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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I own 86 games on Steam (Including KSP) and I've played... (counts) ... 41 of them. Of those, I've played 17 enough to compare to going interplanetary in KSP.
  2. Considering how Steam (and in particular sales on Steam causing people to buy games they're only mildly curious about) works, I'd guess that most of the people who bought the game haven't left Kerbin's ATMOSPHERE, little alone its SOI. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of owners haven't even played the game. Well I'd be mildly surprised at that last part. But still. (Note: This is not a commentary on KSP. I'd suspect similar is true of MOST games on Steam)
  3. No problem! Though they're not off by default in stock. Either you accidentally disabled them at some point, or maybe there was some weird mod interaction that did it.
  4. Hm, that pic isn't enough to be sure. The only things I can think are: Your ore tanks are actually full. You don't show the ship resources window so I can't tell for sure. I put it here just for completeness. Your ore tanks are disabled. They'll have little red Xs next to the slider-like bar that shows how full they are if this is the case. A mod has modified the way ore tanks work or something like that. I can't help you there. You've found a bug I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can think of right now.
  5. Is this a recent thing? I remember others complaining about it in the past. That makes me want to try a flight stick or at least a controller (which would not require a purchase) I know firsthand that "hold prograde" and similar buttons flail about the gimbaling so much that it at least appears that they do full gimbaling.
  6. Aha. So your argument isn't that gimbaling engines are inherently bad, but that Kerbal Space Program's IMPLEMENTAITON of them is bad. I'm on line with that. The two main problems with gimbaling engines is that they're far from your command pod and that they are all-or-nothing. Those two things together create the wobble you are complaining about. If you put a probe core way down at the bottom of your ship and control from there, it's not even remotely as bad.
  7. I (mistakenly) used the word to describe how the wiki was not created or sanctioned or controlled by Squad. That meaning is very specific and is not meaningless at all. So the wiki is official, but not trustworthy. This is likely the worst combination of those two possibilities there is.
  8. I have no idea why you think I don't know this. I pronounce those two words the same, and in my mind they do rhyme with "Kerbol." Only they don't sound dumb. Not quite. "Don't change it to a dumb sounding name whose only redeeming quality - which is neither redeeming nor quality - is that it starts with a K" is more like it. Okay I misspoke. It is official (I actually didn't know that; I didn't notice the url was to this here site) but that doesn't change the fact that the information within is wrong. My proof? That page itself. As was stated in the OP (and the page), the information is not in the game and there is no indication that the programmers think of the Sun as being named Kerbol.
  9. I don't do this method but I frequently target not the ideal hohmann location for Minmus but instead the AN or DN, and burn up more so my ship falls back down into that node (or reaches it more quickly on the way up) right as Minmus is wandering by. I don't think this is enough loss of efficiency to justify even thinking about, and the savings in (real-life, me-at-the-computer) time not having to warp or set up alarms in KAC or worry about mid-course corrections is well worth those "drops of fuel."
  10. Don't use Chase View, hit V one more time and use Locked View. It does what Chase View used to do. There is no pause in the game other than the full pause that escape (and mods like KAC) provides. There is a time control mod that can slow down time below 1:1 which may help you. Someone posted an update to it near the back of the thread.
  11. Nay. If you pronounce "Kerbol" with a short O it sounds too close to "Kerbal." If you pronounce it with a long O it sounds like a yearly college sports event. The Ker-Bowl! Either way you say it, it suffers from "just toss a K in front of it" syndrome. I personally really like "Sun" as the name. The wiki is not official and is very often wrong. As are many things maintained by a disparate community.
  12. I'll seriously consider any name for the Sun that doesn't start with a "K". I'll just as seriously shun anything that does. Nonsense is fine. Konsense is tired and overused. Same goes for most everything in the game.
  13. I've never been led to believe that Alshain was actually a flight director (though I suppose it's possible. That is a profession after all) but there was no doubt in my mind that the OP was asking why the Sun was named the Sun in the game even though everybody calls it Kerbol. A name that I really don't like, when it all comes down to it.
  14. I own both Bandicam and FRAPS, but use OBS because IMO it's better. As far as video editing, I've never tried Blender but am a fan of VideoPad. It's not free but compared to most video editors it's pretty cheap. I think I paid about $50 for it.
  15. Actually considering how much the Kerbals contribute to the missions, monkeys would be an improvement. Regarding Orange suited Kerbals, I'd like it if when starting a game you got to decide how many you got and their names, genders, and professions.
  16. Judging by the replies to most pony-related posts on the Internet*, many people. *This thread has so far withstood it, which I think really speaks volumes about our community.
  17. Nice work, very cool! Totally agreed on this point. Your link is already buried a page back.
  18. Cool and thanks, but you may want to rethink your non-toggle brake key, lest you have your AIRBRAKES jiggle open and closed every time you RCS thrust to slow down during docking.
  19. Sounds like either the folder is corrupted or read-only. With the SSD problems, I'd susupect corrupted. I've never dealt with an SSD, but an old HDD trick is to rename the folder and create a new one. This forces your OS to put the files in a new spot on the SSD and not just go "Oh I'll reuse this area again."
  20. I've never done it, but during play I've always thought it'd be nice to have a modulemanager config to empty those pesky tanks. I've spent so much fuel carrying useless monoprop around...
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