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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. That mod is (apparently) unnecessary now as there an option to permanently stable dev mode in Rimworld now. I say apparently because I've never selected that option and never will, because I both find utility in dev mode and can avoid using it to cheat (and can say the same for the KSP alt f12 menu)
  2. A bit of history, that's exactly how news used to happen here years ago. People would find stuff someone from Squad had said on Reddit or Twitter or whatever, and post it here. It really sucked.
  3. We have a chat? I'm not kidding. I did not know there was a chat.
  4. I know of the game, but not enough about it to really have an opinion. I likely won't ever play it simply due to the sheer volume of games that I actively want to play but don't have time for. I simply don't have time to try every game that people say is amazing.
  5. Hey I did *two* crewed landings on Minmus! Neither actually RETURNED from Minmus but still...
  6. I'd love to see a screenshot. Sounds like you're leaving Kerbin backwards in relation to the sun. Try setting up your maneuver node (you're using maneuver nodes, correct? If not, you should. They let you see what a burn will do before doing it) on the other side of the orbit. To go to Duna, you want to burn just a bit after the sun sets behind you in your orbit. Give or take depending on how high up you're orbiting. EDIT: Note also that this is only one part of transferring to another planet. There is a lot more to it than just going in the right direction; you also must leave at the right time, so Duna is where you'll be when you're out near it's orbit.
  7. Is there an option where 90% of the replies aren't complaints about graphics, joysticks, or lack of console updates?
  8. Like so many others it's been a LONG time since I saw it but I vaguely recall having the impression that perhaps the aliens didn't even consider the possibility that nobody would believe her. In the book, there was no camera footage. They told her about an artifact of the universe's creation in the digits of Pi where if you used base whatever and ran out to digit whatever and put the digits in rows of however many wide there was a string of 0's and 1's that drew a circle inside a box. And in the book they looked for it and found it IIRC.
  9. I've called him Benedict Cummerbund. I didn't know it was a "thing" though.
  10. Westward. Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The big problem of course being that northwest of KSC is where all the water is, which will make roving a bit problematic.
  11. Yeah the grype train is 3 platforms over. It leaves once a week on Fridays. THIS IS THE HYPE TRAIN! Okay. It's been a while and I'm out of practice. Ahem. Mememememememe. I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit. And on the slitted sheet I sit. Okay I think I'm ready. OMG DV READOUTS ON THE NAVBALL AND ASTEROIDS IN ATMOSPHERE AND ALL THE PRETTY NEW SKINS AND YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
  12. I know more like shallow impact amirite? Also James Cameron et al had spent a lot of money trying to figure out how to cgi water for Titanic, so it makes sense they'd sell that tech to other studios and they'd (over)use it in their movies. Disclaimer: I liked Deep Impact actually.
  13. Hm. I'd go into the persistent.sfs and look at Gilvey Kerman, and then change Olivia Kerman to look like him everywhere that appears to be some sort of location. If the planetary laboratory has a free seat that is. You may need to specify the seat number in the file but I've never done it before so I don't know how the game decides who's in which seat. But just getting her into the module may make EVA/transfer possible. Also look for Gilvey and Olivia elsewhere in the SFS. They may be listed in the ships themselves. If any of that stuff is out of sync weird things (like this) can happen.
  14. I think that's a very minor thing until you're at the ice cap though. I'd place a station about the size of a rover at various latitudes and see how many hours of light you get. I suspect it's 3 hours (+/- a little for mountains and the tallness of your base, plus whatever the game considers where sunlight comes from). I hope you have an autopilot. That's a shade over 4 1/2 hours of work.
  15. How large is "large"? I'll admit I don't build ships with room for 30 and enough fuel storage to do 8 grand tours, but I have this on Ike and on a reload it does not even shake. I didn't put it on Gilly. I will next time I load the save but you said Ike originally so that's where I landed it. EDIT: Okay I landed the same ship on Gilly and yes, it did not land happily. It kept bouncing into space. However I fixed the problem by retracting the landing gear. I've never had this problem because for the past 2-3 years I've realized that landing gear is about as necessary on Gilly as parachutes so I never used them.
  16. Kerbin is 600km in radius so you need to go 2*pi*600/4 or about 942km, or let's say 1000 for easy math and to account for deviations. You have 3 hours from sunup to sundown. To travel 1000km in 3 hours, you need to go 333km/hr or 5.55km/m or 92.5m/s. That's about 1.6 times your max speed. I don't know how much more time you get at the poles due to the sun taking longer to set, but don't think it's that much? If it gave you an entire extra hour you'd need to go 250km/hr or 4.17km/m or about 70m/s, which is still not doable. Also you'd have to drive a rover for 3 (or 4, or 5) hours non-stop without making a single mistake, or multiple quicksaves that eat into your average speed.
  17. You are not. I too have never had issues as described in this thread.
  18. I rarely feel my age, but I kept asking myself throughout reading this, "what's a roblox?" No I have to google it.
  19. I like both. Bubbles for people on the scene and boxes for radio chatter. Also, nice comic +1
  20. The single most popular planet pack (to put it lightly) of them all, Real Solar System, breaks this "rule" because in that pack, Kerbin is Earth.
  21. The problem is, you'll both be at sunrise/sunset or one of you will be observing during the day. This will make measuring anything in the sky that much harder, and stars even more so. Also, atmospheric refraction will cause issues though I don't know how bad that is offhand.
  22. This seemed a lot more impressive when I recorded it, than it does now after no less than 2 people have done Eve missions. But anyway here's my 42-parts-to-Tylo mission complete with over-explanation of how to transfer directly to Tylo from Kerbin.
  23. Random thought. Squad is currently contracted to continue development on KSP 1.x Anything else is under NDA
  24. I think you know this but to clarify, it's not "Take an EVA report" it's an actual science experiment that your EVA'd Kerbals do on the asteroid, just like how they'd manually do an experiment like the thermometer while EVA'd. Only you can't also do this experiment without an EVA'd Kerbal. These experiments are a new science experiment in every biome and for every asteroid (that you can get EVA'd during, so "flying" may be difficult).
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