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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Very much this. 3.2x is for me the perfect balance between fun and challenging. I can still do anything but I have to actually work at it. And time to orbit isn't as bad as the full 10x "realistic" resizing.
  2. Is it like a military school? Raise your hand and ask to be excused for medical reasons. Or text your teacher. I don't know how school works these days.
  3. Or the Windows way: del /s miniavc.dll ...though I have find as well (gnu ftw) so I could use that if I wanted
  4. My "stock" install is about 20 mods that are for the most part quality of life. For me QoL is: if you watched a replay of my game without the UI up, you wouldn't be able to tell (at least for sure) if I was using them. Things like RCS Build Aid, Kerbal Engineer, and Editor Extensions. A handful are visual, like Distant Object Enhancement. And a couple more fix things that I think are "wrong" in the game, like ForScience. Most any career I use has those plus the 5-10 or so mods that tailor that career to whatever I'm doing.
  5. That, sir, is neither light nor a moon.
  6. Open up c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ in Windows Explorer. Right click "Kerbal Space Program" and Copy it. Navigate to where you want it to be. (I like d:\ myself) Right click there and Paste. Go get some coffee or a sandwich. Run KSP from that folder and it's a whole new instance. It's worth it to note, this works because Squad is awesome. It won't work for 99% of the other games on Steam.
  7. The purpose of MiniAVC is not to help you decide if the mod is okay to run or not. It's so you won't bug the modder with bug reports on wrong versions. I also eviscerate every instance of it I find on my install. Erasing's too good for it. But I understand why it's there and if it keeps a modder from going insane with dumb bug reports so be it.
  8. That time I returned Bob from Jool to Kerbin on EVA because I miscounted the seats on the return ship, and then picked him up as he flew past Kerbin like he was an asteroid.
  9. And it's even literally an hour. (spoiler for screen real-estate)
  10. I agree. They could at least throw a banana in there or something I expect it's coming (a VAB, not a banana)
  11. No KSP2 is. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Inland_Kerbal_Space_Center
  12. While technically true I have found that having enough ore tanks to store 6 hours of drilling is a very good thing, as the simulation of drilling when you're not focused on the craft goes in 6-hour increments. If you've not got the space, you don't do the drilling and your ship will therefore drill a LOT less when not in focus than when it is in focus.
  13. How old is your save? What version is it from? Was it in 32 bit mode? Does this happen in a new save made in this version? It's very possible that something changed if you changed versions. If so, then I'm not sure what can be done though I bet there's a way to go into the save and mark the flags as landed manually. Most important: Did you keep a backup of your save before the problem started?
  14. Nobody's talking about it because to the best of my knowledge this is not happening to anybody. I never bother with flags so can't comment personally. When you say they're gone, are they literally not there when you load the scene or are you not seeing them in the map? I ask because you can filter them out. I do however use parachutes all the time and my parts never fly off in all directions, water involved or not. Notch does not work on KSP. Heck he doesn't even work on Minecraft anymore. As of this most recent update they have stopped doing "little updates" and are instead only updating every 3 months. I don't know if this will make things better for you but you did ask for it.
  15. They updated SR2 just last night to include rudimentary dV and TWR displays in the rocket builder. You can't see it in flight right now but I'd not be surprised if it was next. Also, the first official mod just came out and it too shows dV. The mod is called "Simple Engineer" and it's looking to try to do KER in Simple Rockets.
  16. All of the above remain unconfirmed. All of the above remain untrue. Except maybe the boulder thing but I'll remain skeptical until something is actually found.
  17. Sorry, no you can't. Just Woomerang and Dessert. I thought you could select Baikerbanur but I just tested it. Carry on
  18. I assume by "cheat" you would include "setting the launch site to Baikerbanur from the VAB"
  19. I recall once doing the opposite. I sent Jeb up in a 2-person ship to rescue someone, and at about 10km saw Bob was in the passenger seat. So I told him to EVA. He held on for a surprisingly long time.
  20. You say dying. I say matured. You don't need to develop something that's (by the developer's opinion) complete.
  21. (Mods: I was unsure if this should go in KSP Discussion or The Lounge, so I flipped a coin. If the coin was wrong, first of all it's the coin's fault and I knew that no-good coin would get me into trouble eventually, but secondly I will not mind one bit if you move this) So while installing a NEW Kerbal Space Program instance (to test Tilt'Em) I noticed I had collected quite a few installs over the years. Some are one-offs, others are the workhorse installs that I keep up to date when new versions come out. I don't know why but I thought It'd be interesting to share. Last Used Name Use 05/18/2016 KSP_105 I don't know why I kept it originally, but now I just keep it for posterity. 05/24/2017 ksp_galileo A stalled-out YouTube series. I keep it as if I'll ever return to it. 05/17/2018 ksp_kerpollo A completed YouTube series. 06/28/2018 ksp_contracts For whenever I want to use Contract Configurator. 07/04/2018 ksp_kopernicus For whenever I want to play with a planet pack. 07/19/2018 ksp_current Very poorly named, but at one time it was my main install, full mods, whatever I wanted. 08/09/2018 ksp_snarkman For my last series that I did on Imgur, the Snarkman Challenge (Caveman in the Snarkiverse) 10/08/2018 ksp_stockish Lightly modded. Nothing that changes the gameplay, just "Quality of Life" mods. 11/15/2018 ksp_actualstock Very poorly named. Only a very very few mods. 11/15/2018 ksp_tilt What started this idea. So what installs do you have, and what are their purposes?
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