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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I can think of two very viable reasons: 1) you're insane. 2) the plot needed it.
  2. Is there a trick to getting more than one wing section per blade? One wing section is solid. Two and the craft shakes violently until 2-4 of the outer sections break, and then it calms down but is then unflyable. Also HOLY COW MY LAPTOP IS BURNING. Like, almost too hot to touch.
  3. I've been having some luck clipping radial-mounted cubic octagonal struts into the bottom rotor, and mounting the top rotor on those. I've also been having helicopters shake themselves apart, so YMMV.
  4. Haha I just came here to ask that. I feel like that science dog meme picture. I have all this cool stuff but I have no idea what I'm doing with it.
  5. Every time you start the game it makes new logs.
  6. Nope, though reports say they're common enough that you'll find one sooner rather than later.
  7. Are you connecting to the attachment node on the piston? To be 100% sure, hold alt so it snaps to it.
  8. Sorry for the random quote. Anybody posting on mobile will understand. I built a helicopter and is even worked though I had to throttle manually with the PAWs and couldn't steer. I opened the controller window and fiddled a bit, got nowhere, and had to stop due to RL having to take priority. I gotta tell you, the worst part about being an adult is all the adulting you have to do...
  9. Just found this in the settings.cfg CELESTIAL_BODIES_CAST_SHADOWS = False I changed it to True. Don't know what it does yet. EDIT: Sadly it doesn't do what I thought it would: Enable eclipse shadows. Oh well
  10. I'm sorry that's impossible we were told the parts could not make helicopters.
  11. Let's just say the main rule I'd break is the one about politics. I am literally not going to talk about it anymore to avoid actually breaking it
  12. Oh wow I never thought of that.my gut says no new science parts though the rest of the DLC is ok. So you can visit the places but don't analyze them or deploy science parts. Seem a good compromise?
  13. I actually recently said if I had one, I'd make men get pregnant half the time, at random. If I said why, I'd violate about 8 forum rules so I'll leave it at that.
  14. Are graphs with discontinuities even considered curves?
  15. I have 3 options under updates, and none of them even hint at disabling them.
  16. I clicked your link. Then I copied what it said and pasted it here. Then I deleted my city and state as I don't want my own personal info on the forum. Your link seems to tell you your own personal time. I don't know, it's not my link. I 100% guarantee you that they meant noon Central US/Mexico time, as that's where they live. That equates to 1pm Eastern time, which is where I live.
  17. And so it starts, when the people who don't know you can copy your game and play it outside of Steam start posting. Welcome to the forums, OM3GA. Sorry for your trouble but this has literally been happening for years. There is no practical way to keep Steam from updating and there's no practical way to update a game and not occasionally break a thing or two. For this and many reasons, you should make backups of not just your saves, but the entire game. Lucky for you, you can likely get a valid backup of your save from the folder. in Backups there are some old persistent files. Treat them like tiny fragile golden eggs that if broken will blow up your house, and save them somewhere safe, so if you DO fix your problem you'll have a way to keep playing your game. Though oddly I don't see a KSP update in Steam (I'd love to get one). What version were you on and what version did you get updated for? If I had to guess, Loading the KerbalEVA asset isn't what's wrong, it's just the last thing the game did successfully. If you post the ksp.log and output_log.txt (upload them to Dropbox or something) and post a thread in "help with modded installs" maybe someone will be able to help you. And needless to say I doubt Steam or Squad will give you a refund. Nor should you want one. You won't be able to play anymore if you don't have the game.
  18. 6:47 AM Thursday, May 30, 2019 (EDT) Time in ***REDACTED*** (I live in EST, so I can tell you it's actually 6:47am)
  19. Oh oops. I don't actually know. Add there was no link I kind of assumed it was the announcement itself. But I really clearly recall a discussion about whether or not it was really DLC even though it was free. It would be odd to have had that rampant a discussion if they never said it. I mean, Squad never said it was a fish and we didn't argue for weeks about how maybe it actually is a fish.
  20. No they did refer to it as DLC. And as a mod. Sometimes in the same sentence. It was a more confusing time back then. "Today, the Asteroid Day mod was released by KSP developers at SQUAD as an official DLC."
  21. Squad released two things they called DLC before making history: a soccer ball and Asteroid Day. However they have said they may charge for content in the future for over 6 years. If they hadn't, they wouldn't have needed the early adopter free clause.
  22. Either way you won't get the content. If they didn't charge for something they'd have closed shop or moved on to another game by now. At least this way I can play it.
  23. Sorry all I meant was if they can make the Tylo Cave that big they could make a volcano that big.
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