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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Possibly nothing, other than using a nuclear engine. What was your burn dV? Insertion burns at Moho can get up over 3km/s. If your nuke only gets you 2m/s2 then it's going to take 30 minutes or so to do that. Ideally you want to do one of two things when going to Moho. Bring more beef. You want the insertion burn to be less than 5 minutes, so you want at least 10m/s2 of thrust. I prefer maybe twice that. Do most of your burn in Sun orbit. There's no real time limit here, so instead of using the calculator, go to Moho like you'd rendezvous with a ship: Burn to transfer to Moho's ORBIT, not Moho itself. Then at your Pe (where you meet Moho's orbit, where Moho is somewhere else around the Sun) burn (with a maneuver node so you know you're doing it right before you burn) your orbit down until on the next pass, you enter Moho's SOI. This will do some (and hopefully most) of your burning when time doesn't really matter. If you spend 2000m/s getting your encounter, you'll only need about 1000 at Moho itself, meaning your 2m/s burn will "only" take 10 minutes. I actually tend to do both of these things. One thing to keep in mind: Moho is HARD. It's not Eve HARD, and may not even be Tylo HARD, but it's HARD. Harder than any other planet to get into orbit of, for sure. So don't feel bad it's taking a few tries.
  2. ...to expect the developers to even read a post with such a click-bait title.
  3. When it's closer to 99 in a hundred and they are vocal and can affect your sales? Sure.
  4. Ah that's how much your tracking station upgrades affect signal strength.
  5. Could you post a screnshot? I see nothing in the stock config labeled "REP force." I also don't see one labeled antenna signal strength, though there is one named "Range Modifier" Are you using mods?
  6. After about 30 minutes getting chat working (Did you know that all consoles flat out disable cross-chat? I do. Now. But there's an xbox live app for windows that allows for chatting that way. I doubt it'd work across 3 platforms but it did the trick for me) I had an absolute blast for 3+ hours in CAR BALL. It's likely going to be my Friday Night Default Thing To Do (TM) for the foreseeable future.
  7. I'd be very curious the difference between your save right before and right after doing that debug menu upgrade.
  8. Then I wholly recommend PreciseNode and Kerbal Engineer. The stock maneuver node editor does a pretty good job these days, but PN has them beat on ejection information for sure.
  9. The area of the save you're looking for is "MissionParamsFacilities". here's a fully upgraded one. MissionParamsFacilities { facilityLevelAdmin = 3 facilityLevelAC = 3 facilityLevelLaunchpad = 3 facilityLevelMC = 3 facilityLevelRD = 3 facilityLevelRunway = 3 facilityLevelSPH = 3 facilityLevelTS = 3 facilityLevelVAB = 3 } If your save is very old, IIRC it used to go from 0 to 1 and now it goes 1, 2, 3. maybe you got some weird number in there like 2.5 or something.
  10. I'll toss my own rendezvous and docking tutorial out there.
  11. Assuming you want help, post a few of the craft files in the help section. Maybe you're doing something specific that someone can point out.
  12. Another trick is to hack something into low Duna orbit. It can be anything that can make a maneuver node, like a simple antenna+solar probe. Make a maneuver node with that probe, and then make your Ike ship's maneuver node so it makes a trajectory as parallel as possible to the probe's. If you target the probe with your ship, you'll see its maneuver node. Timing is important. You want to time leaving Ike when it is heading as close to the probe's ejection direction as possible, and when your ship is also heading in that same direction around Ike. That way, Ike is throwing you that way and you're getting a further boost from your orbital speed. These are more important than getting the transfer window right, but you still want to be as close to it as possible. After you have the maneuver node set correctly, delete the probe. Consider its cost to be the fee you paid the consultant to get that trajectory
  13. Me too. I'm specifically past wanting a thread dedicated to hyping out about it.
  14. That's like saying "even going as slow as 20 m/s my craft still crash instead of dock" 200 parts is and has always been a lot. Doable, sure, but not at 60fps with all the settings up and tons of mods.
  15. Considering that out of all the people on the forum and in this very thread, not one has thought/bothered to - I don't know - post a hype train thread... I think you have your answer. Though for me personally it's not that the update doesn't deserve a hype thread so much as we're a bit past all that by now.
  16. Music is something that doesn't interest me at all. I tend to turn off the music in KSP (and many games) and either listen to my own or none. I'll buy pretty much any actual content DLC for KSP but not that kind of stuff.
  17. Maybe you'll get lucky and the DLC for 1.12 will be "A Real Hard Turn" and will include stock versions of those.
  18. I like this idea. Also doing their contracts could affect this. Rep per manufacturer?
  19. Have you used the stock implementation? I'm just wondering because it's not been released yet. But from what I hear the ui is totally different, and that is enough for me.
  20. Like ksp, the base game is pretty solid. You can easily play it for hundreds of hours and then pick and choose a couple DLCs bases on what you enjoy. I personally got the transportation one because that's my favorite part, and skipped the rest.
  21. Stock was announced complete over 4 years ago. And it matters because without income the developers will quit, to do paid work that will feed them and their families. Correct. You are not supposed to expect free work of any kind after agreeing to pay for a certain amount of past work.
  22. Literally I must say I'm more than excited for all the little things like probes all tucked in when in fairings, then unfurling once in space.
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