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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It needs a collider but other than that I like it. If anything, it needs some sort of in-game explanation. As in, right click it and interact with it, to get a hint that there are other such things to find.
  2. This is incorrect, and I think reveals misconceptions you have about orbital mechanics. The only way you can not modify your Ap at all is to burn at it. Burning horizontally relative to the horizon has NOTHING to do with maintaining an Apoapsis. During ascent, you TEND to not raise your Apoapsis MUCH but that is a side effect of you being closer to your Apoapsis than your Periapsis, not due to you burning sideways.
  3. Have these (or will these) work for all the Easter Eggs in 1.1.3? I enjoyed doing this hunt back in the day but it was sad how many of the anomalies were buried at the time. I think it'd be a fun romp to go find them all again.
  4. I agree with this. I also like the suggested idea I've seen before of a little inset window of the node, down where the portraits would be if the portraits were in map mode. You could still drag the node around in the main screen, but then focus on your destination planet and just have a little (non-roating) maneuver node always there on the screen. That would also fix the problem where you need to burn largely in the radial or normal directions and the node stops being helpful in visualizing which way to burn by rotating. From your sig I see you use a single (and great) mod. If you could see it to double the mods you allow in your game, with PreciseNode (or its little sister Precise Maneuver Editor) you can have this functionality right now.
  5. You can (kind of) use HTML, and you will need to put your image somewhere you can link to it. I believe Imgur works. Upload it there, and then when you view the page on Imgur with your (full) image on it, right click that image and "copy image location" or (if that's not available) open it in a new tab. That new tab will contain the link to the image and not the "imgur page." By "kind of" with HTML, you can't enter it directly but you CAN write an HTML page, open it in a web browser, copy the page (not the source) and paste it into your signature. I did this for the table that is in my signature, before remaking it when I got a bit more comfortable with the wonky way the forum implements formatting. I suggest trying to make your signature using the tools provided, it'll make it much easier to modify it later. Resorting to external HTML does work, but IMO it should be a (viable) last resort If you say what you're trying to do, some of us may be able to help.
  6. Unless they do what any reasonable person would expect them to do and implement some kind of permanent version of what works right now without having to contact their servers: Offline Mode. Which incidentally has worked for every single game I've ever played on Steam, every single time I've used it. Which is quite often.
  7. This. Moho moves so fast that any deviation from perfect will be way off. It's just another reason why I don't bother with transfer planners for Moho and instead aim for the An/Dn markers.
  8. Not really, were you doing the plane change and encounter at the same time? Was your periapsis around Sun at Moho's orbit or was it well within it?
  9. None taken. Standard Oil is a great example of a company that provided an extremely popular product. If their product was not popular, they would not have been in the situation where they got dismantled by the Government.
  10. Banished, Darkest Dungeon, Invisible Inc, and Fallout 4 are all great, though Banished is (or was when I played it) a bit light on replayability. 10 hours is about all you need to play the whole thing. I've got hundreds of hours in Invisible Inc and Darkest Dungeon though (beat each multiple times and lost at both more often ) and Fallout 4 is pretty vast and easy to lose time in as well.
  11. When I went to the Tower of London, the guide asked for a series of shows of hands. "Raise your hand if you're visiting here from the Americas." "How about those of you from Europe?" "Anybody here from the United Kingdom?" "And finally, how many of you know the United Kingdom is part of Europe?" This has nothing to do with the topic at hand (but isn't political I promise!) but I found it amusing then and am reminded of it now.
  12. If you don't want your mod on CKAN restrict the license so they can't distribute it legally. You can't both allow and not allow redistribution. Of course, be prepared if you do so for an incessant parade of posts where all the people say are "CKAN?" But that's not CKAN's fault per-se. People are just rude and lazy by nature.
  13. I haven't used the Recycle Bin for years, mostly because deleting stuff at a command prompt doesn't use it. I have 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 both installed. I've not played the former for about 2 weeks (Thanks, Factorio) and only loaded the latter to make sure my mod worked in it. I blame Factorio but I'm also a little burnt out after stranding Jeb in Laythe orbit during my Grand Tour. I can fix it, but I don't feel like it. And I don't want to start anything new until I've completed it.
  14. Well said. I obviously didn't like my own choice of words (hence the aside, which I'm prone to*) and these match what I was going for. *See?
  15. A lot of companies are big. I find that those that are the biggest are that way because their customers like them and they provide a service valuable enough to use. "Cutting out the middleman" only assures 2 things: You'll make it harder on yourself, and you'll make it harder on the person the middleman was supposed to come between you and. If you need a recent example of this, the whole prerelease debacle was not fun for either side. Except those on Steam. Companies will try to make money any way they can. It doesn't matter if they're producing something, distributing something, or purchasing something. Saying middlemen will try to finagle things to their benefit is like saying the CEO of Steam breathes air. Not if you don't let it. I have never - ever - not been able to launch any game from Steam no matter the circumstance. And I am offline a LOT. And with KSP it's even better. I don't even launch it through Steam. I bought from the KSP Store back in 2013, because I wanted to support Squad and give them "more money." I know now that it was wrong* to do so, in the same way that it's wrong to drive to the local utilities and pay them in cash. Far better to use the middlemen credit card companies and mail or websites to do this job, so the utility companies can get about their business of providing me utilities. *Okay wrong is a strong term. Less efficient is more what I'm going for.
  16. I know it's more efficient from Minmus to burn back to Kerbin. From Mun, I'd not be surprised to find the Oberth savings are not worth the burn down to Kerbin from Mun. Especially when you consider Mun's big enough to get an effect from Oberth as well. You can test this without going. Make a maneuver node to go to Duna directly from Mun, the most efficient way possible. Jot that number down. Then time warp about a half a month and plot 2 maneuver nodes, one to get your Kerbin Pe low and another to eject to Duna from that Pe. Add those up. Whichever number is lower, that's your most efficient route. Note: This is for Duna, and maybe Eve. You may want to re-run the numbers for other planets as going farther sees different savings at different places.
  17. Ever since the forum move, quoting has been a pain. With a mouse it's okay, because you can highlight what you want and then sometimes "quote me" comes up and sometimes you have to click (removing the highlighting) to get "quote me" to come up and you have to click it assuming it'll quote what you just highlighted. Once you see that it WILL do that, it gets a bit better but it's still clunky. If you make the mistake of just clicking "quote" then you're in worse shape, and Heaven forbid you want to split that quote into multiple pieces to address them separately. Doubly so if the message you want to multiply-quote is on a prior page of the thread. All of these problems are on the desktop/laptop. If you're trying to do this with a phone it's far easier: You just don't bother. I have so many times started to try to quote someone in a message and then simply GAVE UP AND DIDN'T EVEN REPLY because I was on my phone.
  18. What was your Perapsis when you encountered Eve (before you started burning)? That chart assumes several things including a periapsis of 100km. In fact it doesn't assume it, it states it . You should do your 80m/s burn at Eve Periapsis to bring your Eve Apoapsis down. If you burn way away from Eve, you're going to miss out on a TON of Oberth-related savings. Also, was your Eve encounter at your Sun periapsis, or was it lower? The chart also assumes you are making a pretty spot-on Hohmann Transfer from Kerbin to Eve. However, I suspect the above to be more likely a cause, as I can't imagine coming in so cockeyed as to increase your burn requirement tenfold. I rarely do that kind of encounter. Usually when I'm going to Eve I go to Gilly, and find it's easier to just go right for a Gilly encounter.
  19. I hadn't had a chance to test it in 1.1.3 until just now (first time I loaded it, and I closed it down right after. Such is my life) and it seems fine. I updated it on Spacedock which I believe will automagically update CKAN in a few hours.
  20. They do, but we don't know if Magic Boulder ones do. And it's far easier to check a dozen Dresteroids (which all orbit Dres on its equator, IIRC) than rendezvousing with multiple Sun-orbiting asteroids.
  21. If they also spawn around Dres, it'd make it much easier to find one.
  22. In Squad's defense, 99.9% of us were 99.9% sure they were going to release 1.1.3 yesterday. Because of stuff they said.
  23. Things you can't do without leaving Kerbin (in no particular order): Gravity-assist your way into a Jool orbit with Laythe or Tylo. Do a Jool-5 mission. Do a Grand Tour. Dodge Ike on the way to Duna. Rescue some poor sod from a retrograde orbit of Sun (Actually don't do this one. If you get this contract just cancel it). Get off of Eve with a Kerbal. Land and return to orbit from Tylo. Nail a Dres encounter from LKO (okay technically you can do this one without leaving Kerbin's SOI by cancelling the flight once you get the encounter) Essentially, you're prioritizing the destination over the trip. KSP - to me - isn't really about the destination. It's about how you get there. And in Kerbin's SOI there are scant few new ways to get anywhere for me.
  24. Note that using low TWR and pointing up FEELS less efficient, but you carried less engine mass to this point so it's likely caused your rocket to be MORE efficient. If you don't care about efficiency, though*, bringing enough TWR to be comfortable is by far the best choice. I like it to never drop below 1.5 or so once I've go to that off the pad (which is usually somewhere in the 1.3 range) *Not caring about efficiency isn't a totally bad thing. There is also the efficiency of play time to consider. Do you want to spend 10 minutes fighting a low-twr ship into orbit, or 5 getting into orbit and another 5 ejecting to Jool?
  25. Back in 1.1.2 (and prior versions) a quick f5/f9 would fix this. Don't know if it still works but it's worth a shot.
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