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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Can you hop on and off in the same save? Like, play several hours offline, then go online and "sync up or whatever, and then play several hours online for the "fun" stuff, then go back offline etc? I don't see why you'd need to be online while traveling across the galaxy, for example. Or mining or whatever.
  2. @SiriusRocketry @LordFerret or anybody else, I'm looking at Elite Dangerous on Steam and it's like $7 right now, but has about 10 DLC packs that make me cringe a bit. What DLC would you consider really important and is the game worth it if you never interact with others online, or even play while connected to the Internet? Is the base game fine on its own or is all that DLC really all that necessary?
  3. I've not tried it but the Simplex Tech Tree allows for (but does not require) probes first.
  4. There's no way they hid a body in that mannequin. Not with a perfectly serviceable trunk that can hold like 6-8.
  5. BAM For those curious, all I needed to do was download a map of Kerbin, flip it horizontally so it was backwards from what it really is (for reasons that are mathy and I don't understand), then Filters->Polar Coordinates in Gimp. Then some quick resizing etc. It would probably look better rotated 90 degrees so KSC was directly south but you can do that part Okay I lied I wanted to see it and it's much better in my eyes like this. Again, click for larger version.
  6. As the original author of a mod that specifically circumvented the entire action group paradigm due to the fact that I kept forgetting to assign them in the VAB (and didn't like the mods that allowed assigning them in flight) this is as useful as mentioning after jumping out of the plane that I could have put on a parachute. Also, it's super clunky and prone to forgetting SOME wheels but not all of them. Just having a key (combo) is far better.
  7. I hate to tell you but we can quit from anywhere too. I'd love it if there was a way to turn brakes on full without clicking. Alt-B? Does that do anything? Can't do shift-B that would be like doing a burnout or something
  8. If they implemented the two (tiny) mods I still maintain (sporadically) I'd be elated. Less work for me.
  9. That's one thing I loved about Stargate. HAMMOND Just tell me the minute we can send a probe through. SILER That'll be 24 hours General, minimum. TEAL'C Captain Carter and Colonel O'Neill do not have that long. HAMMOND I'll give you half that. SILER No Sir, it doesn't work that way. 24 hours is the best I can do. HAMMOND Then you'd better get back to it. SILER Yes Sir! Come on, let's go.
  10. Pfft. Haven't you heard of reversing the polarity? It works on everything. I reverse the polarity of my toaster to unburn my toast every morning. It's extra work, sure, but it beats buying a new toaster.
  11. In my experience things don't get "not used because they're not widely known" but instead are "not widely known because they're not used." And they're not used because they don't work.
  12. Ship building doesn't work the way you think it works. Every part attaches to the ship by one other part, so you can draw a route back to the very first part you placed. No matter what you do (other than picking it up and attaching it to another part) that part is dependent on the part you attached it to. If you pick up or delete that "parent" part, or any other part up the chain, it will take the "child" part with it. What seems to be happening is you're trying to delete the parent without also removing the children. The solution is to rewire your brain. I had to do it years ago when I found out what you're finding out now The solution in this case is... you can't. The decouplers must attach to SOMETHING. I'd not pick those micro blocks (I'd use a girder I think) but you can't have them just floating in space not attached to anything.
  13. Do you use OBS? You can record AND stream at the same time in the settings, or by just clicking both buttons in the main window. If not, there is an option somewhere on Twitch to download your videos. Or at least there was. I've not used it in years, since setting up my account, before I knew the OBS option. Also there are hacks of various sorts to download videos that you can install as browser extensions.
  14. In my headcanon this is now the name of the morning TV show that's on in the astronaut complex when everybody shows up each day. Nobody really likes the show but Jeb thinks the female host is hot.
  15. I like the idea in general. I'm in the never-minded-the-old-skins camp, just on the border of the missing-the-old-skins camp. The more skins the better. Until you start having memory issues, of course. Is there a reason we can't have every FL-T* skin available to every FL-T* part? With or without stretching and panning, as chosen by the player? This would cause near duplicates (esp in the smaller parts of sets), freeing up space for more whimsical skins. I like the idea of skins being available on a per-tier basis of the VAB. It's a far better upgrade option than number of parts on a craft
  16. All I can see is the "Register" link in the upper right
  17. EVA reports and Gravioli data are the only stock science that you can get in biomes from above ground. You're not seeing that on other experiments because they don't exist. The person who told you that they do was wrong, or at least misguided because of the two exceptions.
  18. There is no Duna-Jool value on the map so you'll have to get that yourself. But you can pretty easily do that with maneuver nodes if you have something orbiting Duna. Just draw it out in an ideal ejection until your projected path nears Jool, and then at that projected path draw a circle out to match your Sun orbit to Jool's. Those two burns will be enough (more than actually as you're not seeing any Oberth effects at Jool's orbit) to orbit Jool. Once in orbit of Jool all the Jool numbers will be fine. Also, you could gravity assist at Laythe or Tylo if you normally do that from Kerbin, and it'll actually be MORE effective. IIRC someone made a full-on every-planet set of maps, but I haven't seen one in years. Like, 4 of them.
  19. I just double checked and it's nightingale's Patreon page. It says his name in several places and the word "linux" doesn't even appear on it.
  20. Do they work when you click them? Or touch them as it appears you're on mobile? Those are the links to the unread threads, search, and general (hamburger) menu. On my phone they show up fine so maybe it's your cache. No clue how you'd clear it but I suggest doing just that.
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