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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You liked Just Cause 3, and seem to not mind older games, so I'll suggest Just Cause 2. I found the story better (and the acting worse - which is a good thing) in 2 though you'll miss the wingsuit for sure. The parachute's a bit better in 2 (they nerfed it to make the wingsuit more of an upgrade). In a similar vein I bet you'd like Saints Row 3 and maybe 4. SR 3 is some of the goofiest stuff in gaming.
  2. Back when I cared, I coded 10-iteration backups into the act of starting KSP. It got too much of a pain for each new save, and I was too lazy to generalize it for all saves. These days I just accept that if a save gets corrupted, it's time to End Of Life it and start a new save.
  3. Drifting INTO the Sun? Jeez I hope not. They don't sell that SPF at the local drug store.
  4. If they'd let us (I've not asked) I'd love to widen my driveway to park both cars in it. My girlfriend though would probably nix that before I could even ask the HOA. As it would eat up about half of our postage-stamp of a lawn.
  5. There is no arguing. It's on the agreement I signed when I bought the house. I agreed that it was reasonable (and still think it is). And note, my complaint isn't that they're making me do it. It's that I was going to do it anyway and now it looks like they made me.
  6. 2 lanes, and there are like 10 houses that use that street so the chances of two cars going different directions are basically nil. Parking in lawns is more forbidden than streets, though I'd happily pay to pave my lawn if it meant I could park both cars side by side on it.
  7. Just today, in my no revert save, I forgot to check the first stage's atmo twr (it was less than 1) and when I hit the spacebar not only did the ensuing explosion destroy the rocket and the launch pad, but my best pilot and a scientist who was going to pay a lot to bring him home after the mission. I had to take a bail out grant to fix the launch pad and had negative rep for the first time ever. Very fun.
  8. I've lived in my condo for a year, and we're not really supposed to park on the street and instead use our garage to park, or driveway. For this whole year, while renovating several rooms, I've used the garage as a workshop and storage bin for garbage, so have been parking one car in the driveway and one in the street. Until a couple weeks ago, when we finished the last room (yay!) and I can finally organize, trash, or at least shove somewhere all the floatsam of construction. And I just got a letter from the HOA warning me to stop parking on the street. Now they're going to think I did it because of them.
  9. Haha no if you must know, it is actually a header on the SimpleRockets2 website that spurned that one.
  10. Very nice! Looking forward to watching this grow as a project.
  11. Whenever someone says any of the following: Kerbol Crafts Kerbins Kermans Underneathies (Oh wait that's Factorio)
  12. I compared the 1.3 one from my 1.2 one. The only difference is mine attributes Snark for the antenna range data while the 1.3 one attributes the Wiki, and Keostationary is listed as Mm instead of Km. So nothing actually changed. Now I'm curious. Anybody have an earlier one to see any differences?
  13. My link is to this picture, spoilered for screen real estate. It actually says it's for 1.2 but I still don't think there were any changes between it and 1.0. IIRC the only reason I changed is because this one has extra data my old one didn't like times and totals.
  14. I've been using the same map since 1.0 I think. What changed? I know of no changes.
  15. I tend to design my one shot missions with tight fuel budgets and leave the landing gear on the surface or drop it shortly after liftoff. But I also frequently have shuttles and fuel tugs that stay in orbit or landed until they are needed for something, and those are by design and necessity SSTO. And SSTL. As SSTO sites not actually mean "never stage at all anymore" but we all know that. So anyway, I'd have to answer "both" but that's not an option so I will abstain.
  16. If your satellites are small enough and you own Making History, I've had luck attaching then to engine plates which themselves are under a huge fairing. If you don't have MH, you can still do it with creative use of other structural parts.
  17. I'm not saying it'd break anything in the program, or even be hard to code. I'm saying it would violate a seemingly intentional design decision by Squad. I'm personally all for it, though I think there should be a single tank in the entire game.
  18. I can't see this being implemented seeing as you can't store different things in any tanks, seemingly by design. By different things, I mean that you can't store monoprop in a fuel tank, or fuel in an ore tank. So allowing you to store water an an ore tank breaks the (seemingly intentional) design choice by the devs.
  19. It's fantastic. It shares the top 10 all-time favorite list with KSP. May even be top 5. If you like math and efficiency and automation and optimization, give it a look.
  20. While I can't disagree with that statement, I would like to add that they don't have to. Another of my favorite games, Factorio, has several achievements that encourage a player outside their comfort zone. And one, whose name would probably be filtered here but has "Lazy" on the name, is actually the reason I played it for hundreds of hours instead of dozens. It got me to try a methodology that I didn't think I'd take to, that became the only way I wanted to play the game.
  21. Random and possibly bad attempt.
  22. I'll meet you halfway here. "Kriver kwith a kname knot karting kith R"
  23. I've never used it to like save anybody. But I have put them on ships. Not recently though, and not for its intended purpose. Mostly I put it on when it looks nice.
  24. Yup. https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Kerbal-Space-Program/achievements
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