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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Bah. That's what I get for never visiting the actual site and instead using the activity streams. I saw "My farewell to Kerbal Space Program" and thought it was just another of those "I'm leaving forever because of some reason" threads from some random person. Had I noticed it was from HarvesteR...
  2. This little guy got me into an approximate 150km/0km orbit around Kerbin. From your vid, it looks like the ship itself doesn't need to make it, just the Kerbal. So I'm assuming this is cool. I had to turn angle lock off while tweaking the launch angle. It's under 5º rotated. To launch it, you hit the spacebar (SAS OFF!) and wait for the BACC to run out. Then you wait until your angle off the horizon is about 35 degrees, turn on SAS, hit space again, and crank the aim down to the horizon. You should end up in an orbit that is about 150x0km. It has a single solar panel. I didn't test without it but suspect it isn't needed. If it is, you need to launch in the day time
  3. Holy cow this is the thread from which I learned HarvesteR was leaving. At least partially because there doesn't seem to be another one. I'm down for an Easter Egg (I'm down for more of any type of Easter Eggs) but maybe the next planet or moon added (if ever there is one) could be named Felipe?
  4. That's option 4. This poll is not concerned with if it's your business or not.
  5. I'd say answer which version you either play the most or are enjoying the most. As for me, I answered the top on both. The only real bug that's ... bugging me is the orbit one and it's not bad enough to ruin an otherwise fun game. I just make sure I'm time warping at least 5x unless I need to move the ship. Which I tended to do anyway.
  6. That's because you're signed up for it. If you go in and sign out of the Beta, you'll still have 1.1.2.
  7. As @The_Rocketeer said, there is no passive and no aggressive in this poll. Except the snark at the end about commenting on my poor options but that was more a joke on me for making them so wordy. I was curious, is all. Someone mentioned something like this in another post (that I don't have a link to. I don't even remember the thread) and I was curious how others felt on it. I suppose Squad could use this to decide in the future what to do if this similar situation occurs, but I'm not quite so high-headed as to think that would happen. My current job has the same (and has for years) but I have not taken more than a single week (sometimes with an extra day before or after that week) since my car broke down 1200 miles from home and it took a week to fix it. And that was not really planned for It HAD a prerelease tag. It lost that tag shortly before Squad went on Vacation.
  8. Hear, hear. Last time I was on a vacation that long I was making minimum wage and didn't care if they fired me for it. These days, 2 weeks of vacation is a luxury. That said, I have also never worked the kind of hours the Squad devs did. I suspect if I had, my boss would be amenable to it.
  9. My poll specifically assumes - as do I - that that was not an option. Also, when I wrote it I specifically left out "what should they have done" type things. What would YOU have done, is the question. Generally when you go on a 3-week vacation, you make plans that are difficult to change. Let's assume as that deadline approached they had 2 options. We know how we reacted to what happened. How would you have reacted in the other case?
  10. I suggest you bring a ship up there just to capture the thing into an elliptical Kerbin orbit, and have some way on that capturing ship (or send up another one with such capability) to measure it. Like, say, a little detachable ship that can target a docking port on the other ship, so you can target it, go to the other side, and see how far it is. Then, build your transport ship. By the way that's a great idea, one I've done in the past with smaller asteroids and it works pretty well. Make sure you've got struts connecting the arms together though
  11. Try to be honest here about both sides. I'm trying to determine what people would have actually preferred here. Feel free as well to comment incessantly about how much better my options could have been.
  12. Thanks. I'm pretty sure I either opened or upvoted that same bug. I don't have any expectations that they'll fix it. They seem to have added the metered thing begrudgingly. I understand their point, anything that doesn't force auto update on the 99% of their user base that doesn't understand what's going on stop them from opening support tickets due to not updating. See every mod thread in this forum for examples of that. And the 1% that DOES understand how it works isn't likely to open a dumb support ticket when it screws up their day. AND, that ticket won't take a long time to close with "Works as intended." What we need is thousands of people to open dumb tickets like "Windows did something bad." and then drag that ticket out for multiple question/answer responses until the support tech drags out of us what the actual problem is, so their metrics tell them (after years, probably) that it's affecting their bottom line. Then they'll change it. And of course that'll never happen because even as the one who proposes this, I'd never bother actually doing it.
  13. First off that looks awesome, and secondly what did I do to help that? The only thing I've done related to replacing textures on stuff was with fairings. Did you do something like that?
  14. This is untrue.Windows 10 only counts Wi-Fi as metered which, ironically, is the only time my laptop is NOT on a metered connection. Unless that's changed in the past 6 months or so.
  15. Yikes that means that if you're Spore civilization develops Kerbal Space Program, their Kevin would be 83 meters wide!
  16. Worse, they default to auto mode. Try some time to land an EVA Kerbal on Minmus and you'll see them reorient automatically when they go subirbital. Also, it's really fun to land on Minmus while on EVA.
  17. Note also that they don't orient "north", but "up". If you cycle camera modes, you can get them to aim different ways. Helpful if you're having trouble getting them to grab a ladder.
  18. Curiosity cost 2.5 billion, according to one hit I got on Google and am too lazy to vet. People here have said it'll cost 300 billion to send people to mars. Which probably means 500 at least. So the question is, can you do more with 100-200 rovers, or a single team of people? I don't actually know that one but my non-existent money's on the robots
  19. I used some imgur fu to find the pic and I still don't know what the problem is. However, it does show the signs of possibly being the "off by 180" problem.
  20. Really the only two things about Windows 10 are the fact that I have to disable the update service lest it potentially download a huge patch when I'm tethered to my cell phone, and the mere existence of whatever they call that monstrosity of a screen that has all the icons and a few ads for junk I don't want.
  21. If, like me, you think using the stupidity stat for this is... Well... Stupid, you can go into your save and edit everybody's to 0.
  22. I'm not going to bother counting the mods, but I have 18 non-Squad directories in the save I'm doing my Grand Tour (and planning my Jool-5 mission) in. My New Horizons save has 36, but that was back in... 1.0.4? I don't remember what version actually It's ironic that 64 bit has also seen me pare my mods in half - though granted several of the "New Horizons" mods are just to get New Horizons installed.
  23. You're think of this backwards, I think. It's not that the higher orbit is somehow magically creating energy, it's that the lower one is more wasteful. Both are wasteful (as thermodynamics tells us is true of everything in the universe) but the lower orbit is more so.
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