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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Can you narrow it down to a requirement? I downloaded the Russian localization file and ... well I don't speak Russian so I have no clue what I'm looking at. But I wonder if you compare the English file to the Russian file, we could possibly pinpoint the line causing the problem. I suspect maybe a weird character, but when I look at the file ALL of the characters look weird
  2. The same way you unlock maneuver nodes themselves: buy an upgrade to the tracking station and another to mission control.
  3. Not to be pedantic but I do not believe Squad could do that legally. They sold that right to Take Two Interactive. Now as to if TTI would do it... I don't know. Are there examples off them doing so in the past?
  4. Nicely done. I love those spindly motherships in LKO before a mission starts. So much potential! I need to go interplanetary now that Breaking Ground has given us things to find. I blame JNSQ for making Kerbin's SOI so much harder to escape from
  5. If the rocket is tall and thin with lots of torque, I've had luck spinning it like a top. it tends to either raise the capsule or engine off the ground. If the capsule comes up, hit the gas. If the engine comes up, don't hit the gas but try again, perhaps spinning backwards.
  6. McDonald's, the official burger of the Walt Disney's Star Wars Dome by SpaceX and Coca Cola
  7. True story: Gilly (and an unfortunate timing of my wanting the feature exactly when an update to the game broke all mods) is why I wrote WarpEverywhere. It's one of the few mods I never, ever go without (except when testing things in pure stock to file a bug report)
  8. I've wanted procedural parts (which appear to be a superset of what you're asking for) for years. Particularly fuel tanks and structural components. Which should also be fuel tanks if the player wants them to be. So you got my vote on those. I'd say 1.1 is not only weirdly numbered but significantly different from the other 2 points that it should go in its own thread. But I'm intrigued by it.
  9. Pfft that's what people said about the Xbox and Playstation ports. And look how those turned out.
  10. The first two should be Moon Unit Alpha and Moon Unit Zappa. And doctors Alan and Parsons should head the project. I wonder what we should call that?
  11. Then people will complain Sarbian went all pay to win.
  12. I'm not always the brightest knife in the shed but I don't know what you mean by these.
  13. I can relate regarding Eve. Jool 5s I find fun, but Eve is and always has been a slog.
  14. Why would I buy a DLC just so I could disable it? It also means any unforseen circumstance that lengthens the mission is a death sentence. I've been playing for 6 years, revert and quickload at a whim, and I still screw up every other mission or so. Scrapping each and every one of those instead of sending a rescue is removing gameplay.
  15. Here too. Though it's not half, just 2 outlets. One outlet in my (downstairs) living room is on an upstairs breaker, the other is with the kitchen outlets (instead of one of the kitchen ones).
  16. If I trip the GFI outlet in my upstairs bathroom, it takes the downstairs bathroom's light and the garage light out. Nothing else. I feel your pain.
  17. Not gonna make an Airplane reference. Nope. Not gonna do it. I'm over it.
  18. It's been a while, but does the game always show all biomes? Or does it only show ones you've gotten science from? Perhaps you've just never landed in a Great, Greater, or Lesser Flats? That, or whomever translated Minmus' biomes got lazy.
  19. I prefer this on its own. On its own, I'll use it. If it was (only) baked into MiniAVC it'd get deleted
  20. The big problem (for me) about this idea is that this isn't a game about gathering science. It's about flying rockets. The science is really just the macguffin of a reason you have to fly those rockets to different places. That's why I tend to like mods (and ideas for the stock game) that streamline the science gathering. I'm happiest when the last time I really think about science is before I've even clicked "launch." From that point on, my only goal is to get to the new places and then home. Assuming home is on the itinerary.
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