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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Someone should make this challenge. Then make a badge for it.
  2. I took the week off work for 2 reasons, because I was nearing the maximum accrued vacation days and I had a ton of little things to get done around the house. Today has so far been the most productive "do a ton of little things" day and it's not even half over. Though I think I'll quit after lunch so I can justify a margarita or three with my tacos.
  3. I vaguely recall HarvesteR saying you could mix and match some career and science (and even sandbox) settings in the header area of the sfs file so it may be possible with fiddling. But I've never tried.
  4. Unless it affects contracts or money, I can't think of any mod that I'd use in Career but not in Science Mode. And I can't think of any that are specifically designed for Science Mode instead of Career.
  5. I know I think that too sometimes. Maybe I should change it to "launches" or at least "acts." that's really what I was trying to convey, 9 individual separated missions.
  6. it is not allowed, but I don't think i ever said that it wasn't. I added a bit of a note to specify that you can only get science with Kerbals in the ships and probes are not allowed to land. All you can do with probes is control things that don't get science, land, or move Kerbals to your destinations. Basically you can take one as a relay or to scan for ore and that's it.
  7. You heard correctly though your source may have forgotten to mention, "Start tracking" is one of the buttons in the lower left of the tracking station. It's only there when you've selected an object with a ? for the icon.
  8. Open your persistent file twice. Or if your editor doesn't like this, copy it and open both copies. In one search for Valentina Kerman. In the other, Bob Kerman. Change Bob to look like Val in every way you suspect to be relevant. Load up that edited SFS and see if it worked. If it doesn't work I'm not sure what would.
  9. Very specifically speaking, I built this monstrosity: Note the engine sticking out the top, and the probe core at right angles to it. Sadly due to the way KSP calculates re-entry heating (which is still just a dark art to me) the probe core explodes on re-entry even though I set it up this way specifically to protect everything. So I could have just put the core on the normal way and gotten the same end result (4000 science points from Minmus without having to return any Kerbals home from their duties off-world). The writing is on the "front" of the ship from the engine's perspective, which means I had to do all of my burns facing backwards. Luckily, most burns were prograde or retrograde so it wasn't THAT bad, but anything more complex would have driven me insane. Agreed on this one. I remember being surprised to find the QBE was not such a beast.
  10. Nobody uses it (including me but I don't like putting them in my signature) but I like the badge for my Kerpollo challenge.
  11. To answer this question, But I agree with @Geonovast the better option is the newer mod.
  12. Okay so this is a super nitpick and I understand the reasoning behind everything, but it bothers me that where it says "OCTO" on the Octo, or any other probe name on that probe core, is not the front of the probe. That's actually the back. So, if you intend to use a probe core as a rover, or side-mount it on a ship and still control the ship correctly, you must make sure the name is facing the back of the ship so the blank part of the probe core - the actual front - is pointing the correct direction. I'm bringing this up here because I simply cannot make myself post a bug report for it. I actually started one and just deleted it, it seemed so pedantic. But it drives me up the wall. Or more likely down the wall because I'll probably mount the probe core incorrectly.
  13. I did get that you were jokingly boasting and was riffing on it, but if there was more to it than that then no, I did not. I tend to be at least a bit outside the loop. Incidentally, I also don't know what "Tant pis" means though it sounds vaguely French.
  14. The new deployable science things count as a single craft even though they're placed separately and not physically attached. I'm hopeful they use this in the future for other craft.
  15. Well sure if you're coming in to Kerbin at orbital velocities in the stock game. Just try that at Eve or coming home from Jool with no fuel.
  16. Just jettison it after the chutes fully deploy. If you still hit it after that, you were going to crash anyway.
  17. They are excruciatingly rare and tiny ground scatter introduced in Breaking Ground. in 1.7.1 they are all but impossible to find. In 1.7.2 Squad made them a bit more common. I have not yet found one without cheating. If you hit alt-f12 you can turn on ROC Finder. It puts a little red arrow on the screen in flight and map mode pointing at the new anomalies/scatter rocks. Don't expect to actually SEE the darn things until you're almost standing on top of them, though. For the vast bulk of your approach it will look as if the arrow is pointing at nothing. That is, if you can find an arrow at all even zoomed out rotating around your ship slowly enough to spot one. Yes. They're that rare.
  18. I would assume it was before even reaching space, or at least on return from an early space venture (though re-entry was a lot less dangerous back then) but the first I remember is actually the first of my many failed Mun landings before actually getting it right.
  19. You will not touch Up. Any movie that can tell one of the best yet most heartbreaking romances of all time in almost still shots as a prologue to the actual movie can make a flub or two on... well... anything else. (But I totally agree and thought the same thing while watching) (Core is worse though, because it pretended to be realistic, and that asteroid movie sounds ghastly)
  20. Your timing is impeccable. My girlfriend and I are on the very cusp of joining Planet Fitness ($10 US a month as well as $40 a year. No clue what that's about but hey) and starting a 3-day-a-week routine. We've been eating *mostly* well for the bulk of the year and are hoping the exercise will only help. Neither of us are super out of shape, but we've let ourselves go for the past couple years and pretty much any heavy physical activity exhausts us.
  21. I still have hope that they'll revisit some of the old stalwart things that have been around for years. A career and science rewrite would be awesome, as in throw away the entire way contracts work and replace it with... something. There have been novels written on ideas so I won't rehash anything here. And if science was tossed and replaced with something either a little more involved (as in you can't just toss all your science doodads on your ship and go) or a little less involved (as in just having the science doodads automatically collected science so you didn't have to click on things over and over during a flyby) would be welcome. More generally, I hope they keep up what they've been doing, with a new major version every ... what is it 4 months? 3? and then new DLC every year. I never ever would have expected robotics DLC, so I'll hold off on any predictions, but if they released a DLC that added in-situ construction and perhaps colonization and along with it a stock change to how things run on-rails (as in, they actually run on-rails and don't either just ignore that they're on rails or catch up to real time when they come into focus) then I'd be a very happy customer.
  22. If so, then the obvious reason why it's better with a ground base and orbital station is, you can't make innumerable multiple trips when you drop stuff off your ship.
  23. This one is ALMOST in the game. All they really would need to add is "autostrut to the next thing I click on"
  24. Let's see, you forgot the batteries on your Munar orbiter. You're already making craft like mine. Welcome to the forums!
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