ... well you're still in the Rogues' Gallery but welcome to the Rogues' Winner's Circle!
  16. How do you know it's nested without clicking it? How about a number that tells how many spoilers they nested? Then we know to just keep walking by.
  17. The lesson in this video is... Don't fly along the ground at someone in your space ship. And maybe shoot them instead of trying to ram them for some stupid reason.
  18. In the nearly 25 years since it was introduced in Windows 95, I have never ever used the "add" half of "add or remove programs."
  19. I'm not 100% sure but I think new contracts aren't being generated all the time, only when you enter Mission Control.
  20. Am I the only one who noticed that one of those red countries is none other than WAKANDA!?
  21. Yeah your rover is skinny and tall, I'd double the base size at least, and bring that dish down as far as you can.
  22. Because they are not possessive. As to why the eyes are not lined up, I'd guess because it makes the mod more greatest.
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