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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've used the Terrier on multiple craft and not had a single problem, including none of my craft flipping.
  2. I burned my hand on steam taking something out of the microwave. On the plus side, it was very tasty.
  3. As someone not involved in the programming of either game, I can only guess. Which I did. It appears from the 30 seconds of video I watched that wheels must be attached at specific points, of which there seem to be 6 on each cube-shaped vehicle piece. There seems to be no radial attachment, no translation or rotation of parts, and no clipping. It's possible that if all of these were removed from KSP that wheels would work better, or that there is a wheel package that TerraTech bought that if you stick to these restrictions works but KSP doesn't have that option. It's also possible that TerraTech devs are just amazing at wheels while KSP devs aren't, but that's not the only option by a long shot.
  4. I've never played TerraTech but I watched someone play it on youTube just now, and it looks like it has an extremely simplified construction system compared to KSP. It is possible that if KSP limited your options as much as TerraTech does, the wheels would work better. Also, I not once saw anybody walking around in the game so that eliminates the OP's issue entirely.
  5. I don't know if you want ideas but I think it'd be neat if the player could specify what costs what, and maybe what gets what. Like for example give rep for landing on a world for the first time ONLY, and then make upgrading buildings cost rep, so you have to expand to grow. (Assuming it's possible to enable rep in science mode)
  6. I like the cut of your jib. I've long wanted a more in-depth Science mode, with building upgrades and Kerbal progression. I'll be watching this closely.
  7. No you need bigger legs or more of them. I bring extra legs to Eve every time because I know I'll lose a couple at landing.
  8. Heat can be disabled. Presumably those who want it so disable it. These are all no only options, but disabled by default in normal mode. Except electricity, which has been in the game since I started playing in 0.22 so I am not aware of the uproar it caused. I'm on mobile so I can't delete this now that I made it.
  9. I see no reason it couldn't be done, though as far as I know there are no API hooks into it so someone would have to do some work to allow them. The problem is in the details though. Pop-in will be a problem as well as alignment. It may be better if the buildings are more like houses and less like skyscrapers.
  10. I know I won't bother trying if it's more than a low mass option. Lots of ore? No thanks.
  11. If you're automating everything I'd look in to automating the recording as well. Maybe set it up to record every 100th attempt, or only record the next flight after a milestone is reached or a setback occurs (like if a previous milestone was not reached).
  12. I'm a simple man. I'd just like the staging dV info available in map mode so I can see it while making maneuver nodes.
  13. Not everything can be 100% perfect and sometimes workaround must be used. #BlameReality
  14. It's hard to just give general advice. You're literally playing ROCKET SCIENCE here so the problems and solutions are as varied as you can imagine. Maybe more so. We're very happy to answer any specific questions, however. If you're really stuck on where to start, I'd say start with Science mode, and just try to get to space. Then orbit. Then do a moon landing. Bring the science stuff along the way and as you unlock parts, you'll be able to do more stuff.
  15. I just checked 4 probe cores across various tech levels and none have this. Maybe it's a mod?
  16. No, but there are mods that allow that, including my own and BetterTimeWarp. Note that at least with mine, warpring more than the default maximum of 100,000x can sometimes cause you to overshoot KAC alarms. I think it's because KAC doesn't expect the game to be going that fast so doesn't start slowing down early enough. I don't know if BetterTimeWarp has the same issue, as I don't use it.
  17. Is this something you do in flight? Or are you saying angle the probe core in the VAB? Because I've never heard of this so am thinking it must just be the VAB thing.
  18. I didn't buy anything. I just kept not buying things that I thought were woefully overpriced for their quality level.
  19. I don't plan it from launch. I launch into an orbit that's lower or higher than the thing I want to dock to, and then use maneuver nodes and intersect markers to plan the actual encounter.
  20. Actually the Shapeways figures was what I was thinking of when I wrote that. And the plushies.
  21. Each has positives. Mohole you can make a landing platform that is wedged in. Not sure how it'll take to save/reload ofc. Mun Arch is nearby so you can expand it quickly. Plus hanging things off the arch looks cool and is a decent challenge in Stock. Vallhenge has a lot of things to build in and around. The Kraken has a super low local gravity making landing and rearranging base modules a breeze. Plus it looks cool The Dres canyon has lots of asteroids in orbit so you could make a landed asteroid base which I don't think anybody has ever done and I like the idea enough I may try it. The Tylo Cave is a ready-made building. I considered building a spaceship hangar there. The big downside of course is how much fuel it takes to get there and get back to orbit.
  22. Nope. They pick a point at random, track it for a while, and then pick a new point. It's all for show.
  23. There's a pretty good chance that the mods that aren't updated will still work. Offer null and void if the mod involved is Kopernicus.
  24. If you take a caveman baby and bring it to 2019 and raise it it could learn the square cube law. The same cannot be said of a dog.
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