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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I would assume it's lack of hubris on the dev's part. "I made this. I think it's rock solid. But I thought that before and was wrong so I've opened up the options so others can try to make it better." Considering the last fix to orbits was the single biggest bug in 1.1.2 (my opinion, yours may vary) I think this is a great idea.
  2. Also, returning from Eeloo (and Jool) is pretty easy, relatively, off-window. I often just chart the node and see what happens without even looking for a window. If I've got the fuel to do the burn (and the slowdown at Kerbin), I go for it.
  3. Perfect timing. I just got to work and can't even download it for 12 more hours, little alone play it
  4. I had a thought, reading this thread: What if "Near Kerbin" means "In a stable orbit of Kerbin" and you were never in one? When you left Minmus, did you - from low Minmus orbit - bring your Kerbin Periapsis below 70km? If so, your ship was never in Kerbin orbit with the ore. Also: I second this.
  5. I don't use Remotetech, but haven't heard that it interferes with stock resource scanning. Sorry. In a stock game that would work.
  6. I think it will happily use every stock antenna. I know for a fact it'll use the lowest tier one, the Communotron 16 because that's what I use (for everything. Ever. Period). What do you mean exactly by "that didn't help"? What exactly did you try and what did and didn't happen? Note that each world has its own data amount, so you need to make sure you have enough power to transmit the amount of data you can get from the largest world you're going to mine from, or the transmission will fail. If you can do Kerbin, I'm pretty sure you can do Tylo, and if you can do Tylo you can do Vall, Laythe, Pol, and Bop. You can test your craft by launching (or Hyperediting) it into a polar Kerbin orbit in a save where you've not scanned Kerbin yet.
  7. I've never seen one. I've needed the info before but always estimated and cobbled through. It's niche enough that I doubt you'll do better than what you have here, which seems a perfect resource for your needs. You can get some of this info from the dV maps like this one here but they only list Kerbin, Sun and Jool. It's the number between the elliptical orbit and the circular orbit. You could create your own map or ask the maintainers if they'd consider adding it. Note you can get this info from the game without too much trouble by creating a maneuver node to circularize the orbit and note how much the dV is, however that won't help you much in the VAB.
  8. Anything I'm never going to touch again must be in one of several states: Landed. I can terminate these as nothing can ever collide with them. On a trajectory that intersects ground (you can count the Sun and Jool's "ground" in this). I can terminate these as they're going to crash. On a trajectory that will leave Sun and never come back. On a trajectory that intersects atmosphere. I can terminate these as they're going to either burn up, crash (see #2 above) or land (see #1 above) On a trajectory that will (maybe even some day in the far future) intersect another Sphere of Influence. Gravity assists will eventually put the craft in states 1, 2, 3, or 4 above. Sure, I have a 1 in eleventy bajillion chance that I delete something that would - before it would have crashed or have been tossed aside - have crashed into one of my ships but I'm willing to take that risk for a nice clean map screen.
  9. There has to be some easy way to remember this...
  10. I have been playing for YEARS with KER installed and this is exactly my play style.
  11. Thanks for the recap! TIL that there is/was a Minmus monolith. And launching a rocket to a moon without any crashes in 1.1.2 isn't THAT rare...
  12. Precisenode encourages it, and boy do I sometimes wish it didn't. I'd much prefer to be able to jump forward x days or y hours instead of 10, 100, or 1000 seconds.
  13. Also, that big heavy engine keeps your craft pointing correct-side into the wind.
  14. Pfft you use the masses as given? I built a swivel scale out of stock parts and weighed each one relative to the others. Like a real rocket scientist would do. I know exactly how many runways per heartbeat squared I get out of each Mainsail-mass of fuel.
  15. I didn't want to make this something you had to download software for. If it was me, I'd use gnu tail which I've had installed on every computer I use (along with all the other gnu utils) for over a decade.
  16. This is if you don't care how long it takes (in Kerbal time) to get to Duna.: Get your Sun orbit to have a Pe at Kerbin (which it just will by virtue of leaving it) and an Ap at Duna. Just like if you were going to transfer directly. Time warp so you're in Sun's SOI. The game can get a bit wonky with markers if you're not in the same SOI as your target. Target Duna so you see encounter markers. Your ship's will be near Duna's orbit and Duna will be somewhere else. Place a maneuver node on your orbit JUST AFTER your encounter marker. Duna's marker will jump to a new location. This new location is where duna will be on the NEXT orbit. Pull on the Prograde marker. If this makes Duna go toward you, great. Keep pulling until it gets close enough to get an encounter, unless that burn will take a LOT of dV. You don't want your Sun orbit to go higher than Duna's, either. If you'd have to do that, cancel the node and make a new one and continue below. If you can't get an encounter in the above step, right click your maneuver node and click the "+" button. This will move your maneuver node one orbit into the future, and the indicator for Duna will also jump just like it did above. Repeat the previous 2 steps until you get an encounter. Not the most ideal way to do it, but it works every time for every planet (and ship) and will fix your problem.
  17. There is a log that logs pretty much everything in the game, as it happens. This log is <ksp_folder>\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (if you're using the 64 bit version. The directory is just KSP_Data if you're using the 32 bit version). One of two things is happening. Either every step is taking 10-20 times longer than normal (assuming KSP should take about a minute to load) or one step is taking 95% of the time. Knowing this could be a very important first step to solving the problem. If I were you, I'd start KSP, let it load for about a minute, and then open that file in notepad (assuming Windows). Note what the last few lines say. Maybe even copy and paste them into another Notepad window. Wait a few minutes, and then open the file again and see if it's changed or the same. If it's the same, you've probably found your culprit somewhere in those last few lines. If the text is different, search for the last line in the PREVIOUS run to see how far back it is. In Notepad, you can hit ctrl-G to see what line you're currently on (and jump to a specific line but that's not what you want right here). Keep loading the file up every minute or two until you either see that everything is slow, or it stops in one spot for a really long time. Then report that here, preferably with a link to your log file uploaded to Dropbox or somewhere.
  18. Ah. I see. You're making a joke. I have 3 main installs. "Actual" where I have my mods. "Stockish" where I only have mods that don't introduce parts, and "unmodded" which only has a few mods. So I get where you're coming from.
  19. I don't know what that means. You may need to define "patch" in this context, and why it's bad.
  20. It's really hard to get perfect, and if it's not perfect more people will complain about it being not perfect, than complain now about it being non-existent.
  21. Faktorio: Build factories that build rockets for you.
  22. Planet: Duna. The others are either lonely (Eeloo, Dres and Moho have no moons) or difficult (Eve) or impossible (Jool) or you already have a base there (Kerbin ) World: Minmus. Refueling, easy gravity well, and great height to get a nice slingshot (with full tanks) around Kerbin to other worlds.
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