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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I have thought science was too easy to get in the game since they added biomes to Mun. There is a perfectly usable mode for those who don't want to leave Kerbin's SOI or even Kerbin itself, and you don't even need to unlock anything.
  2. The stream was fun and I achieved my goal of a land and return from the moon. Only took 3 tries. Well 4 if you count when I accidentally staged in the middle of ascent off of Kerbin whatever SR2's home planet is called. It feels like everything is roughly Kerbin sized. I was wrong about the planets though there are only 3 other planets and they don't seem to have any moons, though there also appear to be asteroids or *something* also orbiting the sun.
  3. I'm dusting the cobwebs off of my Twitch page (I haven't even logged into it since I did the Ultimate Challenge in June. Of 2016) to hopefully start streaming this at 5pm Eastern. I have a hard end time of 7:30pm Eastern and hope to at least do a land-and-return mission to the moon. I think this will link to my page.
  4. The thought of trusting a 3rd party website to keep anything of importance for me makes me visibly shiver. Write it locally, then copy/paste.
  5. Correct, but you cannot take a 3rd crew report and process it in the lab again for more science. I'm not sure but I think you can't even take it to another lab. Oh. Never mind then. So as soon as you get a lab you can unlock the entire tech tree from the launch pad. I never thought it could get worse than it was with just double dipping but there it is. Worse than I thought.
  6. So it was like $13 so I pulled the trigger, and I'm glad I did. It's rough. REALLY rough. Rougher than any EA game I've ever played. But it's got that same kernel of awesome that KSP had way back when. Notable things: The game loads FAST. Like, really fast. Before KSP has the Private Division logo up, SR2 is ready to play. Granted that's part of it being so basic but still, it's a nice, fresh difference. There is no navball. There's this HUD-type thingy around your ship. It's confusing but I don't think it's any more confusing to me now than the navball was way back when. That hud is actually a control interface. You can drag things around to orient your ship, and even click the prograde or retrograde markers on it to hold them. Remember years ago when KSPs SAS was too vigorous and would overshoot the prograde marker when you tried to hold prograde? SR2's does the same thing but on eveything. Want to move 5 degrees? It will move 8, then 4 back, then 1.5 back, then finally settle on the correct angle. Maneuver nodes are... well let's say they're rough. The entire interface is a little too floaty. You know how annoying it is in KSP on the main start-up menu when you click an option and the menu slides off, then a new one comes in and slows down making it hard to click what you want? Pretty much everything in SR2 does that, from maneuver nodes to map views to the "VAB". There is a whole solar system, roughly as many plants as KSP has. I've only looked at 2 of the planets (the home planet and the furthest gas giant) and a single moon (Luna, the home planet's moon) so can't comment on anything else, other than it looks to be about the same size as Kerbin's system. The Sun is very small in the sky, for those of you who hate Kerbin's huge Sun. There are patched conics but as far as I can tell there is only one mode and it's not my preferred mode. Hopefully that's in the works. There is 1 fuel tank. In the entire game. (cue Hallelujah music) There are multiple engines. 3 rocket engines and an RCS port. Most every (or possibly every, I didn't dig deep enough into it in the 90 minutes I toyed around) ship part in the "VAB" is procedural and the interface is very intuitive. It's one of the glimmers of brilliance in the game and why I'm happy with my purchase. You can fly with the keyboard but the game stresses you use the HUD-type thingy. Yes, I will continue to call it the HUD-type thingy. Mostly because - like the home planet - I don't remember its actual name. Okay I'm sure there are dozens more but I'm getting tired of typing and really, I only spent an hour and a half in the game.
  7. Actually I think I may have previously answered your title question, and not your actual question (oops!) It may be as simple as putting your flag back into the correct folder. Especially if you used a custom flag. Wherever the persistent file says it goes (it'll read something like Myfiles/flags/mycoolflag) Assuming you're awesome enough to have named your flag the above, you'll just have to make sure you create the folders off of gamedata "Myfiles/flags/" and then within it put your file named "mycoolflag.png" (or whatever extension)
  8. Not in the game, but if you edit the persistent.sfs and search for the craft name, then for each part there is a flag attribute. It's the path (from Gamedata) where the image file is, without the extension. It's a pain to do, sadly, and easy to accidentally go on and change the flags on another vessel if you don't watch line numbers. But it's at least fairly straightforward.
  9. No demo Oh well it's only $13 bucks maybe I'll just buy it tomorrow. I've spent that much for less to do on a weekend day.
  10. Others may have had some ideas on this subject before.
  11. You have to do something manually to get a lot of things in the game to work. You just draw the line on the far side of specifying structural points. editing to add: I like strutting. I always have. It's an art form to find the specific piece that needs to be strutted so you don't have to strut 10 other pieces. That is less important now that struts don't add to part count or drag, but it's still important. Realism arguments aside, I wouldn't use KJR because it would take that away from me.
  12. Aww I was hoping this was an aid in coming in low and horizontal over the ground at 2km/s and skimming your way to a stop like a pro. Still, very cool mod. I used something similar (whose name escapes me) back in the dark days when using every finger on both hands - most on 2 or more keys - wasn't second nature. Really, does anybody else find it weird that we frequently do things on strict time limits with deadly consequences, with about 20 keys AND the mouse? No wonder people need this mod.
  13. Zombo Com! Not as funny today, but back when everybody had cheesy flash animations while their page loads it was hi-larioius. Wikipedia says it appeared in 1999 and that matches when I remember seeing it.
  14. Do you happen to have a joystick plugged into your computer? We've seen often that causing problems like this.
  15. Back up your current version and then you can decide for yourself if you want to update by doing it. As to what has been updated... A lot. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history
  16. No. I don't know of a tool that can do that in the game, but I've never felt the need, really, to try something like that.
  17. Another difference, Astrogator gives you one option while TWP shows you a porkchop plot. Mechjeb and KAC I believe give you multiple options but only one choice per transfer window (the "best" one, i.e. the same one Astrogator gives but also future ones that Astrogator won't show you until you're passed the current one) As above, all these changes are either good or bad depending on your personal preferences. If you don't understand transfer windows, the porkchop plot may just confuse you. Or it may help you learn. Or it maydo both If you don't care about future windows and just want to get there and are happy with your personal understanding of the mechanics, though - 3 things that I am in almost every case - then Astrogator is the one for you.
  18. This is a known bug that is presumably going to be fixed. I may need more information for this one. The indicator only shows up on the navball. If the thing you've targeted is a ship, it will have a little green box around it if it's close enough, and if it's even closer that box will say how many meters away it is. If you have both of these, that's all you get. If you're missing the green one, how close to your target are you?
  19. Not going to wreck you, but I hear similar complaints about other games I also think are astounding, and must confess I never understand why someone continues to play a game that is - as they describe it - bad. When I play a game that I think is bad, I stop playing it. And I surely don't hang around its forums.
  20. I didn't have the game on Steam for years, and for the years since I got it on Steam as well, I've played the actual Steam version for 8 hours. About half of that was beta testing, and the other half was testing my missions. I would guess I've played at least 2000 hours all told, but that could easily be off by 1000 in the positive direction, or ... well I don't think much in the negative direction if any chance at all. No, I think 2000 is a lowball estimate.
  21. Generally people don't call themselves names.
  22. This would be wonderful. In fact, it's what I first thought we were getting when they announced a mission planner years ago.
  23. I've used this map for years, I think since 1.0 came out. It includes a lot more, but does include what you want.
  24. Drilling is not science, it's a way to get fuel from other planets and asteroids. It's a pretty complicated subject, actually, so Instead of detailing it I'll point you to a couple relevant Wiki pages: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Resource_harvester https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Ore https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Convert-O-Tron_250 https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/M700_Survey_Scanner
  25. No, but my guess is LKO's better for the ship but Mun's probably better overall, considering you have to get the fuel from Mun (or Minmus) orbit down to LKO. I don't really run numbers
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